EuroWire March 2022
The International Magazine for the Wire & Cable Industries
New DST10 Sparktester
Small in size and cost effective. Aimed at coiling, rewinding, packaging and space restricted applications.
Visit us: Hall 11/ Booth D41
Family owned since 1957, Zumbach is a global leader in the industry. Driven by innovation and experience. We are here for you and ready to build the future together. •
I t i s w i t h g r e a t p l e a s u r e t h a t I i n t r o d u c e t o y o u o u r n e w , e x c e p t i o n a l d i a m o n d d i e s .
C o n v e n t i o n a l P CD , w h i c h i s p o l y m e r i z e d u n d e r h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e a n d p r e s s u r e i s m a d e f r o m d i a m o n d a n d m e t a l p o w d e r . T h e c o a r s e r d i a m o n d p a r t i c l e s h a v e b e t t e r w e a r r e s i s t a n c e , b u t t h e y a r e e a s y t o s c r a t c h t h e w i r e ; t h e f i n e d i a m o n d p a r t i c l e s a r e l e s s d a m a g i n g t o t h e w i r e , b u t t h e a d d i t i o n o f m o r e m e t a l p o w d e r c a u s e l o w e r a b r a s i o n r e s s t a n c e .
MP D c o n s i s t s o f o n e m i c r o n d i a m o n d p o w d e r , b u t n o m e t a l p o w d e r i s a d d e d , a n d o n l y a s m a l l a m o u n t o f c a t a l y s t i s u s e d . T h e h a r d n e s s a n d w e a r r e s i s t a n c e w i l l b e s u p e r i o r t o t h e t r a d i t i o n a l P CD , t h e s u r f a c e o f t h e s t r e t c h e d w i r e i s s m o o t h a n d f i n e . I t w i l l s h o w o u t s t a n d i n g
Product No.
Recut Size Up to
Stone Size Size EC D1.8 x 0.9T 0.02~0.50 ES D2.5 x 1.5T 0.20~1.00 EB D4.0 x 2.5T 0.40~1.50 EA D4.5 x 3.1T 0.70~2.00 EM D5.0 x 4.0T 1.00~2.70
p e r f o r m a n c e f o r d r a w i n g s t r e t c h i n g s p r i n g w i r e w i t h s o l i d l u b r i c a t i o n .
T h e s u r f a c e o f t h e w i r e d r a w n w i t h n a t u r a l d i a m o n d i s s m o o t h a n d s h i n y , b u t t h e u n e v e n h a r d n e s s a n d o r i e n t a t i o n o f t h e s t o n e w i l l o f t e n c a u s e w i r e d e v i a t i o n a n d c o l o r f l i c k e r i n g a f t e r a p e r i o d o f u s e . E P D i s a n i m p r o v e d p r o d u c t a i m e d a t t h e i n h e r e n t w e a k p o i n t o f n a t u r a l d i a m o n d s . I t i s f o r m e d b y u s i n g d i a m o n d p o w d e r s m a l l e r t h a n o n e m i c r o n u n d e r h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e o v e r 2 0 0 0 ° C a n d u l t r a - h i g h p r e s s u r e . D u e t o i t s t r a n s l u c e n t , i t i s c o mm o n l y k n o w n a s d i a m o n d g l a s s . I t s h a r d n e s s c a n b e t w i c e t h a t o f n a t u r a l d i a m o n d .
T h e s u r f a c e o f t h e E P D - d r a w n w i r e i s s i m i l a r t o t h a t o f a n a t u r a l d i a m o n d . W i t h i t s f i n e p o l y c r y s t a l l i n e s t r u c t u r e a n d h i g h h a r d n e s s , t h e w h o l e s e t c a n l a s t 6 - 7 t i m e s l o n g e r t h a n n a t u r a l d i a m o n d u n d e r n o r m a l u s e . I t i s m o r e e f f e c t i v e w h e n t h e y a r e u s e d o n m u l t i - w i r e d r a w i n g m a c h i n e s .
Product No.
Recut Size Up to
Stone Size
E7 E9
D1.0 x 0.7T 0.01~0.40 D1.2 x 0.9T 0.10~0.50
0.5 0.7
E11 D1.5 x 1.1T 0.20~0.70 E15 D2.0 x 1.5T 0.40~1.00
0.85 1.15
Germany : English :
X-RAY 8000 ADVANCED Advanced quality control for power cables
• X-ray measuring system for CCV, VCV and MDCV lines • 8-point display of wall thickness and concentricity for up to three insulation layers • XLL (eXtra Long-Life) X-ray tubes without warm-up phase • Long-term operation without cleaning due to combination of ceramic and NTX (NonToxic X-ray) windows • High-Speed-Technology (HST) – 10 times faster recording of measuring data* • Fast centering of the crosshead without calibration • For maximum material and cost savings
Examination 05/2021, Analysis period: 2020, Level: CPC mainclasses,
wire Düsseldorf Booth 9A41
*compared to the X-RAY 8000 NXT
Editor ....................................................................................... David Bell
Going green through its colour solutions A sustainable and greener future is something we strive to achieve.
