EuroWire March 2021
The International Magazine for the Wire & Cable Industries
March 2021 • US$33*
The International Magazine for theWire & Cable Industries
Featuring: Focus on Asia
QUALITY COMPARISON TESTING: In relation to what is a critical consideration to the wide ranging market sectors that we serve, the burden lays with cost/benefit analysis that we are entirely willing to demonstrate through our existing data, and through sample on client site. Procurement processes do require a number of criteria, of which the highest standard requires ethical solutions, and superior quality, where on each level we maintain full client confidence.
UNIQUE PRODUCTS: A key benefit of C.F.Wirerope products include our unique patented twist pitch options that reduce fatigue and increase load weight, as well as our high quality options for harsh environment galvanised and allow plated wire ropes. With galvanised ropes, our advantage is delivered through double hot dipped processes for greater rust protection, as opposed to electroplating, but for ultimate protection, we produce a range of alloy plated wire ropes, whereby the lifecycle can be upward of twice that of our competitors. Combined with our FMEA processes, we can work with clients to ensure value and gain the feedback for future innovations. Contact us for details and full product range brichures and for direct end users we can arrange sample test within your working environment to prove our value.
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March 2021 • US$33*
The International Magazine for theWire & Cable Industries
RAYEX S XT • Easy and quick set up for new products • Fast eccentricity and diameter measurement • Added longevity due to high-quality xray source Precision Wall Thickness Measurement
Family owned since 1957, Zumbach is a global leader in the industry. Driven by innovation and experience. We are here for you and ready to build the future together. •
I t i s w i t h g r e a t p l e a s u r e t h a t I i n t r o d u c e t o y o u o u r n e w , e x c e p t i o n a l d i a m o n d d i e s .
C o n v e n t i o n a l P CD , w h i c h i s p o l y m e r i z e d u n d e r h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e a n d p r e s s u r e i s m a d e f r o m d i a m o n d a n d m e t a l p o w d e r . T h e c o a r s e r d i a m o n d p a r t i c l e s h a v e b e t t e r w e a r r e s i s t a n c e , b u t t h e y a r e e a s y t o s c r a t c h t h e w i r e ; t h e f i n e d i a m o n d p a r t i c l e s a r e l e s s d a m a g i n g t o t h e w i r e , b u t t h e a d d i t i o n o f m o r e m e t a l p o w d e r c a u s e l o w e r a b r a s i o n r e s s t a n c e .
MP D c o n s i s t s o f o n e m i c r o n d i a m o n d p o w d e r , b u t n o m e t a l p o w d e r i s a d d e d , a n d o n l y a s m a l l a m o u n t o f c a t a l y s t i s u s e d . T h e h a r d n e s s a n d w e a r r e s i s t a n c e w i l l b e s u p e r i o r t o t h e t r a d i t i o n a l P CD , t h e s u r f a c e o f t h e s t r e t c h e d w i r e i s s m o o t h a n d f i n e . I t w i l l s h o w o u t s t a n d i n g
Product No.
Recut Size Up to
Stone Size Size EC D1.8 x 0.9T 0.02~0.50 ES D2.5 x 1.5T 0.20~1.00 EB D4.0 x 2.5T 0.40~1.50 EA D4.5 x 3.1T 0.70~2.00 EM D5.0 x 4.0T 1.00~2.70
p e r f o r m a n c e f o r d r a w i n g s t r e t c h i n g s p r i n g w i r e w i t h s o l i d l u b r i c a t i o n .
T h e s u r f a c e o f t h e w i r e d r a w n w i t h n a t u r a l d i a m o n d i s s m o o t h a n d s h i n y , b u t t h e u n e v e n h a r d n e s s a n d o r i e n t a t i o n o f t h e s t o n e w i l l o f t e n c a u s e w i r e d e v i a t i o n a n d c o l o r f l i c k e r i n g a f t e r a p e r i o d o f u s e . E P D i s a n i m p r o v e d p r o d u c t a i m e d a t t h e i n h e r e n t w e a k p o i n t o f n a t u r a l d i a m o n d s . I t i s f o r m e d b y u s i n g d i a m o n d p o w d e r s m a l l e r t h a n o n e m i c r o n u n d e r h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e o v e r 2 0 0 0 ° C a n d u l t r a - h i g h p r e s s u r e . D u e t o i t s t r a n s l u c e n t , i t i s c o mm o n l y k n o w n a s d i a m o n d g l a s s . I t s h a r d n e s s c a n b e t w i c e t h a t o f n a t u r a l d i a m o n d .
T h e s u r f a c e o f t h e E P D - d r a w n w i r e i s s i m i l a r t o t h a t o f a n a t u r a l d i a m o n d . W i t h i t s f i n e p o l y c r y s t a l l i n e s t r u c t u r e a n d h i g h h a r d n e s s , t h e w h o l e s e t c a n l a s t 6 - 7 t i m e s l o n g e r t h a n n a t u r a l d i a m o n d u n d e r n o r m a l u s e . I t i s m o r e e f f e c t i v e w h e n t h e y a r e u s e d o n m u l t i - w i r e d r a w i n g m a c h i n e s .
