EuroWire January 2016
Technology News
Low HSE impact technologies
▲ ▲ Responsible dry drawing lubricants from Condat
medium chain lengths of chlorinated paraffins. Short chain lengths are banned and medium chain lengths contribute to the classification of industrial sites (ex: European Seveso regulation). Chlorinated oils are commonly used in high duty metal forming operations. Condat has reformulated its range of drawing oils and greases so that they are not labelled under the GHS regulations. Condat products, for example Vicafil TFG 4295 or Vicafil TFH 1672 oils, can be used safely by operators, with minimal impact on the environment, and do not contribute to Seveso classification for end users. They also result in cost savings in terms of waste disposal and site equipment. With the same philosophy, Condat tries to reduce its environmental and transportation impact through local storage facilities. With three production sites worldwide and an international sales presence, Condat is able to promptly deliver products of identical quality to any location. Condat’s sense of responsibility is also obvious in the way it accompanies its customers. Not only does it guarantee its customers a reliable, consistent and high level of quality, but a team of experts, dedicated to the metal forming market, also provide a full range of services to help clients improve their production processes and productivity; lubricant use audit on–site, and specific training on its technologies for plant management and operators.
Since the end of 2010 and the classification of Borax as SVHC, French company Condat has discontinued the production of high Borax dry lubricants and surface coatings at its European site. This first step ensures that its surface coating and dry lubricants are not labelled reprotoxic and ensures a safer workplace for operators. Keeping in mind that the future of Borax in Europe is jeopardised by its inscription on the SVHC list, Condat’s research and development team has worked relentlessly to provide its customers with high performance solutions. Vicafil Santale 6, a wire drawing soap, satisfies the more demanding operations such as the production of steel cord allowing continuous quality improvement of the final product. Lubricants containing titanium dioxide are often used where a heavy duty, high coating weight is required. Keeping ahead of the potential evolution in regulations, Condat has started to diminish the percentage of titanium dioxide in its lubricants and develop alternatives that are titanium dioxide free. Vicafil Decal 440 is the perfect example. Its use has been validated on processes where lubricants containing titanium dioxide were usually used. This switch has been done without impact on productivity and provides improvements such as lower maintenance of acid cleaning baths or better compatibility with in line fluidised bed ovens. Another example is where Condat has discontinued the use of short and
Condat – France Website :
January 2016
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