EuroFasteners March 2021
Bolting data unit is a “flight simulator for assemblers”
▲ Chuck captures readings from instrumented bolts and relays bolt load values wirelessly to a computer or mobile device
▲ Chuck paired with a bolting skid
Chuck, a new bolting data unit from Hex Technology, allows craft assembler trainees to “see the unseen” by showing them readings for the bolt load achieved when they apply torque. This makes it easier to grasp some essential but often- misunderstood elements of bolted assembly, such as the effects of elastic interaction, alignment, lubrication and inconsistencies known as “bolt scatter”. The unit’s many applications for crew demonstration, training and testing have resulted in Chuck being described as like a “flight simulator for assemblers”. Chuck pairs with instrumented bolts to provide its readings. Bolt load data relays
instantaneously from the unit to any laptop via Wi-Fi, and users can log in and see the data in a visual, intuitive, user- friendly display environment. Being able to see and understand what is happening inside bolted assemblies results in better execution on fundamental best practices of bolting. “For a crew learning the reality of what happens inside a bolted flange joint, seeing is believing,” said Scott Hamilton, CEO of Hex Technology. “Chuck shows in vivid detail why the steps in a site’s procedure matter and how they affect the final result. It’s an essential tool for training and assessment – and nothing with an epoxy coating for use in harsher environments, and LSF polymeric liners for additional cable protection. Both Luz del Sur and ENEL Distribución specified the 2A clamps with fitted liners. Ellis’s export operation comprises a network of local distributors across 40 countries. The company has made significant progress in Latin America, including specifications for multi-million- dollar projects in Brazil and Chile. Ellis Patents Ltd
prevents leaks or lost productivity better than a well-trained workforce.” Chuck is available to end-users, vendors andcontractorsaspartofHexTechnology’s Bolted Flanged Joint Assembly digital training programme. Those who enrol in the programme also receive access to the company’s catalogue of computer- based training courses, which includes specific certification tracks for every staff level from front-line assembler to QA/QC inspectors and site subject matter experts (SME)s. All curriculums are based on ASME PCC-1 Appendix A. Hex Technology unveiled Chuck at the 2021 Bolting Symposium, an invite-only annual event bringing together experts in bolting and reliability, including attendees from all US-based supermajors and several other major players in upstream, midstream, chemical and downstream end-users. Chuck pairs with RotaBolt load indicating fasteners created by James Walker. RotaBolts have been used to ensure bolted joint integrity for more than 30 years. Chuck is compatible with any appropri- ately sized flange that uses 5 / 8 ", 3 / 4 ", 7 / 8 ", 1", 1 1 / 8 " or 1 1 / 4 ", so users can connect it to an existing demonstration unit or a bench- mounted flange to get assembly data. Hex Technology
Securing Peruvian power Ellis Patents has supplied its products to help secure the power supply in Peru’s capital city. Energy suppliers Luz del Sur and ENEL Distribución both specified Ellis’s 2A aluminium cable clamps for high- voltage power cables in new substations in the Manchay and Izaquirre areas of Lima.
Manufactured from LM6 aluminium, Ellis’s 2A cable clamps are available in sizes ranging from 38 to 168mm, and are primarily used in transmission and distribution projects in unpolluted environments. They can also be supplied
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March 2021
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