Product No.
Recut Size Up to
Stone Size
E7 E9
D1.0 x 0.7T 0.01~0.40 D1.2 x 0.9T 0.10~0.50
0.5 0.7
E11 D1.5 x 1.1T 0.20~0.70 E15 D2.0 x 1.5T 0.40~1.00
0.85 1.15
Germany : English :
Quality made in Germany. Since 45 years, we have been developing future-oriented measuring and control devices for quality assurance of wires and cables, such as the CENTERVIEW8000 . A non-contact gauge providing continuous concentricity, di- ameter and ovality measuring values during the extrusion process. An innovative scatter plot diagram shows the distribution of short-term concentricity variations to ensure a perfect conductor concentricity for increased cable quality and process optimization.
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Editor ....................................................................................... David Bell Editorial Assistant .......................................... Christian Bradley Design & Production ............................................... Lisa Wright Advertising/Marketing ........................................ Jason Smith UK, Italy, ROW, USA & Canada Linda Li 中国 Advertisement Coordinator .............................. Liz Hughes Accounts Manager ......................................... Louise Jennings Subscriptions ......................................... Louise Jennings Publisher ................................................................ Caroline Sullens Founder .......................................................................... John C Hogg
Booming business in 2021
Business, it appears, goes from strength to strength for German machinery manufacturer EJP Maschinen, based near Aachen.
The company has acquired a large share in Polish company Italmec, which will complete its product range with wire drawingmachines for ferrous wires and will offer production lines from a single source for the entire process chain from wire rod to finished coil. Additionally, EJP – which is striving to provide complete solutions for the wire industry – has taken a shareholding in Italian company WWM Technology. The Padua-based business specialises in making a full range for the production of welding wires. Full story on page 8. Adapting its work processes is paying dividends for Swedish wire machinery manufacturer Lämneå Bruk. After a drop in sales in May and June last year, the company has bounced back and has a stable amount of orders moving forward. “It was definitely a very tough year,” said president Jonas Hagstedt, “but we have adapted our work processes quickly, offered increased online customer support, [and] could improve our production and delivery times; that is why I am confident that we can get out of this crisis even stronger.”Turn to page 10 for more details. The good news also spreads to the UK with Alloy Wire, a manufacturer of round, flat and profile wire, maximising a £3mn investment in material, new drawingmachines, spooling development and office/factory improvements, with the appointment of three new directors.
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US copies only : EuroWire (ISSN 1463-2483, USPS No: 022-738) is published six times a year, January, March, May, July, September and November by Intras Ltd and distributed in the USA by Asendia USA, 701 Ashland Ave, Folcroft PA. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to EuroWire, Intras Ltd, C/O 701 Ashland Ave, Folcroft PA 19032. This publication and its full contents of layout, text, images, and graphics is copyright protected. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any other storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s written permission. The publisher, owners, agents, printers, editors and contributors cannot be held responsible for and hereby exclude all liability whatsoever for errors, omissions or the accuracy and claims printed or inferred in the editorial or advertisements published in this, previous or subsequent editions or for any damages, costs or losses caused thereby. EuroWire reserves the right to edit, reword and subedit all editorial submissions in accordance with editorial policy. EuroWire expressed graphically or by text is a registered name and style trademark of Intras Ltd, UK. All matters relating to this Disclaimer are governed by the laws of England. EuroWire is published six times per year and incorporates the title and publishing rights only of the former series of publications known as ‘ Transfil Europe ’. EuroWire is circulated to engineers, managers and personnel in the wire, cable, fibre optic and wire product industries upon receipt of a completed subscription form. An annual subscription is available from Intras Ltd, UK, at Euros 140.00, £120.00, US$195.00.
The three will work with the current senior management at the company, which celebrates its 75 th anniversary this year. Read the whole story on page 12.
David Bell Editor
Front cover courtesy of Mexichem Specialty Compounds (AlphaGary) showing their flame retardant compound solutions For more details please call: +44 01664 882462 (UK) +1 888 540 9074 (US) AlphaGary (Mexichem Specialty Compounds) For more details please call:
March 2021 • US$33*
The International Magazine for theWire & Cable Industries
All rights reserved © 2021 Intras Ltd ISSN 1463-2438
+44 166 488 2446 (UK) +1 978 788 9895 (USA)
March 2021
8-10 June 2021 wire Russia Trade exhibition Moscow, Russia Organisers: Messe Düsseldorf Dates for your diary . . .