Editorial Assistant .......................................... Christian Bradley
Design & Production ............................................... Lisa Wright
Advertising/Marketing ........................................ Jason Smith UK, Italy, ROW, USA & Canada Linda Li 中国
And Delta Tecnic, a supplier of technology for optimising power cable colouring, is demonstrating its commitment to sustainability and environmental improvement through its colour solutions and additives with UV filters used in cable for the renewable energy industry. The growth in markets for electric vehicles, robotics, automation, solar panels and wind power has led to an increase in demand for medium- and low-voltage cables. This will further increase due to the targets set for the reduction of CO 2 emissions by 2030, and carbon neutrality by 2050. To help with this, the Spanish company is able to offer colour uniformity and high production speeds to companies that produce power cables and eliminating possible problems during dosing in new extruders, which are becoming faster and shorter in the pursuit of zero carbon emissions. You can read the full story on page 8. There is cause to celebrate for Eder Engineering, which is celebrating its 75 th anniversary this year. Founded in January 1947 by Siegfried Eder, the company started out by producing tungsten carbide drawing die tools, later including natural diamond, and then also began designing and making die processing equipment. The company, now run by the founder’s son Kurt, supplies regular customers in more than 80 countries, offering semi- and fully automatic concepts for the production and reconditioning of ultra-hard precision die tools made from tungsten carbide, natural diamond and synthetic PCD. Full story on page 13. UK-based AlloyWire International (AWI) has helped a Midlands-based charity achieve its £1mn milestone with a donation of £7,500.
Advertisement Coordinator .............................. Liz Hughes
Accounts Manager ......................................... Louise Jennings
Subscriptions ......................................... Louise Jennings
Founder .......................................................................... John C Hogg
Advertising/Marketing & Editorial Intras Ltd PO Box 6828
Warwick, CV34 9SP, UK Tel: +44 1926 334137 Fax: +44 1926 314755 Intras USA – Doug Zirkle Danbury Corporate Center 107 Mill Plain Road Danbury, CT 06811, USA Tel : +1 203 794 0444
US copies only : EuroWire (ISSN 1463-2483, USPS No: 022-738) is published six times a year, January, March, May, July, September and November by Intras Ltd and distributed in the USA by Asendia USA, 701 Ashland Ave, Folcroft PA. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to EuroWire, Intras Ltd, C/O 701 Ashland Ave, Folcroft PA 19032. This publication and its full contents of layout, text, images, and graphics is copyright protected. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any other storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s written permission. The publisher, owners, agents, printers, editors and contributors cannot be held responsible for and hereby exclude all liability whatsoever for errors, omissions or the accuracy and claims printed or inferred in the editorial or advertisements published in this, previous or subsequent editions or for any damages, costs or losses caused thereby. EuroWire reserves the right to edit, reword and subedit all editorial submissions in accordance with editorial policy. EuroWire expressed graphically or by text is a registered name and style trademark of Intras Ltd, UK. All matters relating to this Disclaimer are governed by the laws of England. EuroWire is published six times per year and incorporates the title and publishing rights only of the former series of publications known as ‘ Transfil Europe ’. EuroWire is circulated to engineers, managers and personnel in the wire, cable, fibre optic and wire product industries upon receipt of a completed subscription form. An annual subscription is available from Intras Ltd, UK, at Euros 140.00, £120.00, US$195.00.
The charity supports childrenwith physical disabilities and helps fund the purchase of mobility, sensory and vision equipment for children living within a 50-mile radius of Stourbridge in the Midlands. AWI is marking its 75 th anniversary this year and as part of its celebrations is donating money to four local charities. Turn to page 16 for the details.
David Bell Editor
Front cover courtesy of Mexichem Specialty Compounds (AlphaGary) showing their flame-retardant compound solutions For more details please call: +44 1664 882462 (UK) +1 888 540 9074 (US) AlphaGary (Mexichem Specialty Compounds) For more details please call:
All rights reserved © 2022 Intras Ltd ISSN 1463-2438
+44 1664 882446 (UK) +1 978 788 9895 (USA)
March 2022
Contents March 2022
Corporate News
Heading to Düsseldorf
Technology News
42 People
wire 2022 Preview
Delayed for a short period it may have been, but wire 2022 in Düsseldorf is firmly on the horizon for 20-24 June
A look ahead to what’s on and who’s going to be at wire 2022 from 20 to 24 June in Düsseldorf, Germany
ISSN: 2633-9706 print
ISSN: 2633-9714 online Photo by Jordan Opel , Unsplash
EF 3/53 EF 6/56 EF 9/59
Corporate News
Manufacturing Technology
Technical Article 61
Development of 576F optical cable with 200μm fibre rollable ribbon for microduct blown installation By Kohei Matsuura and Tetsuya Yasutomi, Optical Fiber Cable Production Dept, Furukawa Electric Co, Ltd, Japan
Editorial Index
Advertising Index
photo: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann
Diary dates
Next issue
4-8 April 2022 MACH
■ Wire Expo 2022
Trade exhibition Birmingham, UK Organisers: The Manufacturing Technologies Assoc
■ wire 2022 Düsseldorf In-depth company profiles of exhibitors heading to wire 2022 ■ Getting technical Traceability – why is it important?
