EuroWire July 2016
wire 2016 review
As is tradition, companies from Italy, Belgium, France, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK, Sweden and Germany were strongly represented again. Sizable overseas contingents hailed from the USA, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Japan and China. The majority of visitors were from Germany, Italy, Turkey, France, Poland and the Netherlands, with the share of international trade fair guests staying very high at 65 per cent, with about a third travelling from overseas. German and international trade fair visitors at each of the two trade fairs handed out top marks for what was o ered at both events. Some 75 per cent of trade fair visitors were executives with decision-making authority. Altogether, the willingness to invest at the two leading industry events – wire and Tube – continued to increase. What’s more, 60 per cent of trade fair visitors said they had found new suppliers. With one eye rmly on the future, Rosendahl Nextrom branded the show as “a really powerful and highly energised wire 2016.” “Industry 4.0 – ‘Smart Factory’ as we like to call it – is becoming reality and opening new doors both for us as suppliers and for you as manufacturers. It is an industrial revolution which eases information management,” the company said. “The main bene t is concerned with predictive maintenance, backtracking of processes and online monitoring. We at Rosendahl Nextrom take this revolution seriously and are proud that we could present the opportunities with our technology.” Managers at UK manufacturer of round, at, shaped pro le and electrical resistance wire Alloy Wire International hailed the exhibition as “the best yet.” The company saw more than 250 serious enquiries during the ve-day show, with interest for its extending range of exotic nickel alloys coming from all corners of the globe, including Australia, Japan, the USA and Europe, in the automotive, aerospace, defence, medical and nuclear ▲ The Rosendahl Nextrom team at this year’s wire trade fair
was extensive and the exhibition was considered to be an extremely successful showcase by both Cimteq and InnoVites. Steve Mepsted, managing director of PWM Ltd , said: “We enjoyed an excellent show with steady visitor tra c to the stand from Monday through to Thursday; Friday was quieter. Visitor quality was also really good with more visitors from India and Scandinavia than in previous years.
sectors, with oil and gas the only sector showing small signs of depression. Mark Venables, managing director, said: “wire 2016 was de nitely the biggest and the best yet in terms of getting so many quality suppliers, customers and agents together in one venue. This is our premier show of the year and this is re ected in the level of investment we have put into creating a high pro le presence and the fact we have many of our international agents here to build relationships and talk to visitors.” He continued: “Enquiries came from all over the world and having a vast array of our colleagues on hand was great to help interpret and translate conversations. The exchange of thoughts and ideas owed freely and I’m sure will lead to orders.” Like many other companies, Alloy Wire – which is celebrating its 70 th anniversary this year – used the show to launch its new technical brochure and its largest ever range of exotic nickel alloys, which o er high corrosion resistance properties and high temperature performance. Over 50 di erent alloys – including the recently added Nitronic 50͋ (0.025 to 5.5mm) and Super Duplex (0.025 to 6.5mm) – were on display at the Brierley Hill rm’s new stand, which caused a lot of interest. Another business launching a new product was UK company Cimteq and its partner, InnoVites from the Netherlands. The latest joint venture – CableSuite – has been described as a cable manufacturer’s dream, providing a single comprehensive set of tools in one place. CableSuite is a complete and fully integrated enterprise software solution that supports all business functions of cable manufacturers and distributors, combining CableBuilder, CablePlan, CableERP and CableMES. CableSuite enables a cable manufacturer or distributor to signi cantly optimise and accelerate its business processes. As anticipated the interest in the product ▲ Visitors quickly arrived at the Alloy Wire stand in Hall 11
“Our innovative ST40 air/hydraulic cold welder speci cally designed for joining strip and tape was a big attraction, and we are now testing materials for customers interested in this new machine. Our large, energy-e cient P1500 and EP500 welders proved popular with visitors looking for a cost- e ective way of welding non-ferrous rod, including aluminium to copper, up to 30mm (1.181") diameter. All in all, a very positive show.” French lubricant manufacturer Condat was delighted with the response at its stand. Communications manager Nathalie Vidal said: “Whereas Messe Düsseldorf has announced a three per cent decrease in visitors this year, Condat’s booth has experienced great recognition and increased its leads. We have welcomed visitors from 60 countries. ▲ PWM seemed to have little trouble in attracting visitors to its stand
“There was a great interest in Condat’s new o ers for lubricants dedicated to electrical wire and cable and HSE- friendly solutions. This was also a good occasion to communicate on Condat’s new image and dynamic: simple, modern and e cient.” ▲ Visitors gather at Condat’s stand. The French lubricant manufacturer praised the show, with an increase in leads
July 2016
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