EuroFasteners July 2020
Industry and technology news the world of fasteners
Industry & technology news from the world of fasteners
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Contents July 2020
Diary of Events
22–24 September: China (Guangzhou) International Metal and Metallurgy Exhibition – trade exhibition – Guangzhou, China Organisers : Guangzhou Julang Exhibition Design Co Ltd Fax : +86 2038 6207 81 Email : Website : 23–26 September: wire China – trade exhibition – Shanghai, China Organisers : SECRI and Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co Ltd Fax : +86 216 169 8301 Email : Website : 11–14 October: IWCS – virtual symposium and trade exhibition Organisers : IWCS Tel : +1 717 993 9500 Website : 7–11 December: wire 2020 – trade exhibition – Düsseldorf, Germany Organisers : Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Email : Website : Technologies Association) Email : Website : 25–27 March: wire India – trade exhibition – Mumbai, India Organisers : Messe Düsseldorf India Pvt Ltd Fax : +91 112 697 1746 Email : Website : As with all shows, and with the continuing coronavirus pandemic, please check to ensure the event is going ahead. 25–28 January: MACH – trade exhibition – Birmingham, UK Organisers : MTA (Manufacturing
EF 2 /36 Corporate News
EF 6/40 Products
EF 10/44 Manufacturing Technology
At the double for Slingco UK family engineering business Slingco can be justifiably proud after winning the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade – for the second time in four years! The company, founded in 1980, achieved “outstanding success” as it collected the UK’s highest official accolade for business success. Slingco supplies steel net platforms and cable installation and support products to a wide range of markets, including electrical utilities, oil and gas, renewables, subsea and aerospace. It has also exported to more than 80 different countries in the last three years. “A very special thank you must go to our employees and their families, this award being recognition of the hard work, dedication and skills of our people,” said managing director Nick Dykins. Full story on page EF2/36.
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EF 1/35
Corporate News
▲ The Slingco team outside the company’s Lancashire headquarters
Engineering company wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade
UK engineering company Slingco has been named a winner of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade for the second time in four years. The honour, awarded for Slingco’s “outstanding success” in international trade, is the UK’s highest o cial accolade for business success, and is recognition of the manufacturer’s export achievements. The Lancashire-based rm won the same award in 2016. The family-owned company has exported to more than 80 di erent countries in the past three years alone, and exports now account for over 85 per cent of its sales revenue; overseas earnings have increased threefold over the last three years. Founded in 1980 by Chris Dykins, Slingco supplies steel net platforms
In addition to its Lancashire headquarters and manufacturing plant, the company has o ces in the USA and India, and serves customers around the world. Managing director Nick Dykins com- mented, “We were incredibly grateful and honoured to win our rst Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade four years ago and are doubly so today. A very special thank you must go to our employees and their families, this award being recognition of the hard work, dedication and skills of our people. Mr Dykins added “I also want to express our sincere gratitude to our loyal customer base and supply chain partners, without whose support this award would not have been possible.” Slingco Ltd
Nick Dykins, Slingco group managing director
and cable installation and support products to a wide range of markets, including electrical utilities, oil and gas, renewables, subsea and aerospace.
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36 EF2/36
July 2020
Corporate News
ITP acquires Construction Tool & Threading Co
Furnaces close in wake of manufacturing contraction US Steel Corporation, based in Pittsburgh, USA, expects to lay o around 2,700 employees as a result of idling most of its blast furnaces, which were already witnessing slowing demand even before the coronavirus pandemic disrupted the economy. The gure represents around ten per cent of the payroll. “It’s all about minimising or preserving cash in a di cult environment,” said Phil Gibbs, an analyst at KeyBanc Capital Markets. Mr Gibbs added, “They’re a heavy xed-cost business, and volume right now is reasonably limited and they have to take actions.” By early May, US Steel had idled seven of its ten blast furnaces in the USA – three at the Gary Works site in Indiana, one at Granite City in Illinois, two at Great Lakes in Michigan and one at Mon Valley Works in Pennsylvania – and was inde nitely idling Lone Star Tubular Operations and the Hughes Springs coupling production facility in Texas. In January, the steelmaker had said it anticipated “the rst quarter of 2020 to be the trough for the year, due to the normal seasonality of our mining operations and lower rst quarter shipments in at-rolled [products].” Dan DeMare, a regional sales manager for Heidtman Steel, a service centre customer of US Steel, commented that the capacity shutdown signals that the company is “willing to give up market share to preserve their business.” US Steel Corporation
Photo credit: Industrial Threaded Products, Inc
▲ ITP imports and distributes fasteners and related components