17-20 May 2022 TOLexpo Trade exhibition Paris, France Organisers: Global-Industrie
25-28 May 2022 Lamiera Trade exhibition Milan, Italy Organisers: CEU-Centro Esposizioni Ucimu SpA 7-8 June 2022 Wire Expo Trade exhibition Dallas, Texas, USA Organisers: The Wire Association International Inc
20-24 June 2022 wire Düsseldorf Trade exhibition Düsseldorf, Germany Organisers: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
26-29 September 2022 wire China Trade exhibition Shanghai, China Organisers: Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute Co Ltd Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai Co Ltd
Subscribe today!
5-7 October 2022 wire Southeast Asia Trade exhibition Bangkok, Thailand Organisers: Messe Düsseldorf Asia
Visit us online at:
As with all shows, and with the continuing coronavirus pandemic, please check to ensure the event is going ahead
Corporate News
Delta Tecnic produces masterbatches and additives to colour electrical cables
Optimising power cables on the route to zero carbon emissions
ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) that has the capacity to improve dilution in plastic compounds, owing to its spherical shape and reduced size – characteristics that improve colour uniformity compared to traditional standard-sized granules. Delta Tecnic provides colouring for charging cables that connect vehicles to charging stations at street level, or for community or private installations of power cables to correctly charge cars in car parks. Developments in this sector will require an increase in the capacity of the medium- and low-voltage power grids in cities, given the increased energy consumption that the cables will have to support. This will have an impact on the distribution of building wire. Existing infrastructures are half a century old in Europe and the USA. The construction industry faces a major renovation and refurbishment cycle in which there will be room for modern electrical installations. Delta Tecnic collaborates with companies that need masterbatches for power cables inside buildings, and offers product ranges with different polymers (PE, EVA, PA, etc) tomeet demanding requirements. Delta Tecnic
dosing in the latest extruders on the market, which are becoming faster and shorter. In the pursuit of zero carbon emissions, renewable energies are on their way to replacing polluting energies. In 2021 the share of renewables reached a record high of nearly 47 per cent, while coal accounted for less than 2 per cent, according to data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), as wind and solar PV installed capacity increased. This is a trend that will continue in the coming years. Delta Tecnic demonstrates its commit- ment to sustainability and environ- mental improvement through its colour solutions and additives with UV filters, used in cables for the renewable energy industry, considering the protection against degradation of polymers exposed to the sun and the consequent long-term discolouration in outdoor conditions. The pigments used in their formulations meet high values for light fastness and external conditions such as temperature and humidity (weathering). For halogen-free cables used by the industry since the introduction of CPR regulations in construction, the company has a micro bead masterbatch range based on polyethylene (PE) and
Delta Tecnic is a supplier of technology for optimising power cable colouring. The company collaborates with major players on the development of renewable energies, the electric car and the increasingly important medium- and low- voltage grids in built-up areas through a complete range of masterbatches. Cables for power transmission are generally designed to withstand specific conditions in electrical distribution and must therefore meet high quality, safety and performance specifications. The growth of markets such as electric vehicles, robotics, automation, solar panels and wind power installations has led to an increase in demand for medium- and low-voltage cables. This demand will increase due to the targets set for CO 2 emission reduction by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2050. Delta Tecnic produces colour master- batches and additives that are used to colour all of these electrical cables, using a series of pigments that are selected and tested to ensure they do not affect the cables’ dielectric properties. By carefully selecting these raw materials, Delta Tecnic is able to offer colour uniformity and high production speed to companies that produce power cables, owing to the regularity in the colour grain size, and eliminating possible problems during
March 2022
NIEHOFF Double Twist D 632 with double benefit: High energy efficiency and intuitive control.
In our latest double twist bunching machine model we incorporated more than 60 years of NIEHOFF experience. Your double benefit: During the development of the D 632 we focused on energy efficiency and user-friendliness. You can save more energy with the new D 632 since we use the energy-class IE3 “premium efficiency” energy-saving rotor drive combined with the NIEHOFF ECO-Bow. And our new NMI (NIEHOFF Machine Interface) enables a simplified and intuitive handling – machine operation made easy. More benefits: this machine allows stepless adjustment of the winding tension as well as its control along the entire spool filling. Thus, you can meet the highest quality requirements while saving copper at the same time! On top of that you profit from a trouble-free paying-off in the subsequent operation – even at high speed. Our solution is the NBAT system – our patented optoelectronic NIEHOFF Bunching Automatic Traverse System. You get perfectly filled spools for fast and easy downstream processing. NIEHOFF combines outstanding expertise along your entire value chain with customer proximity and reliable service, for the entire lifecycle of your investment. It is just this combination that will make the difference, so you can concentrate on what is most important to you: your decisive competitive advantage.
