EuroWire May 2015
News Technology
Affordable, high-performance testing
testing where simple setup, without the need for constant operator adjustment, is desirable. Once the optimum settings have been established, a lockout mode feature can be set to prevent unauthorised changes. Defects and conditions that can be readily detected by the Minimac 55 include finding short surface and some subsurface defects such as laps, slivers and cracks in bar, wire and parts. The Minimac 55 can also check continuity and locate welds in single and multi-conductor insulated wire and cable, and, using the MID model, detect magnetic inclusions. MAC’s broad range of encircling and sector test coils is available for use with the Minimac, which can also be configured for flaw or absolute mode, depending on the application. Coil platforms, including those with DC saturation for testing magnetic material are offered.
Magnetic Analysis Corporation’s new Minimac® 55 brings high-performance eddy current testing to a broad range of production applications for wire and cable, at an affordable price. This is the first eddy current tester to offer the robust capabilities of MAC’s Multimac®, in a powerful, compact design. The Minimac 55 features MAC’s proprietary Multimac performance, in a single channel instrument, with software controls for all functions including phasing, filtering and sensitivity, all while operating at speeds over 4,000fpm. The test results are displayed in full-colour polar and linear mode showing real time, true wave form signals for easy review on a separate on-site monitor or at remote locations. The track screen depicts the test product’s length, with data on the line speed, end suppression, flaw tracking, piece count and alarm routing. Linear strip charts and complete test data, as well as an unlimited number of settings,
▲ ▲ The new Minimac® 55 from Magnetic Analysis Corporation
can be stored, annotated and recalled from a library on the internal storage device or network. When networked, multiple instruments can share the same library to ensure correct settings in multiple test lines. Setup and monitoring can be handled through a computer network, and reports with customer, product information, defect location, time, amplitude and phase, can be stored locally or on a network server for quick follow up and quality assurance.
Magnetic Analysis Corporation – USA Website :
The instrument is especially well suited for dedicated, continuous production line
May 2015
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