Next Issue Getting Technical Fire resistant fibre-optic cables in fire protection systems Featuring ■ wire Russia – show issue ■ Focus On Germany, Austria and Switzerland
31 August – 2 September 2021 WireShow
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14-16 September 2021 AMI Cables Trade exhibition Cologne, Germany Organisers: AMI
March 2021 • US$33* The International Magazine for theWire & Cable Industries
16-18 September 2021 China (Guangzhou) International Metal and Metallurgy Exhibition Trade exhibition Guangzhou, China Organisers: Guangzhou Julang Exhibition Design Co Ltd 22-24 September 2021 wire Southeast Asia Trade exhibition Bangkok, Thailand Organisers: Messe Düsseldorf Asia Pte Ltd
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As with all shows, and with the continuing coronavirus pandemic, please check to ensure the event is going ahead
Contents March 2021
Photo: Shanghai, China • by Zhang Kaiyv •
58 Technical Article
Corporate News
Implementing fibre cleaning to ensure network reliability Jay Tourigny, senior vice president at MicroCare Corp
26 Technology News
40 Focus On Asia
60 Editorial Index
60 Advertisers Index
Corporate News
▲ ▲ A straight drawing machine from EJP Italmec for high-carbon wire
EJP expands in international wire industry
EJP in Baesweiler near Aachen, Germany, acquired in December 2020 a substantial share in Italmec Sp zoo from Katowice, Poland. With this acquisition, the EJP Group completes its product range with wire drawing machines for ferrous wires, and will offer complete production lines from a single source for the entire process chain from wire rod to finished coil. In spring 2020, EJP founded EJP Wire Technology together with Lothar Köppen, which supplies machines and related process technology for the pre-treatment of wire. At the same time, EJP entered into a cooperation with the Polish machine maker Italmec for the marketing of wire drawing lines. Maschinen GmbH, based
The cooperation developed so positively that Italmec is now a member of the EJP Group. Also completed in January was the shareholding in WWM Technology Srl, of Padua, Italy, which specialises in making a full range for the production of welding wires. Jacques Paraskevas, managing director of EJP Maschinen GmbH, sees his involvement in the two companies as another logical step towards complete solutions for the wire industry: “In the wire division of the EJP Group we now combine German engineering with production in Katowice. From now on, we supply all machines for the complete process chain of wire production.”
EJP Wire Technology in Schwerte, Germany, manufactures equipment for wire pre-treatment; Italmec produces drawing machines and peripheral equipment; EJP-Tosca supplies shot blasting equipment; EJP Italia provides butt welding equipment for wire; and WWM focuses on machines for the production of welding wire. EJP Maschinen GmbH continues to produce machines for the manufacture of rods, tubes and profiles, and coordinates worldwide sales and service activities. Italmec remains the production site for all wire drawing machines, for both low- and high-carbon steels such as spring wire.
EJP Maschinen GmbH
March 2021
The inTernaTional magazine for The wire and cable indusTries Landing at an exhibition near you…
Lamiera 26th-29th May 2021 Milan, Italy STAND - To be confirmed Made in Steel 26th-28th May 2021 Milan, Italy STAND - To be confirmed
SteelFab 7th-10th June 2021 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates STAND - To be confirmed
wire Russia 8th-10th June 2021 Moscow, Russia STAND - To be confirmed Tolexpo 7th-10th September 2021 Lyon, France STAND - To be confirmed
• Industry news • High profile show issues • Specialist features • Latest technology news • Technical articles • Fasteners section
Corporate News
A positive outlook for 2021 Swedish wire machinery manufacturer Lämneå Bruk started the year with an overall positive outlook. After a drop in sales in May and June last year, the company is back on its feet with a stable amount of orders during the last months of 2020. “We are currently in a comfortable position despite the pandemic, and everyone in the company is working hard to keep it like that,” said company president Jonas Hagstedt. “It was definitely a very tough year, but we have adapted our work processes quickly, offered increased online customer support, [and] could improve our production and delivery times; that is why I am confident that we can get out of this crisis even stronger.”
The company says that its versatile No Twist Coiler (NTC) was a particular success factor in the second half of 2020. The NTC combines high wire coiling qualities with speeds up to 40m/second. The machine is suitable for different solid and flux core wire types and can be used in the production of spring wire. Depending on the requirements, the NTC can be used with a range of differently sized and shaped drums, adding to the flexibility and customisability of the machine. Lämneå Bruk AB
▲ ▲ Jonas Hagstedt, president of Lämneå Bruk
▲ ▲ No Twist Coiler for spring wire
March 2021
Supermac – Global Solution Provider in Extrusion and Process Technology along with IIOT applications
Supermac Industries established in the year 1974 is a leader in manufacturing of high end systems and process technology for the wire & cable in Power and telecom sector and related Industries. The ISO 9001 and CE certified company specializes in offering customized and tailor made solutions to fulfil specific needs of the variety of customers all across the globe. With a highly skilled design team, with the best of manufacturing and highly talented commissioning team, trained experts in cable processes and technology, we offer design to process expertise to bring in the best product for you.