Convincing Quality
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Expertise, Customer Driven, Service – in Good Hands with NIEHOFF
Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF GmbH & Co. KG Walter-Niehoff-Strasse 2, 91126 Schwabach, Germany Phone +49 9122 977-0 / Fax +49 9122 977-155
Corporate News
Acceptance certificates issued The Chinese state-owned steel producer Shandong Iron and Steel Group Co Ltd (SGIS) has issued to Friedrich Kocks GmbH the FAC (final acceptance certificate) for its three-roll reducing and sizing block (RSB) 500++/4 in 5.0 design. Shanxi Taigang Stainless Steel Company Co Ltd (TISCO), China, has also granted an FAC to Kocks for its new RSB 5.0.
TISCO is one of the largest stainless steel producers worldwide and ranks among China’s “500 most valuable brands”. The company, located in the Shanxi province, produces flat and long products for various industries. The new RSB is part of the modernisa- tion and upgrade of the existing stain- less steel rolling mill, and produces vari- ous austenitic, martensitic and ferritic
The newmedium section bar mill at Laiwu works has implemented the Kocks RSB 500++/4, including size control system, a 4D Eagle profile gauge and the design and closed-loop automation for the low- temperature rolling process. The RSB produces SBQ products within a range of Ø 50 to 130mm.
The RSB at SGIS’s Laiwu works
stainless steel, duplex and nickel-based alloys within a dimension range of Ø 16 to 100mm. Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG
Overcoming complexities in manufacturing Cimteq, a software provider to the global wire and cable manufacturing industry, has published guidance to help manufacturers overcome the complexities faced during wire and cable production. The company’s white paper focuses on several suggestions that contribute to effective and efficient operations. of processes and procedures in place that ensure a seamless transition from customer query to order delivery is vital. In addition, the many product iterations and variants within cable production demand buy-in from all departments as well as an investment in digital approaches.”
the business; managing quality and cost; continuous improvement and problem solving; and cascade objectives, KPIs and management reviews. The white paper can be downloaded via Cimteq’s website. Cimteq Ltd
Topics introduced in the paper include setting and using design standards in
A spokesperson said, “Having a series
March 2022
Supermac – Global Solution Provider in Extrusion and Process Technology along with IIOT applications
Supermac Industries established in the year 1974 is a leader in manufacturing of high end systems and process technology for the wire & cable in Power and telecom sector and related Industries. The ISO 9001 and CE certified company specializes in offering customized and tailor made solutions to fulfil specific needs of the variety of customers all across the globe. With a highly skilled design team, with the best of manufacturing and highly talented commissioning team, trained experts in cable processes and technology, we offer design to process expertise to bring in the best product for you.
IIOT screen
Supermac has expertise providing on line commissioning from remote. Post commissioning customer service support is provided
from both on site as well as from remote. In our endeavour to conform to industry 4.0 norms, Supermac has taken strong strides forward in implementing several digital initiatives and can provide IIOT enabled extrusion lines supported by Siemens Mind sphere software
The company has three established and running units near New Delhi and are adding another unit under our expansion program.
The state-of-the art facilities are equipped with international and indigenous machinery to carry out the process of manufacturing as per the customer’s requirements. Supermac has strategic partnership with German Companies – M/S Scholz to cover CCV Lines, M/S Rubicon to cover Rubber extrusion Lines and Simpack USA for Coiling machines and Solutions.
High speed building wire line
Supermac specializes in the following areas: • State of the art CCV Line with
• Rubber extruders for Insulation and sheathing materials • Silicone extrusion lines with infrared vulcanization system • Cat 5.6 and 7 Lines • FTTH drop cable lines • Fluoropolymer – FEP, PTFE /ETFE Lines • Loose tube/Secondary coating lines for fibre optics • Extruders for variety of applications – up to 175 mm • Cross-Head Single/Dual/Triple • Haul-Off Caterpillar • Capstan • Take-up and pay-off of all types and sizes and as per requirement above 4.5 meters and 40 MT
Scholz Vulcanization system for Power Cables up to 132 KV XLPE and 33 KV for Rubber • Specialized Medical Tubing extrusion lines • Proven Triple Extrusion Line for SIOPLAS (XLPE) cables • High speed Insulation Line and Sheathing Line for House Wiring & Control Cables and medical equipment sector. • High output and best in class Insulation Line and Sheathing Line for Power and Optical fiber Cables. • HCV insulation and sheathing line • Hybrid and composite CCV lines for both XLPE and Rubber.
