EuroWire July 2018
Corporate News
EJP has received an order from Russian OJSC MMK-Metiz for the supply of two drawing lines to be installed at the Magnitogorsk works. One is a combined drawing line for bright steel with diameters between 8 and 30mm. The 30-ton drawing line will be equipped with a driven cold rolling stand in order to be able to produce square bright steel sections from round input stock. The second line is a chain draw bench line for the production of bars with diameters of up to 68mm. With the new lines, which will come with a number of innovative features, MMK-Metiz is going to expand its product range, among others, towards larger diameters. The product quality will give a straightness tolerance of 0.1mm/m and diameter tolerances of h8 and h9. The new lines will boost output by approximately 15 tons per hour of bright steel products. With a drawing force of 30 tons and drawing speeds of up to 80m/min, the combined drawing line CDS 300 will produce finished bars in diameters from 8 to 30mm – from coil-to-bar, from coil-to-coil or bar-to-bar, as desired. EJP is going to install a driven cold rolling stand between the blasting plant and the drawing machine. The function of the rolling stand is to pre-form the material so that it will be possible to directly draw from round to square. The high-precision drive control will make the forming process more controllable than previously. EJP will be the general contractor for the supply of the two lines. Installation is scheduled to take place in Autumn this year with commissioning in spring 2019. Two new drawing lines for MMK-Metiz Solution Award after high-speed success German condition monitoring systems and alignment products manufacturer Prüftechnik is having a bright spring with the new Vibscanner 2 just having been honoured as a Solution Awards winner 2018 by After just having won the highly prestigious Red Dot Design Award this is another major award the new high-speed Vibscanner 2 has achieved after a few months of being on the market. The new data collector was only released in February and has already been successful, winning the asset condition management award at the Solution Awards 2018. The new Vibscanner 2 is a unique measurement device with which even untrained personnel can easily and effectively measure machine vibration on rotating equipment. Thanks to its forward-looking measuring principle and data acquisition on three axes with the triaxial sensor, all condition information is collected at the touch of a button. Prüftechnik Dieter Busch AG – Germany Website : EJP Maschinen GmbH – Germany Website :
July 2018
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