IIOT screen
Supermac has expertise providing on line commissioning from remote. Post commissioning customer service support is provided
from both on site as well as from remote. In our endeavour to conform to industry 4.0 norms, Supermac has taken strong strides forward in implementing several digital initiatives and can provide IIOT enabled extrusion lines supported by Siemens Mind sphere software
The company has three established and running units near New Delhi and are adding another unit under our expansion program.
The state-of-the art facilities are equipped with international and indigenous machinery to carry out the process of manufacturing as per the customer’s requirements. Supermac has strategic partnership with German Companies – M/S Scholz to cover CCV Lines, M/S Rubicon to cover Rubber extrusion Lines and Simpack USA for Coiling machines and Solutions.
High speed building wire line
Supermac specializes in the following areas: • State of the art CCV Line with
• Rubber extruders for Insulation and sheathing materials • Silicone extrusion lines with infrared vulcanization system • Cat 5.6 and 7 Lines • FTTH drop cable lines • Fluoropolymer – FEP, PTFE /ETFE Lines • Loose tube/Secondary coating lines for fibre optics • Extruders for variety of applications – up to 175 mm • Cross-Head Single/Dual/Triple • Haul-Off Caterpillar • Capstan • Take-up and pay-off of all types and sizes and as per requirement above 4.5 meters and 40 MT
Scholz Vulcanization system for Power Cables up to 132 KV XLPE and 33 KV for Rubber • Specialized Medical Tubing extrusion lines • Proven Triple Extrusion Line for SIOPLAS (XLPE) cables • High speed Insulation Line and Sheathing Line for House Wiring & Control Cables and medical equipment sector. • High output and best in class Insulation Line and Sheathing Line for Power and Optical fiber Cables. • HCV insulation and sheathing line • Hybrid and composite CCV lines for both XLPE and Rubber.
Supermac CCV Line
UNIT-I : Plot No-2, Sector-6, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon Haryana, INDIA Ph.: +91-0124-4690500 | Fax: +91-0124-4690501 E-mail:,
OFFICE : A-28 & 29, NARAINA Industrial Area Phase-1, New Delhi-110028, INDIA Ph.: +91-11-45574317 E-mail:
UNIT-II : Plot No. 18-19, Sector-2A, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana, INDIA
Corporate News
New directors as AWI aims to maximise £3mn investment
A UK manufacturer of round, flat and profile wire has strengthened its senior management team with three key appointments. Alloy Wire International (AWI), which celebrates 75 years of manufacturing in 2021, has promoted Tom Mander, Andrew Du Plessis and Adam Shaw as managing director designate, technical director and finance director, respectively. The trio will work with the current senior management team to help the company in the next stage of its development, as it looks to maximise a £3mn investment in material, new drawing machines,
spooling equipment and office/factory improvements. AWI has remained open throughout the pandemic, utilising its Emergency Manufacturing Service to supply wire to customers supporting the building of Nightingale Hospitals and other COVID-19 efforts around the world. Venables commented, “We have built an incredible business that is a world leader in the supply of exotic alloys and it is vital that we have a succession plan in place well in advance, so we can build on Managing director Mark
▲ ▲ AWI directors (from left) Adam Shaw, TomMander, Mark Venables and Andrew Du Plessis
recent growth and take advantage of new opportunities in both the UK and overseas. In Tom, Andrew and Adam we have three experienced professionals who are hungry to carry on the AWI journey and have fantastic skills in their specialist areas of sales, business strategy, finance and technical and quality.” AWI currently supplies more than 5,000 customers involved in automotive, aerospace, defence, medical, nuclear, oil and gas and renewables. Its range of exotic alloys, including Phynox, Inconel and Hastelloy, is available from 0.025 to 21mm (0.001" to 0.827") in small batches or medium/large volume, all within a three-week timeframe. AlloyWire International
New website for RichardsApex RichardsApex Inc launched a new website at the start of the year. The aim of the new site is to provide customers, prospects and the industry with a more user-friendly platform to access product data and information. It is also hoped that the new site will give a better insight into the company, the depth of its knowledge and commitment, and its global reach. Some of the key improvements include enhanced product listings and details; availability on mobile platforms; multiple languages; and easy access to industry links and information. RichardsApex, Inc
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March 2021
Upward casting since 1968
Corporate News
First virtual “Sikora Connect” live event In November, Sikora presented its first virtual live event – Sikora Connect – for the wire and cable, optical fibre and plastics industries. On average, the audience stayed for one hour and 20 minutes.