Supermac CCV Line
UNIT-I : Plot No-2, Sector-6, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon Haryana, INDIA Ph.: +91-0124-4690500 | Fax: +91-0124-4690501 E-mail:,
OFFICE : A-28 & 29, NARAINA Industrial Area Phase-1, New Delhi-110028, INDIA Ph.: +91-11-45574317 E-mail:
UNIT-II : Plot No. 18-19, Sector-2A, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana, INDIA
Corporate News
Tata Steel to be used in world’s largest offshore wind farm
conditions, will be used in the first two phases of the wind farm project, which is located 130km off the Northeast coast of England. Sandip Biswas, chairman of the board of Tata Steel UK, commented, “Huge amounts of steel will be needed to help the UK achieve its net-zero goals – to build everything from renewable energy and low-CO 2 transportation to hydrogen production and distribution. At the same time, we have targets for our own decarbonisation as a steelmaker. “Our own transition to a decarbonised future will rely on a secure supply of competitively priced renewable energy – whether that be to create hydrogen for future steelmaking or power new low- CO 2 furnaces. The more we can help in delivering these landmark projects the better.” Steve Wilson, Dogger Bank Wind Farm project director, said, “This is another great example of how we’re taking
UK-made steel from Tata Steel is playing a role in creating the world’s largest offshore wind farm. Capable of providing green energy for six million homes in the UK, the Dogger Bank Wind Farm is due to be complete by 2026. In the first two phases of construction the GE Renewable Energy turbines, each rated at 13 MW – enough to power a home for two days with a single rotation – will sit on foundations featuring Tata Steel products used in safety-critical transition pieces. These steel structures form the junction between the tower above the surface of the sea and the foundations below the water. Steel made in Tata Steel’s Port Talbot plant and processed into hollow sections at the company’s Corby and Hartlepool sites is being fabricated by one of the thousands of contract companies helping to build the first two phases of the wind farm. Hundreds of tonnes of Tata Steel prod- ucts, able to endure the harsh North Sea
Photo credit: GE Renewable Energy
An artist’s impression of the turbines that will be supported by transition pieces containing steel from Tata
advantage of UK skills and expertise to build the world’s largest offshore wind farm. Our transition pieces are among the largest to be installed on an offshore wind farm, and this UK-manufactured steel will form some of the supporting components. Dogger Bank Wind Farm is already creating or supporting more than 3,000 jobs in the UK supply chain, and giving companies the chance to work on a pioneering project which will help them become increasingly competitive as the world adapts to produce energy that doesn’t cost the earth.” Tata Steel Europe Ltd Dogger BankWind Farm
March 2022
Corporate News
75 years of Eder-Austria Eder Engineering-Austria is celebrating its 75 th anniversary as a pioneer in supplying the international wire and cable industry with new products and technologies.
to mainly making advanced die-tool working machines and software. With an export quota of around 98 per cent, Eder Engineering now supplies regular customers in more than 80 countries, offering semi- and fully automatic concepts for the production and/or reconditioning of ultra-hard precision die tools made from tungsten carbide, natural diamond and synthetic PCD. The regular reconditioning of drawing dies is essential to the production of consistent high-quality wire. Tens of thousands of costly diamond/PCD die tools are in permanent use inwire drawing mills and cable plants, particularly in multi-wire drawing operations. A high degree of machine automation helps to lower the cost of die repair, making all operations easily performed and limiting the intervention of human personnel. Dr Eder says that his insistence on innovation has kept the company at the forefront: “The requirements of the wire and cable industry worldwide keep changing and it is crucial for us to reinvent the wheel all the time.” The next generation of the Eder family is standing
Siegfried Eder, who worked as a key technical manager of a large wire and cable manufacturing plant in Vienna, Austria, founded Eder Engineering in January 1947. The company started out with the production of tungsten carbide drawing die tools, later including natural diamond, then began also designing and making die processing equipment. In the years following the end of World War II, all of these products were widely needed, and considerable expansion in both production scope and exports abroad took place, beginning with neigh- bouring countries such as Germany, Hungary and Yugoslavia. The production scope at the time was around 80 per cent die tools, 15 per cent machines and 5 per cent technical assistance. Dr Kurt Eder – the founder’s son and now CEO of the company – in the late 1960s produced the first Compax/PCD drawing die tools, and a specifically designed new line of more powerful equipment. Soon after, Eder-Austria shifted its portfolio
Siegfried Eder in 1952
Dr Kurt Eder, CEO
by to continue serving the international wire and cable industry with advanced die-tool processing equipment. Eder Engineering GmbH
WE PROVIDE: EPR & Polyolefin Compounds
Moisture Crosslinkable Peroxide Crosslinkable Irradiation Crosslinkable Halogen Free, Flame Retardant
Bedding/Filler Thermoplastic Custom Compounding
Customized Functional Masterbatches Formulation Design & Development
March 2022
Corporate News
Mixer expands logistics capability In 2021, Mixer SpA celebrated the 25 th anniversary of its foundation: a milestone that it says was reached through “the pursuit of innovation and technological improvement, to conceive solutions for the cable industry.” logistics services and the internal supply chain. The new area completes the logistic system, together with the warehouse built in 2019, and internal traffic has been streamlined to allow more efficient truck circulation.
