EuroWire January 2019
Bright start to the new year for the industry
As we start 2019, looking to a bright future for the wire and cable industry is one feature that is at the forefront in this January issue of EuroWire . We may be a little over a year away, but wire 2020 is already making the headlines with a special fasteners and springs section already planned for the exhibition in Düsseldorf, Germany. And registration for the event, being staged from 30 th March to 3 rd April, gets underway at the end of this month. See page 10 for more details. Across the Atlantic, signs are also encouraging as IWCS saw record attendance numbers in all aspects of the conference, staged in Rhode Island, USA, in October. Overall registration increased by some 20 per cent, attendance at professional development courses doubled in comparison to recent years, and exhibition attendance saw an increase in numbers. For a full round-up, turn to page 11.
combined facility improvements and added sta to improve e ciencies, increase quality and lower prices. Details are on page 12. And continuing with investments, UK company Cimteq – a business software andprocess control consultancy for the cable industry – has also announced an injectionof £2.5mtohelp it to continue to expand and grow. The full story is on page 21. An introduction to the TEL exhibition in Turkey, being staged at the end of February, can be found on page 36, and we o er
a glimpse into that country’s wire and cable industry with our special feature, Focus on Turkey, starting on page 42. This popular feature makes a return this year and will be looking at other countries over the next ve issues.
David Bell Editor
Staying in the USA, Sjogren has invested some $3m in
Publishing Team
................................................................................................................................David Bell
Features Editor (USA):
.....................................................................................................................Dorothy Fabian
Editorial assistant:
..................................................................................................................Christian Bradley
............................................................................................................................Julie Tomlin
..............................................................................................................................Lisa Wright
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* US$33 purchase only Front cover: Fortuna Federn See page 76 for further details US copies only : EuroWire (ISSN 1463-2483, USPS No: 022-738) is published six times a year, January, March, May, July, September and November by Intras Ltd and distributed in the USA by UKP Worldwide, 3390 Rand Road, South Plain eld, NJ 07080. Periodicals postage paid at Rahway, NJ and at additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to EuroWire, Intras Ltd, C/O 3390 Rand Road, South Plain eld NJ 07080. © 2019 Intras Ltd, UK ISSN 1463-2438
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January 2019
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