as well as current projects, and to focus on the contacts to our customers also in virtual format,” said Katja Giersch, head of corporate communications at Sikora. “Through the Q&A sessions and chat function in the livestream we received more than 100 customer questions to our presentations. The great interest shows that a virtual exchange is definitely desired and works excellently in customer communication.” While the virtual format will continue to influence communication at Sikora, the company states that it is also clear that digital solutions cannot completely replace personal contact, and it will pursue a combination of a presence at trade fairs and virtual events. Those who could not join in live at Sikora Connect still have the opportunity to visit the event pages at www.connect.sikora. net, and view the contributions under “Session Replay”. Sikora AG
“With Sikora Connect we have succeeded in giving an insight into our products ▼ ▼ (from left) Sikora Connect presenter Weihua Wang, executive board member Dr Jörg Wissdorf, CEO Dr Christian Frank and Harry Prunk, member of the executive board
The company reported that the high number of participants and the positive feedback of the audience met its expectations, allowing it to achieve an important step in the virtual exchange with customers. During the three live days Sikora Connect registered nearly 1,000 participations, with visitors coming from 68 countries. The presenter Weihua Wang guided the event, which was characterised by short and diversified topics with technical product and service presentations as well as insights into research and development. Among the highlights were expert discussions on future trends in the cable industry with well-known machine manufacturers. Live connections to the 14 worldwide Sikora subsidiaries generated great interest and were well attended throughout the event.
March 2021
Corporate News
“Greenology” concept to aid sustainability targets
Sustainability is increasingly relevant, and all industries are affected. For over 15 years, Sweden’s Axjo has been working to produce sustainable materials, with recycled raw materials and smart product solutions driving sustainable development. The company, which manufactures packaging for the cable industry, is now making a major push with its new Axjo Greenology® sustainability concept. For Axjo, innovation, efficiency and sustainability have involved technologies for weight reduction, mono-material design and the use of 100 per cent PCR (post-consumer recycling). With the Greenology sustainability concept, involving customers in the development of the products, Axjo is pushing the industry to work with more sustainable materials and processes. The concept centres on helping, educating, and driving sustainable development forward at cable factories, and will be developed at various stages. It could, for example, involve offering 100
per cent recycled materials or certified products, local suppliers or full control over processes and flows with life cycle analyses etc. “The purpose of the concept is to make it easier for our customers to reach their sustainability goals,” said Jacob Nilsson, CEO of Axjo. “This will be adapted at different levels where, from a larger perspective, we can also work out an overall involvement where we develop completely customer-specific total solutions in collaboration with the customer.” One example is the development of XLPE, where Axjo, together with NKT, Borealis and RISE, has designed a process in which cross-linked XLPE has been regenerated in new cable drums. This allows the use of residual production scrap, which would otherwise have become waste. The products have been on the market for over a year. The re-use of 1,000kg of XLPE provides a saving of 2,000kg of CO 2 , helping customers in terms of sustainability and profitability, as the waste does not need to be sent to landfill or incinerated. Work on the new Axjo Greenology concept is based on the UN’s climate Davis-Standard GmbH has announced that SIFEM Electronique will serve as its sales agent in France. SIFEM has more than 40 years of experience in industrial projects and extrusion applications encompassing film, sheet, pipe and profile, and wire and cable. representative, it will be responsible for facilitating direct contact with plastic converters and stakeholders throughout France, specifically identifying converting needs and marketing packaging solutions. “SIFEM has reputation for being a dynamic and responsive partner,” said sales and project manager Daniel Schiller. “Their team is known for listening to customers, whether it is for new equipment, a replacement or retrofit project, repair or technical services. As Davis-Standard’s
▲ ▲ The Axjo compound takes advantage of materials that have already exhausted their life cycle
goals, and the company has selected a number of areas that it identified as having the greatest direct or indirect environmental impact. To make it easier for customers to make sustainable choices, the Axjo Greenology Index contains six different criteria in which everything from the origin of the raw material to the recycling potential is evaluated to create an average rating for each product. Axjo AB
Precision with Economy
SIFEM to represent Davis-Standard in France
“We look forward to working with them as they market our multi-faceted converting solutions and other extrusion technology in France. We also look forward to expanding our reach there and being able to offer regional service through our facility in Germany.” Davis-Standard designs, develops and distributes extrusion and converting technology. Its systems encompass product lines to support manufacturing applications and customers within all major industries, including agriculture, automotive, construction, healthcare, energy, electronics, food and beverage packaging, and retail. Davis-Standard, LLC SIFEM
March 2021
As good as new again – or even better. NIEHOFF modernization.
During the design and manufacturing of its equipment, NIEHOFF focuses on advanced technology, quality, reliability, robustness and durability. That is the reason why NIEHOFF machines that have been in operation for decades are also worth a modernization performed by NIEHOFF specialists. These professionals have access to well-maintained and original documentation, and thus to all pertinent data. Because of their experience and expertise, NIEHOFF specialists can handle all customer-specific particularities. This applies practically to all NIEHOFF machines including any modifications made to them by customers. The spare parts needed for reconditioning are produced in house on cutting-edge machining centers to OEM quality, and thus meet the same high requirements as parts for new machines. Our technicians inspect the machine or line in question on site and analyze the specific increase in efficiency, which can be achieved by a modernization . The measures will then be done at either the customer’s site, on the shop floor at NIEHOFF facility or at a NIEHOFF subsidiary with its own manufacturing. After completion of the modernization measures, the machines or lines are not only “in mint condition”, but often show higher productivity than before. In most cases, modernizing NIEHOFF machines even after decades of use is therefore worthwhile. Allow us the opportunity to evaluate your modernization needs.