Industrial Threaded Products, Inc (ITP) has announced the acquisition of Construction Tool & Threading Co, a custom manufacturing company that has been serving the construction and industrial market for more than 80 years. Construction Tool & Threading Co’s service o ering and team will become fully integrated with ITP. “Through this acquisition, I’m most honoured to unlock all of the talent in the Construction Tool & Threading Co organisation, as well as provide the team access to revitalise their services,” said Garrett Futrell, CEO of ITP. “As Industrial Threaded Products has been in business for 40 years, the joining of our two established organisations is highly mutually bene cial. It will allow customers to experience the expansive bene ts provided across both networks, under the value of Industrial Threaded Products, and we look forward to serving them all.” ITP is a fast-growing importer and distributor of fasteners and related components, including commercial fasteners, C-class components and value-added services. Construction Tool & Threading Co specialises in the custom manufacturing of anchor bolts, J- and U-bolts, tie rod assemblies, rods, studs and critical components. The core goal of the acquisition is to optimise e ciency for customers, providing materials through the combined scope of services. Kevin Ross, general manager of Construction Tool & Threading Co, commented, “I am excited to o cially announce this acquisition to our customers, as this partnership greatly expands the opportunity of what we can provide for them. We took our time in slowly uniting the two organisations to ensure a seamless integration, and we are now truly aligned as one team.” Industrial Threaded Products, Inc Construction Tool & Threading Co
Ellis’s cable clamps have been used in Bahrain to secure electrical cables laid as part of a $4bn project to enhance the kingdom’s water and electricity networks. Aimed at enabling Bahrain to accommodate its growing population and support its economic progress, the project involves the upgrade of the main backbone transmission network to 400 kV and the construction of three main transmission substations. Ellis’s 2A aluminium cable clamps and special compression springs were speci ed through Bahrain-based distributor Amad Baeed Electrical WLL by the Korean cable specialist LS Cable & System. Clamps to the kingdom
Tony Conroy, Ellis’s sales director, said, “The scale of our export operation really does di erentiate us from the majority of our competitors. At present we have distributors in 39 countries and actively export to more than 40.” Ellis’s 2A aluminium cable clamps are manufactured from LM6 aluminium and are available in sizes between 38 and 168mm. Primarily used in transmission and distribution projects in unpolluted environments, they can also be supplied with an epoxy coating for use in harsher environments, or with neoprene liners for additional cable protection. Ellis Patents Ltd LS Cable & System Ltd
EF 3/37
July 2020
Corporate News
Clamping technology rm hooks up with Bumax
Clamping manufacturer Andreas Maier GmbH & Co KG (AMF) of Germany has opted for extra-strong and corrosion-resistant screws from Bumax for its zero-point clamping systems. The model 109 fasteners in both standard and Ultra grades have been ordered to enhance precise zero-point clamping solutions used in milling processes and turning centres, to enable xture and workpiece changes within seconds. AMF’s zero-point system has precise clamping modules with high draw-in, locking and holding forces to ensure perfect clamping in a wide range of applications. The company previously used carbon steel screws for its clamping products, but required a more durable fastener solution.
▲ Bumax facilities in Åshammar, in Sweden’s steel district
Bumax 109 and 109 Ultra screws were chosen to further enhance the system and to provide end users with high levels of quality, accuracy and operational safety. “As our zero-point clamping systems require a maximum of sti ness, strength and vibration tolerance, we were looking for a fastener solution that would outperform normal stainless steel,” explained Christina Holm, AMF’s product manager for zero-point systems. “Bumax was the only solution that fully met all of our tensile tests for extreme loading scenarios.”
The premium fasteners developed and supplied by Bumax – a Swedish manufacturer of high-strength stainless steel fasteners – are claimed to provide better corrosion resistance and strength in demanding applications. AMF ordered both Bumax 109 and the stronger 109 Ultra because a particular headcap was needed that can only be manufactured in the Ultra grade. “Bumax screws are stable against static and dynamic forces during the machining process, even under extreme forces,” said Ms Holm. “Also, they are available in a range of sizes, which makes them suitable for all our zero-point clamping modules, including pneumatic, hydraulic and automation modules.” Bumax is a specialist manufacturer of premium stainless steel fasteners in a variety of steel grades that provide safety and reliability in demanding applications. Customers operate in industries such as marine, automotive, oil and gas, chemical processing, energy, defence, pulp and paper, construction and general engineering. Bumax
AMF milling dril
Plans for business to spring back
development and production capacities of the springs and stabilisers group in Germany will be concentrated in Hagen. This will include prototyping, production of stabilisers for small-batch orders and the spare parts business, and the production of springs for heavy cars and electric vehicles. The site’s entire production strategy will be revised and switched to a higher degree of automation. The springs and stabilisers business currently operates nine production sites, in Germany, Hungary, Brazil, Mexico and China, employing around 3,400 people worldwide. thyssenkrupp AG
respective product segments are too low and overcapacities on the market too high. That is why we have decided to combine the remaining production and development activities at one site and further streamline the organisation.” Around 330 employees are employed at the site in Olpe. Existing customer projects will be completed by the end of 2021 and production will then be discontinued. Over the course of this year and next, steps will be taken to prepare employees for subsequent employment within the group or elsewhere. The Hagen site has been producing springs for customers in the automotive industry since 1925. In future, all
