EuroWire January 2023
Forging ahead with green steel Whilst car manufacturers are actively exploring hydrogen-based technology, companies are also looking at ways of using the fuel and electricity from renewable sources to produce steel. This has led to SMS group providing technology and equipment for the H2 Green Steel project in Sweden, which will produce green steel as early as 2025. The project will see SMS supply process equipment from iron making to the finished steel products of the world’s first industrial-scale steel plant based on hydrogen and electricity from renewable sources. “Our aim at H2 Green Steel is nothing less than to pioneer an industrial revolution in the steel industry,” said Maria Persson Gulda, CTO of H2 Green Steel. “We want to use existing technology, modify it and integrate it in a different way to make green steel a reality today, not in the distant future. We have jointly designed the plant to make a significant CO 2 reduction throughout the whole steel plant in a way that will set our steel plant apart from others in the market. “We have chosen SMS group for this project because we believe in their capabilities, which have been demonstrated in numerous industrial projects around the world.” With total order volumes for SMS exceeding €1bn, Burkhard Dahmen, CEO of SMS group, said: “We are very proud to supply the technology for the world’s first large-scale all-green steel plant. This is not only an important step for H2 Green Steel, but also an excellent opportunity to underline our competence and mission in green steelmaking.” Located in Boden in the Norbotten region of Sweden, the plant is expected to be producing green steel in 2025 before increasing volumes in 2026. The full story can be found on page 8.
Editor ....................................................................................... David Bell
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Also in the January issue of EuroWire , we take a look at some of the Chinese companies making a big noise in our industry, with the return of our popular ‘Focus On’ series on page 34. This year we will be focusing on companies from Germany, Italy, the UK, USA and Turkey.
David Bell Editor
Front cover courtesy of ASMAG showing ASCON Continuous Rotary Extrusion For more details:
Continuous Rotary Extrusion
All rights reserved © 2023 Intras Ltd ISSN 1463-2438
January 2023
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