NIEHOFF Original +
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Expertise, Customer Driven, Service – in Good Hands with NIEHOFF
Maschinenfabrik NIEHOFF GmbH & Co. KG Walter-Niehoff-Strasse 2, 91126 Schwabach, Germany Phone +49 9122 977-0/Fax +49 9122 977-155
Corporate News
LLFlex hires manager for new North Carolina facility
LLFlex, a provider of packaging materials and industrial laminate solutions for the building and construction, wire and cable, and consumer packaging industries, has hired Shawn Sylvester as plant manager for its new manufacturing facility in High Point, North Carolina, USA. Mr Sylvester will oversee day-to-day operations at the recently opened plant, which expands LLFlex’s output capacity and includes equipment supporting its two main business segments – packaging and industrial laminates. Prior to joining LL Flex, Mr Sylvester held several positions during an 18-year tenure with Mannington Wood and Laminate Floors, starting as a quality manager and eventually serving as plant manager. He is certified as a Six Sigma Black Belt and Manager of Quality & Organizational Excellence by the American Society for Quality. assure consistently excellent manufacturing standards as production at the North Carolina facility continues to ramp up,” said Victor Dixon, CEO of LLFlex. “With the spacious new facility providing LLFlex ample elbow room for production growth as well as a regional warehouse, distribution and logistics centre, Shawn’s leadership will be instrumental to adding products and services while ensuring premium product quality.” LLFlex’s North Carolina plant houses high-speed equipment for custom laminating, coating, embossing and slitting to address growing product demand. The facility uses automated slitting and packaging robotics to “Shawn’s quality assurance and management expertise will
provide short lead times and customised solutions. For the company’s packaging segment, new laminators with solvent coating stations and new slitting assets provide additional annual capacity of more than 40mn lb of product. These assets supplement, and provide supply chain risk mitigation for, LLFlex’s existing Louisville facility. For the industrial laminates segment, which caters to the wire and cable, building and construction and other industrial markets, a new laminator with multiple coating stations and dedicated slitter are complemented by an advanced steel, copper and aluminium cable wrap production cell that adds more than 43mn lb of combined slitting and laminated capacity annually for these industrial markets. LLFlex has US manufacturing operations in Kentucky and North Carolina, and sales and supply chain offices in the USA,
▲ ▲ Shawn Sylvester
UK and China. It markets its products through a network of global agents and partners. For the wire and cable industry, the company’s line of cable armour, wraps and tapes includes mono and co-ex layered film formulations using high-quality resins throughout the structure for consistent, reliable long-term performance. LLFlex, LLC
Partnership for Rolf Schlicht and NorMec
Rolf Schlicht GmbH has introduced its partnership with NorMec AS, of Norway.
NorMec is a family-owned company that has developed and produced equipment for hot vulcanisation and infrared splicing solutions for 30 years. Its user-friendly presses for hot vulcanisation include all types of rubber, such as EPDM, NBR, SBR, CE, NR, Viton and silicone. The company also supplies rubber film. Rolf Schlicht GmbH NorMec AS
March 2021
Corporate News
Thomas M Heberling to leadWAI in 2021 The Wire Association International (WAI) has appointed Thomas M Heberling as president of the association for a one-year term that commenced on 1 January.
include a successful WAI Interwire programme in the fall.”
The Wire Association International is governed by a network of volunteers from around the world. Joining Mr Heberling for the 2021 term are members of the association’s 2021 executive committee: first vice president James R York, Insteel Industries; second vice president Daniel Blais, Prysmian Group; immediate past president Jan Sørige, Enkotec Co, Inc; and executive committee members Eric Bieberich (Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc) and Kurt Breischaft (SDI LaFarga Copperworks). Southwire Company, LLC is one of North America’s largest wire and cable producers. Along with its subsidiaries, it manufactures building wire and cable, metal-clad cable, portable and electronic cord products, OEM wire products and engineered products. WAI, founded in 1930, is a not-for-profit association with nearly 1,800 individual members in 50 countries. The association serves the educational needs of the wire and cable manufacturing industry through a variety of products and services. TheWire Association International, Inc Southwire Company, LLC
Mr Heberling will serve as chairman of the board of directors and as the 68 th president of the 91-year-old association, which is headquartered in Madison, Connecticut, USA.
