EuroWire July 2018
wire 2018 review
“Best after writing and presenting his white paper at the International Wire & Machinery Association (IWMA) CabWire Industry Forum in Düsseldorf last year. “I was asked to participate to give a talk based on the ‘Fundamentals’ of the wire market sector,” said Mr Clowes. “Amongst the topics covered by other speakers were subjects such as wire drawing, cable design and so on, whilst I of course presented the fundamentals of Induction heating. Thank you to those that deemed me the worthy recipient, I feel somewhat humbled by the whole thing.” “We have had a great show and signed some signi cant deals,” said Wayne Hine, sales director. “The market seems very buoyant presently, which is splendid news for the industry at large. We have also celebrated the signing of new contracts and personal achievements of members our Thermatool and Radyne sales sta .” Bartell Machinery Systems took advantage of the exhibition to launch the new ArmourLock™ SA-4 strip armouring system. Speed, quality, productivity, ease of set-up and reduced maintenance are the foundations of the ArmourLock’s design. With the ability to accommodate a wider product range within one system, Fundamentals Award”
but this year customers seem ready to make investments in upgrading and modernising production control. For a company like ours that manufactures cable-testing equipment, fully capable of integration into any process con- guration, it was very encouraging. We have already seen an increase in business as a result of the show.” TapeFormers engineers showcased the company’s full range and launched the Issue 6 catalogue dedicated to all tooling for longitudinally forming tapes the company engineers in the UK. 2018 brings developments plus new products, and the company’s engineers are always happy to assist in any upcoming projects. The Model XL range allows the TapeFormer exit to be closer to the extruder tip, and has reinforced mounting brackets available on selected models. Model H Plus has replaced the Model I, and has been modi ed with a curved entrance and is 200cm long – the largest TapeFormer the company produces. There are a number of changes to the short, small and large models of the TapeFormers, and the company’s engineers can advise on which bench can ful l users’ needs. The Micro TapeFormer has increased from 80mm to 100mm in length to allow a more successful longitudinal form.
Inductotherm Heating & Welding had a hugely successful show with an increase in sales leads and some excellent networking opportunities. The company relished the chance to talk face to face with clients, old and new, o er them some hospitality and introduce them to its new virtual reality suite. Having stands in both the Tube and wire sections enabled the company to display its experience and product knowledge across both disciplines, demonstrating why it maintains its position as an induction supplier in the industry, with solid sales leads coming in thick and fast on both stands. Inductotherm Heating & Welding was also proud that one of its sales managers, Dave Clowes, was presented with a ▲ TapeFormers sta readied themselves for a hectic week at the show
▼ Adrian Wood, Inductotherm Heating & Welding area sales manager, Thermatool (far right) celebrating the signing of a contract with Tomas Attl, managing director of Attl a spol sro (second from left); accompanied by Wayne Hine, sales director Inductotherm Heating & Welding (far left) and Václav Šlouf, commercial director, Attl a spol sro (third from left)
July 2018
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