EuroFasteners January 2021
Case study: Victory is mine Mills are a crucial part of mining operations, but also a source of concentrated vibration that can wreak havoc with bolted joints. Most mills are expected to run continuously for extended periods – often months at a time – until scheduled downtime for maintenance. Depending on the mine, some mills can even require a total liner changeout every three months.
Valley Forge products and equipment can reveal what period of time is optimal. Mines can use the Valley Forge Clarkester™ tester to calibrate torque wrenches to bolt tension, improving tension accuracy at installation. Purchase of the tester includes training from Valley Forge on the machine’s proper use. Technical personnel are also available to travel to the site to oversee liner replacement and help ensure it is performed properly. Valley Forge Load Indicating Fasteners measure and display tension from within the bolted joint, accurate to ±5 per cent of true clamp load (compliant with ASTM 52 standards). Valley Forge can increase ductility by creating an application-specific formula for manufacturing bolts needed for individual applications. The company’s SPC4™ fasteners and SPC4 702 Series wireless sensors relay tension information back to a data-logging station, allowing tension to be read in situ. Mine operators can determine when bolts are losing tension, even if just hours after the initial installation and preliminary start- up period. Rather than three to four days after installation, bolts can be retorqued sooner. Valley Forge & Bolt Mfg Co
In these punishing environments, hardened material is rotated and smashed by hundreds of steel grinding balls within the mill shell, which works much like a large cement mixer. Material is constantly falling 40 feet within the shell, crashing into the charge and mill liners fastened to the inside. In the bolted joints that fasten each mill liner to the mill shell, bolt loading can vary widely. At the bolted joints that fasten each rib to the tumbler, bolt life itself can also vary widely. Because of this, it is vital that the fasteners used in the bolted joints maintain proper tension throughout the extended in-service periods. Improper bolt tensioning that requires mill stoppage can add greatly to a mine’s operating costs. Valley Forge & Bolt, which engineers and manufactures fasteners with load indicating technology, offers its capabilities and expertise to mining customers through a multifaceted solution, providing torque-to-tensioning verification equipment for better bolt-
load accuracy; providing on-the-ground support; creating an application- specific blend of bolt materials; and using exclusive Wi-Fi technology to hone bolt performance. Each mill liner is attached to the inside of the mill with multiple bolts, secured in place by a two-part process: impact wrenches are used to set a bolt partially in the joint, then torque multipliers are used for final tightening. Each reline requires hundreds of bolts. Once all liners and bolts are installed and initially torqued, the mill is turned on to run for a period of time. The bolts are then retorqued to accommodate any shift during usage. The amount of time to wait between initial install and retorquing is an important factor in prolonging fastener life. In some instances, mine operators wait several days before retorquing. ▲ Bolted joints fasten mill liners to the mill shell
Clips for faster, easier installation of grooved deck boards
Camo has added to its range a new clip for metal framing. The Camo Edgexmetal™ clip is a new way to fasten any grooved deck board on metal substructure. It installs easily by hand with the included Never-Miss™ guide, or up to five times faster with the Camo Drive™ stand-up tool, both using the contractor’s drill. Edgexmetal clips are one-pass fasteners that use the same technology as Camo Edgex™ clips for wood framing. The wings of the clip fit into the groove of the board, securing it
before fastening, and the 304 stainless steel gusset holds the boards down. The key difference between the two clips is the screw: Edgexmetal features a drill point screw that engages in less than two seconds, rather than a self- tapping screw for wood. “Our Camo innovation team tackles many issues faced by deck builders,” said W Scott Baker, CEO, National Nail. “Edgexmetal clips are a direct response to slow, expensive hidden fasteners for decks built on metal framing, as well as wood’s rising prices.”
Edgexmetal clips are versatile, working with top manufacturer’s deck boards at any angle on 14–18GA metal framing, including Fortress Evolution™ and Trex Elevations ® . The clips are available in 90ct and 450ct pails, which include T15 driver bits and the Never-Miss Guide. The clips are backed by a Camo warranty to match the longevity of the boards and substructure, when installed according to guidelines. Camo Fasteners
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January 2021
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