EuroWire March 2024

Technology News

Lap-free dies Kadimi Group is a supplier of thread rolling dies, and since 1987 has offered a range of products and services to automotive, industrial, electronic and consumer fastener manufacturers worldwide. The use of standard thread rolling dies to form the threads works well for most fastener manufacturing. However, for certain critical applications, for example in aerospace or automotive, the use of standard dies might cause minor laps in the thread form. Common causes of laps include misalignment of dies, poor quality of blanks, slippage of blanks during rolling, poor condition of the rolling machine, blank tilt during rolling, and improper die design. For such applications, Kadimi has a solution called LF dies (lap free dies), with a special controlled thread-rolling technology that yields to producing lap-free threads without compromising productivity. Conventional thread rolling dies follow a standard penetration rate or the material flows into the dies, according to the type of thread being formed. The blank during rolling will hardly resist, with the crest being formed last in the dwell region of the die, typically forming a crest fold or minor lap. In order to consistently roll lap-free fasteners, the blank material flow needs to be controlled from the start to the dwell section of the dies during the rolling process. Kadimi LF dies do not need cross-nicking for the blank traction. As a result, defects

Kadimi has developed technology to avoid laps in threaded fastener production

caused by the rolling process, such as laps and other surface discontinuities, are eliminated. Kadimi has developed dies with LF technology, having controlled material flow during rolling to generate lap-free threaded fasteners. These dies are also designed to improve the fasteners’ surface finish, strength in fatigue, and shear and tensile strength, apart from the lap-free threads. LF technology helps maintain normal production rates and machine speeds, even when rolling critical fasteners with harder materials and AHT application. Kadimi Tool Manufacturing Company (P) Ltd

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