EuroWire January 2007
pay-offs, take-ups and winding systems
Essential equipment for reliable production Pay-offs, take-ups and winding systems are not the most exciting pieces of equipment, but the fact remains that these machines are a key part of any reliable production line. The simple process of winding products off and onto a spool, bobbin, drum or reel is common to a number of related industries. Designers, over the years, have arrived at many different ways (and names) of picking up the drum and turning it. Engineers at Cable Machinery Spares (CMS) have developed a comprehensive range of drum stands, reflecting the changing needs of the industry over 25 years. Recent developments in drive technology and, in particular, AC drives and servo drives, have enabled much improved tension and speed control, traverse control and maintainability. Combinedwith dancers and accumulators, the pay-off speed and tension of the product is accurately controlled.Traversing systems with safe and simple adjustment of pitch and width on the control panel are now available as standard.
CMS’s Traversing take-up range
With all the different stands available it can be confusing for the customer. CMS can help, using their wide experience to identify the correct equipment from a standard range of well-proven drum stands. The most cost-effective solution can then be offered: the selection process looks at the weights and speeds involved, as well as the reliability and duty and the best way to handle the product.
CMS are continually developing new applications. Recent installations have included twin pan take-ups for the steel PC wire industry and uncoilers and recoiler stands for steel strip winding up to 30 tonnes capacity. Cable Machinery Spares Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1204 669002 Email : Website :
F r e e p u b l i c i t y
State-of-the-art technology D rouaire cablewindingmachines incorporatemodern state-of-the-art technology, using a combination of electrical and hydraulic power. The result is one of the most rapid and easily operated units available. The production range represents the widest possible choice for the cable, wire and optical fibre cable producers.
Include your company in this Special Feature: Fasteners & Spring Production
Machines must be fitted to drums – for little drums (less than 1.4 metres Ø). Pay off, traversing unit and take up can all be in one machine. This winding equip- ment is conceived for cable sellers and
If your company is involved in the above industry sector, we invite you to participate in this special feature by sending in editorial about your machinery or products, for FREE publication in the March 2007 edition. Please send the text as a Word document attached to an email to the address below. Photos should be JPEG 300 dpi and a minimum width of 12cm. Please forward to: David Bell – Editor Email : Tel : +44 1926 334137 Website : Closing Date: 18 May 2004 l sing Date: 29 January 2 07
Pay-off 2600 and take-up 2600 with ‘U cycle’ for empty drums and filled drums
users. With the same machine, users can wind either on a coiler or a drum. The selection is easy and rapid and, of course, in complete harmony with security (CE labelled). For bigger and heavier drums (1.4-3.4m Ø), a gantry type is highly recommended to work more efficiently. The layering unit should be motorised and controlled by PLC to wind the cable perfectly on the drum. Drouaire – France Fax : +33 5 53 88 76 49 Email : • Website :
March 2007 Edition
EuroWire – January 2007
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