▲ ▲ Thomas M Heberling
Mr Heberling is vice president of wire and cable manufacturing at Southwire Company, where he has worked for nearly 33 years. A WAI member since 2010, he has served the association in many areas, including a role as co-chair of its member relations committee from 2012 to 2014, for which he was honoured with WAI’s President’s Award 2017. In this role, he carried out a board initiative that reshaped the educational products serving the industry, and served to strengthen the value of membership in the association. Mr Heberling became a WAI director in 2017 and has served as an executive committee liaison to multiple committees. In addition to his role as WAI president, he will serve as chairman of its conference programming and as executive committee liaison to its oversight committee. Commenting on his new appointment, Mr Heberling said, “I am humbled to serve as WAI’s 2021 president and I am looking forward to the experience. I am committed to do what I can to help 2021 be a successful year for our association, which would
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March 2021
Corporate News
Kocks RSB commissioned at Xiangtan SBQ mill
▲ ▲ The three-roll RSB operating in Xiangtan
Chinese special steel producer Hunan Valin Xiangtan Iron & Steel Co Ltd has started up its new SBQ mill #3. The core piece of the rolling mill is a three-roll reducing and sizing block (RSB®) in 5.0 design supplied by Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG, Germany. The RSB 5.0 is designed for thermo- mechanical rolling, and finishes most flexible/all straight bar sizes of Ø 16 to
100mm onto the cooling bed. In addition to the RSB 5.0, Kocks’s responsibility includes the roll shop for the preparation of three-roll stands and three-roller guides, as well as the supervision services. This is the second successful installation of a three-roll Kocks RSB at Xiangtan since 2005. Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG
Ripley Tools welcomes new director of business development
Ripley Tools has named Ed Fenton as director, business development – Cable OEMs, with responsibility for leading new business development and account management among metallic and fibre cable manufacturers to help them leverage Ripley’s lines of UtilityTool®, Miller®, CableMatic® and ODM® brand cable preparation and installation tools and testing devices. Mr Fenton brings nearly 30 years of experience in electrical, electronic and fibre optic cable manufacturing. He has held prior consulting and business development positions with speciality cable manufacturers, high temperature materials suppliers and component manufacturers. He will continue his position as executive director of the Wire & Cable Manufacturers Alliance, Inc. “In my years with the industry I have always been fortunate to work with
US-based companies that are committed to innovative new product design and manufacturing excellence,” said Mr Fenton. “Ripley Tools and its brands are no less than household names for installers of utility and power, coax and CATV, and fibre and datacom outside plant cables.” Ripley CEO John Jula said, “We are privileged to have someone of Ed’s calibre join our team to strengthen our current relationships across the wire and cable industry. Ed will leverage our new innovation centre, Ripley Labs, with award-winning product development and applications engineering support for our cable manufacturing partners to continue the Ripley legacy as the leading global supplier of tools and test equipment for cable installation.” Ripley Tools LLC
March 2021
Corporate News
A focus on Russia – Metalube joins with new distribution partners
UK lubricant producer Metalube is making a drive into the Russian market by joining forces with two distributor partners: Cabmash-Metiz and Seteco Ltd. Cabmash-Metiz will manage and sell Metalube’s wire drawing range of products, including Lubricool, Alumol and OCG, while Seteco will be responsible for the company’s Metachain chain oil range. Cabmash-Metiz general director Anna Baranova commented, “We have been involved in the wire and cable industry across Russia since the 1990s, so know and understand the market well. “We see fantastic opportunities here for superb quality lubricants such as those produced by Metalube. “The company has a strong standing within the wire and cable industry, and I
am confident that the brand will be really well received here.” Sergei Komelkov, technical director at Seteco Ltd, added, “We have a big demand in Russia for high-quality chain oils, particularly in the wood panelling industry. We are confident that Metachain is the best product available for this process. We are already witnessing a good deal of interest and are confident that this will continue to grow.” Metalube commercial manager Matthew Buffin concluded, “This is a very exciting opportunity for Metalube to work with two such well-established, leading distributors in Russia. “We know that the total demand for finished lubricant products in Russia is estimated at 1.6mn tonnes, with industrial lubricants accounting for 45 per
▲ ▲ Anna Baranova, general director at Cabmash-Metiz
cent of this. It is therefore a very critical market for us where we have hoped to make inroads for some time now.” Metalube Ltd
March 2021
Natural Diamond Dies PCD Dies Mono Diamond Dies Solid Enamelling Dies (With Diamond Insert)
TC Taper inserts & Tc Dies Die Polishing Equipment Mikrotek undertakes projects to improve the productivity of the wire drawing companies. One stop shop for Die shops
Mikrotek is looking for
Agents and Distributors for unrepresented companies & Areas
Corporate News