automotive sector and medium voltage insulation, being strategic for this market segment. In June, the wire 2022 trade show in Düsseldorf, Germany, will provide con- nection opportunities with the industry’s decision makers, as well as allowing the company to offer a comprehensive over- view of its EKOPREN ® portfolio, including a new range of rubber compounds for in- sulation and sheathing – processable with continuous vulcanisation or e-beam cable production lines. encompass thermoplastic bedding grades compliant to the Construction Products Regulation. These tailored rubber-based solutions are designed to meet international specifications required for several applications, such as automotive, offshore, marine, photovoltaic and mining industry. Mixer SpA The products also
Mixer has also created a business unit based in Columbus, Ohio, USA, named XO Trade. The new subsidiary is focused on the US market, with particular reference to the
The company recently built a new logistics area, with more than 2,500m 2 dedicated to the storage of materials and products. The structure was built with an ecological approach and is designed to optimise the
Mixer’s new logistics area
Die technology training Mikrotek has launched MCX – a new initiative to train technicians to order new dies and to maintain used dies, to effectively run drawing machines. MCX (Mikrotek centre of excellence) offers certified courses in die technology, and aims to impart theoretical and practical training in die maintenance activities to technicians working in wire drawing departments. Many cable companies are expanding and upgrading their old machines with the latest technology. With the arrival of high- speed multi-wire drawing machines, it is a challenge to run the equipment efficiently at rated speeds and with no (or at least fewer) wire breaks. If an operator is already using the best drawing machines, good quality lubricants and good quality copper, the focus shifts to good quality drawing dies.
To support their wire drawing operations, many cable companies have their own in-house dies shops. These require skilled and trained die shop technicians who can maintain die inventory efficiently and to specification. Realising that there was considerable scope for “up-skilling” die shop technicians, Mikrotek has created its MCX centre of excellence, with the objective to impart training to die shop technicians around the world. Under the MCX name, Mikrotek has set up a workshop and a training centre with modern teaching tools near Bangalore, India. MCX is headed by a full-time coordinator supported by two supervisors. Experienced experts from the industry visit MCX to conduct special classes or present case studies. MCX offers two certified programmes. The Foundation Course is targeted at new technicians who are interested in a career in die maintenance workshops. The course, conducted over three weeks, focuses on the fundamentals of dies, die making and die maintenance. The Refresher Course is for technicians who have experience in die maintenance and are already engaged in die maintenance activities. By the end of this one-week course, the technicians will have refreshed their knowledge and improved their skills, and will have been trained in the latest tools and techniques. At the end of each course, technicians are required to take tests, following which a certificate is awarded. Both courses are offered for a nominal fee, with sharing accommodation near the MCX centre. Mikrotek Machines Ltd
Mikrotek’s MCX centre can teach technicians to inspect and maintain drawing dies
March 2022
wiredIn USA
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries VOL 33 NO 5 US$33 SEPTEMBER 2020
Although an independent publisher, we have strong ties with the many leading international exhibitions worldwide, and our staff attend or our magazines can regularly be seen at:
wire Düsseldorf, Tube Düsseldorf, wire and Tube China, wire and Tube India, wire South America, Tubotech, wire and Tube Southeast Asia, wire Russia, Tube Russia, Wire & Cable Guangzhou, IWCS, FAbTECh, ValveWorld Expo, Steelfab, MACh, EurobLECh, TOLexpo, Made in Steel, Lamiera, Interwire, Saw Expo, boru, TEL, EMO and FAbTECh Canada.
Embracing the digital world, wiredInUSA – Now a vibrant and informative website, has now become a well-respected resource aimed at the Americas.
Here to serve the industries we helped to shape
social media sites.
technological awareness.
Tube & Pipe Technology (TPT) was first published in 1988. Covering technological developments concerning tube and pipe manufacturing methods, production machinery and processing equipment, it is now published six times per year.
A commitment to the future
client base. Through its range of publications and industry services, Intras provides clients with unrivalled support in terms of corporate and
Intras Ltd employs a dedicated team of staff, who
Like many publishers, we also embrace the use of digital and web-based technology and actively encourage engagement with us through our Twitter and Facebook
Euro Fasteners & Fasteners ASIA first published in 2020. In-depth feature sections dedicated to the fasteners industry within our wire magazines.
individually serve the company’s growing international
promotional marketing, enhancing sales and promoting
Intras Ltd was founded by John hogg as a management company to administrate the
activities of IWMA and ITA trade associations. Intras begins to create a worldwide database of companies and products involved in the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries.
technical articles.
organised by Messe Düsseldorf.
produced as a section within TPT.
including the founding of ‘wire’ – the leading international wire and cable exhibition, now
John hogg, founder of Intras Ltd, was also a co-founder of the International Wire & Machinery Association (IWMA) and the International Tube Association (ITA). he played an instrumental role in the negotiation and establishment of international wire and cable shows,
Tube Products INTERNATIONAL, reporting on specialist areas of tube and pipe products for applications such as aerospace, automotive, civil, energy, OCTG, structural and mechanical, published for the first time. Currently
Wire & Cable ASIA – aimed at the increasing Asian market – was published for the first time. Now issued four times per year, it includes industry news, technology news, informative columns on telecom news and a glance at the American market, as well as
the Americas.
