EuroWire July 2018
wire 2018 review
we mainly focus on the operational side and we do not have the opportunity to meet them. This is the big advantage of the wire Düsseldorf show, because we have both quantity and good quality of visitors. “Requests of wire industrial companies were this year oriented towards increase of productivity but we also had a lot of questions about how to conform to environmental issues and regulations that are evolving daily. Indeed it seems visitors were happy to get good advice on this last question.” “This, in many ways, was the most successful wire show that I’ve attended,” said David Carroll, of Clinton Instruments . “Tra c in our hall was brisk, and our stand was very busy. Customers seemed excited about our new o erings and came to the show not only to see what was new, but ready to do business. Several customers told me that they were opening new factories in the near term, or were expanding. These customers were actively shopping for equipment, so the show’s timing was perfect. “There was an increased interest in quality control and many customers are heading toward fully integrated, often recipe-driven, line con guration and centralised process-control. We’ve been hearing about this for some time,
▲ Ajex & Turner sta at the company’s stand at wire 2018
and simple operation, contributes to the further expansion of the company’s expertise in smart service. The champagne came o the ice at French company Condat as well, with an increase in visitors to its stand compared to two years ago. “North American (US and Canada) and Indian visitors were more present than in 2016,” said Nathalie Vidal. “This con rms more or less the increase of activities in these countries, especially for India. “The quality of visitors was also good, with a lot of managers and senior executives. During our customer trips,
“SMART with Rosendahl Nextrom.” With this message, Rosendahl Nextrom presented its newly designed stand. The open and modern stand design, which optimally re ects the company’s philosophies, led to a record attendance and invited visitors to browse through the space. On approximately 400m² of space, the company advised and served its visitors. The Austrian magician Paul Sommersguter provided alternative entertainment for the visitors to the stand. The new service tool “SmartCall”, which o ers quick support through video calls
Sta on the Rosendahl Nextrom stand
July 2018
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