Merger of Inhol and Melos completed In January 2018, Inhol BV, based in Soest, the Netherlands, was taken over by Melos GmbH. With the acquisition, Melos expanded its product offering of special compounds for the cable industry, strengthening its activities and portfolio. Since then, Inhol has functioned as part of and on behalf of Melos. In December 2020, Inhol was merged with Melos. As a result, years of cooperation in the project business and product development will move forward to the next stage in their development. the cable industry. “We are very pleased with the successful merger,” said Marcus Hohlweck, head of cable compounds at Melos. “The two business fields complement each other perfectly. In addition to existing products, we can now offer our customers an expanded portfolio of special compounds for the cable industry. In particular, we will be able to expand
our activities abroad, which will help us achieve a stronger and more competitive position on the global market for cable compounds.” Compound solutions from Inhol will continue to be available in the same quality from Melos. Melos GmbH
Expanding the team Windak, a manufacturer of packaging systems for the cable industry, last year invested in a new factory and a new service organisation for the EMEA market. To further
Inhol was founded in the Netherlands by Ron Goethals and Jacob Steendam in 1989. One specialism of the company is the production of resistant compound solutions for use in extreme conditions, particularly in the fields of heat-shrink tubing and heat- and moisture-resistant compound solutions for the cable industry. Melos is a manufacturer of compounds for the cable industry and granules for the sports and leisure sector. Through the merger, Melos expanded its portfolio in the field of cable compounds and gained relevance as a manufacturer for
improve customer satisfaction, the company has added Dieter Gerger to its team in the role of EMEA sales manager, with a focus on supporting customers and expanding Windak’s presence in the market. Mr Gerger was international sales manager for ten years at Rosendahl Nextrom, a manufacturer of extrusion systems for energy cables and fibre optic. He is based at Windak’s new sales and service centre, Windak EMEA GmbH, in Fehring, Austria. Windak OÜ
▲ ▲ Dieter Gerger
March 2021
Technology News
▲ ▲ Lämneå Bruk’s fully automatic Precision Layer Winder can be purchased with a packaging robot
Fully automatic respooling for precise and flexible spool set-up
Reliable, fast and precise wire laying technology has been a major focus of Swedish wire machinery manufacturer Lämneå Bruk AB in recent years. All of the company’s concepts are individual and designed according to customers’ specific requirements. Lämneå Bruk offers a range of respoolers, fromsemi-automatic for SAWwire toheavy machinery that can handle spools of up to 100kg. One of the company’s flagships is the fully automatic Precision LayerWinder, now in its second generation, which combines speed, precise wire laying to a 100 th of a millimetre, user-friendliness and high safety standards.
The spool changes are fully automatic with servo-drive motor-operated tooling for continuous production at speeds of up to 35m/sec. For a smooth and efficient process, the fastening of the finishing end is also made by servo motors. The servo motor brand is customisable, and customers can choose between Siemens, Lenze and Allen Bradley. To add to the flexibility, the spool supply magazine can handle different types of spools such as wire baskets, plastic and fibre spools without adjustment. In response to customer demand, the fully automatic Precision Layer Winder is now also available for smaller 5kg spools.
Lämneå Bruk has also developed a packaging robot for the fully automatic Precision Layer Winder. The total weight of the finished spools is checked; if there are any discrepancies, the robot puts the spool aside to be checked by staff and continues with the next spool for an uninterrupted process. If everything is in accordance with the quality standards, the automatic packaging robot moves the finished spools onto pallets for labelling and final packaging for shipping. Lämneå Bruk AB
March 2021
Technology News
Large round and shaped wire drawing dies
In the late 1990s, Paramount Die Company incorporated pressure dies and draw dies in a single holder – the ParaLoc pressure system. The company says that this technology has enabled wire producers to increase productivity, improve finished wire quality and grow their businesses. In addition to dies for fine wire drawing in the size range of 5.5 to 0.5mm (0.218" to 0.02"), Paramount produces and sells a full line of wire drawing tooling, including large cased dies with cases up to 300mm (12") in diameter. It is also a major supplier of shaped dies to the global wire drawing industry, and makes other carbide tools used in the wire drawing process, such as shaving dies for high carbon valve spring wire, stainless and non-ferrous applications. Paramount has incorporated the scientific approach used in the development of the ParaLoc holders and its wire drawing dies into the development of large dies, shape dies and shaving dies, aiming to provide improved productivity, higher quality and scrap avoidance. This approach is followed through the design, production, inspection and application of Paramount dies. Paramount Die Company High-speed spooler improves output at Asta DEM has supplied to Asta of Austria a spooler designed for operation at 1,200m/min, with special features to provide perfect layer winding of copper profiles, including some as small as 1.5 x 0.5mm. The new unit has replaced a spooler installed on a non-DEM line. New software and hardware are part of the DEM package, and the replacement and industrial start-up took place within just one week from delivery. The traverse coiling achieved with the new spooler plays a key role in the unwinding during downstream enamelling operations, providing a continuous and uniform unspooling speed and contributing to a regular coating along the conductor length. DEM SpA
The new spooler was supplied to Asta in Austria ▲ ▲
March 2021
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