January 2008
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September 2020
Published for the first time in 1998, EuroWire (EOW) is the leading international magazine for the wire and cable industries. Covering corporate and technology news, technical articles, and informative news from
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Intras Ltd - independent publishers of Tube & Pipe Technology, Wire & Cable ASIA, EuroWire, Tube Products INTERNATIONAL magazines and wiredInUSAwebsite – has a proud tradition of supporting the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries since the 1980s. At the heart of the wire and tube industries for 40 years With an unrivalled global distribution in both print and digital formats, we have a firm belief in supporting businesses through combining editorial excellence and targeted advertising to reach the far corners of the globe. Our magazines and staff can be seen at numerous exhibitions worldwide every year, ensuring our clients receive the maximum publicity. Our readership is from the boardroom to the shop floor, with many companies retaining copies of our magazines for many years as technical journals.
Corporate News
AWI contribution takes charity past the £1mn fundraising mark
The money from Alloy Wire International AWI has already been allocated to four recipients, who will receive life-changing special car seats and exercise trikes to help them in overcoming transportation issues and in building strength and stamina. “As part of our 75 th birthday celebrations we wanted to create a positive legacy for the big milestone, so committed to becoming carbon neutral (already achieved) and agreed to donate to four local charities,” explained Mark Venables, managing director of Alloy Wire International. “We had supported the Chris Westwood Charity for Children with Physical Disabilities in 2018 and were really impressed with the fact that every penny donated goes towards the individuals who need it most.” The grants are quickly reviewed, and the money given direct to suppliers to help parents purchase vital equipment that will help their children live as independent a life as possible. The Chris Westwood Charity, like many others, has experienced difficulty during the pandemic, with many fundraising events being cancelled and day-to-day assessments being delayed due to the risk of Covid-19 transmission. Despite the restrictions, the organisation managed to catch up with all applications and was on course to award £100,000 of grants in 2021 to aid mobility or provide comfort for those with severe life-limiting conditions. ChrisWestwood Charity AlloyWire International
A UK charity that supports children with physical disabilities is celebrating a major funding milestone, in part thanks to the generosity of a local wire manufacturer. The Chris Westwood Charity, which helps fund the purchase of mobility, sensory and vision equipment for children living within a 50-mile radius of Stourbridge, in the West Midlands, has become the latest beneficiary of Alloy Wire International’s Wired for Good campaign. The £7,500 donation took the organisation’s total fundraising to over £1mn since it was started by ChrisWestwood eighteen years ago, with all the proceeds going towards supporting 850 young people to live more independent lives.
Charity founder Chris Westwood (left) with Mark Venables, MD of Alloy Wire International
Huber Engineered Materials completes acquisition of Magnifin
speciality chemical and mineral compa- nies with market leading positions,” said Dan Krawczyk, president of Huber Engineered Materials. Huber Engineered Materials
and local area network (LAN) data cables, automotive wire and cable, engineering thermoplastics (eg connectors) and construction membranes. “This transition is a strong strategic fit with HEM’s mission to own and operate
The Huber Engineered Materials (HEM) acquisition of RHI Magnesita’s (RHIM) 50 per cent ownership stake in the 50/50 joint venture Magnifin Magnesiaprodukte GmbH & Co KG took effect on 31 December 2021. Based in Breitenau, Austria, Magnifin has been producing magnesium hydroxide (MDH) products since 1990. Magnifin products are sold globally by Martinswerk GmbH as part of the HEM Fire Retardant Additives (FRA) strategic business unit, which produces a wide range of halogen- free fire retardants, smoke suppressants and aluminium oxides. Magnifin coated and uncoated mag- nesium hydroxides are environment- friendly, halogen-free fire retardants used in a range of polymer applications, particularly in thermoplastic materials and elastomers requiring processing temperatures in excess of 300°C. Typical fire-retardant applications include energy
Magnifin produces halogen-free fire retardants at its plant in Breitenau, Austria
March 2022
Corporate News
Steel producer committed to Kocks three-roll technology The Chinese special steel producer Henan Jiyuan Iron & Steel Co, Ltd (I&S) has placed an order with Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG for a reducing and sizing block (RSB®) 500++/4 for its big bar mill. Following the successful installation and operation of two Kocks RSBs in 2008 and 2020, Jiyuan I&S decided to order a third three-roll block from Kocks – an RSB 500++/4 for the production of medium and large SBQ products. The largest RSB from Kocks is part of Jiyuan I&S’s new big bar revamping project in the Henan province, and will finish most flexible and all straight bar sizes of Ø 50 to 160mm onto the cooling bed. The new RSB is also suitable for the thermomechanical rolling process. In addition to the RSB, the scope of supply includes the roll shop for preparation of the three-roll stands and three-roller guides; the advanced bar mill configurator Bamicon Octopus; and supervision services. Commissioning of the RSB is scheduled for the second quarter of 2022. Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG Mr Brown also confirmed that Vapor-Tek’s managing director, Colin Jones, will stay on with the business: “Colin will be a fantastic addition to our team and his wealth of industry knowledge will be invaluable. We look forward to welcoming him to the Bishopdale family.” Bishopdale Group Bishopdale acquires Vapor-Tek Bishopdale Group, the UK-based holding company for industrial lubricant brands Metalube, Molyslip and United Oil Products, has announced the acquisition of corrosion preventative manufacturer Vapor-Tek. Vapor-Tek’s products help avoid and manage corrosion issues. Since 1967 the company has used its specialist knowledge within a range of industries, from oil and gas to vintage vehicles, to supply corrosion and rust inhibitors that are designed to be clean, quick and simple to use, with high coverage rates and long-term protection. Commenting on the purchase, Bishopdale Group managing di- rector Robert Brown said, “We are excited to welcome Vapor-Tek to the Bishopdale Group. The company’s corrosion preventive products are a great fit within our existing brand portfolio. We pride ourselves on delivering world-leading industrial lubri- cants to a global market and through innovative, best-practice business techniques we have been able to grow the Bishopdale Group into the success it is today. Vapor-Tek is now the next chapter in our journey, and we are excited for the future.”
20–24June 2022
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Industry & technology news from the world of fasteners
ISSN: 2633-9706 print ISSN: 2633-9714 online Photo by Jordan Opel , Unsplash
Photo by Fernando Reyes, Unsplash ISSN: 2633-9676 print ISSN: 2633-9684 online Photo by Michael Dziedzic, Unspl sh
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Corporate News
Solar array switched on A 1.8 MW (DC) ground-mounted solar array has been completed, located at the Huber Engineered Materials (HEM) fire-retardant additives Marblehead facility in Quincy, Illinois, USA. The plant is now receiving more than 60 per cent of its power from the array during daylight hours, as part of the state-admin- istered Illinois Shines incentive programme, which supports the development of new solar energy generation throughout the state. “Constructing the solar array supports Huber’s enterprise- wide goal of reducing energy and water use intensity and CO 2 emissions by 10 per cent by 2022,” explained Don Young, Huber’s executive vice president of environment, health, safety and sustainability. “We are extremely proud of the entire team at the Marblehead facility for their commitment and hard work on this project.” Comprising more than 4,900 photovoltaic panels, the solar array is expected to produce 2.4mn kW hours of energy annually. According to estimates from the US Environmental Protection Agency, generating the same amount of electricity using non- renewable sources would result in the release of nearly 1,700 metric tons of carbon dioxide, or the equivalent emissions avoided by removing more than 350 passenger vehicles from the road.
The new solar array at HEM’s Marblehead facility in Illinois
HEM will purchase the electricity generated by the array through a 15-year, fixed-rate solar power purchase agreement with Lumi- nace, a Brookfield Renewable company. The fixed rate will pro- vide resilience against price fluctuations. HEM president Dan Krawczyk said that the project reflects a broader initiative within the company to lighten its global environmental footprint, which includes the replacement of a coal-fired power plant in Germany with an energy-efficient gas unit. Huber Engineered Materials
SMS commissioned to supply 11 copper wire rod plants to China
The new orders underline the customer’s confidence in the technology. With an additional 11 Contirod plants, Amer expects to be well positioned in a growth market. Contirod (a registered trademark of Aurubis Belgium) is a manufacturing process for cast wire rod that utilises a Hazelett twin-belt casting machine. The near-horizontal casting method can physically preclude porosity in the casting bar’s core. The Contirod rolling mill with individual drives shapes the casting bar into fine-grained copper wire rod. The overhauled cooling section features two separate media circuits and provides the basis for the wire rod surface quality. In the first phase, the wire rod is deoxidised by treating it with a water- alcohol mixture. It is then cooled down further with water. A large number of sensors and control elements work in conjunction with specially developed software to ensure process reliability and reproducible quality. Commissioning of the new facilities is scheduled for 2022 to 2024. SMS group GmbH
market for the expansion of wind power and energy networks. By expanding its production capacities, Amer Group aims to meet the increase in demand for high- quality copper wire rod. Four Contirod plants have already been put into operation by the Amer Group since 2009.
The Amer International Group, based in Shenzhen, China, has placed an order with SMS group for 11 Contirod® copper wire rod plants. The new plants will produce 8mm copper wire rod to be used in the production of a range of different electrical conductors – particularly required in the Chinese
Contirod plants produce copper wire rod in a fully integrated casting and rolling process
March 2022
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