extensive for the German sites of its springs and stabilisers division. Under the plan, production of stabilisers at the site in Olpe will be discontinued by the end of 2021. The company’s Hagen site will be realigned and converted into a centre of excellence for the development and manufacture of springs and stabilisers. Dr Karsten Kroos, CEO of thyssenkrupp’s automotive technology division, commented, “The restructuring of the two sites is an unavoidable and right step to return the business to pro t. The two plants were no longer competitive in the current setup. Price levels in the restructuring plan
EF 4/38
July 2020
Corporate News
TR Formac expands presence in Thailand
to exchange information and initiate changes towards a low-carbon transport community. TR’s has over 359,000 square feet of factory space across Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan, producing 525 million components per month. Thailand is the 13 th largest automotive parts exporter and the sixth largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world, and aims to become one of the top performers in the global automotive market, according to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations brie ng online report 2018. TR Formac manufactures and distributes a large range of industrial fasteners and associated components. PSEP (Power Steel & Electro-Plating) in Malaysia was acquired in 2011, and the Thailand o ce opened in 2013. Trifast plc TR Formac
in mind, and to collaborate with other companies, we decided to join the Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT), which the Thai government was instrumental in launching. “There are three phases involving intensive R&D to enable the production of 1.2 million units by 2036, and 690 EV smart charging stations. All types of electri ed vehicles are on the agenda: battery, hybrid, plug-in and fuel cell. Moving into bigger premises facilitates our continued growth; it’s a key part of our strategic business development initiative to move us forwards.” EVAT was set up in 2015 by individuals from the private and public sectors to promote and support industrial manufacturing, research and develop- ment, and EV usage in Thailand. There has been recognition within the country, speci cally at government level, to strengthen the knowledge and global competitiveness of Thailand as an EV manufacturer. Supported by the Ministry of Energy and the Energy Regulatory Commission, EVAT enables members
TR Formac, part of Trifast plc with corporate headquarters in East Sussex, UK, has expanded its global presence by moving into larger premises in Prawet, Bangkok, Thailand, in response to strong growth across Asia and winning new business from global OEMs. The new facility provides around 3,000 square feet of space, enabling the company to trade more e ciently and to help strengthen its position in the growing electric vehicle (EV) market. Operations in Thailand are headed by country manager David Ng, who has witnessed the fast development of the automotive sector across the country. Chris Black, global director of automotive business development, will be supporting Mr Ng and the TR Formac team to increase their market share of the automotive EV sector, sharing his experience and knowledge with the Thailand team. Mr Ng commented, “There are huge growth opportunities in Thailand with key focuses on technology and innovation of electric vehicles. With this
Spring market worth $33.3bn by 2027 The global spring market size is expected to reach US$33.3bn by 2027, registering a CAGR of 4.5 per cent during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) for countries that are not able to produce them. Increased demand for exports has spurred technological development and industrial production. In turn, the introduction of new industrial technologies, such as the use of 3D printers in manufacturing, has shaped the pattern of the manufacturing sector and increased the demand for springs for robotics as well as for manufactured products. Europe accounted for more than 25 per cent of the global revenue generated in the market in 2019. Rising government investments to boost electric vehicle production/sales are anticipated to promote regional growth over the coming years. In Asia Paci c, the market is expected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period, owing to substantial growth of the manufacturing sector in countries such as China and India. However, the market is dependent on demand from end users such as automotive and manufacturing. The onset of a nancial crisis is expected to adversely impact market growth. Prices of raw materials such as metal and alloy have rapidly uctuated, hampering market growth, and the presence of a large number of domestic and international market participants has made the market highly competitive. The competitive environment in the market has forced vendors to sell products at low prices, which has impacted pro t margins and restricted further research and development. However, frequent adoption of new manufacturing methods and of customised products is expected to accelerate the growth of the spring market over the coming years. Grand View Research, Inc
The market is expected to gain prominence over the forecast period owing to consistent growth in the demand for springs from industries such as automotive and transportation, agriculture and forestry, and construction. The adoption of heavy industrial machinery in developing countries to optimise the manufacturing process is also expected to drive the market. Helical springs are expected to be a key segment, exhibiting the highest CAGR over the forecast period. The primary factor for high growth is the extensive use of these springs in products and machinery in several end-use industries such as automotive and manufacturing. The automotive and transportation segment is expected to witness the highest growth by 2027. This growth is attributed to signi cant demand for springs from electric vehicle OEM manufacturers around the world. In 2019, the global electric vehicle eet exceeded 5mn units, up from 2mn in 2017. Being a crucial part of all electric vehicles, springs are expected to register considerable growth over the forecast period. In Asia Paci c, the spring market is projected to expand at a CAGR of over 3 per cent from 2020 to 2027, owing to increased demand for springs from manufacturing, automobile and transportation sectors in the region. Industrialisation and trade have strengthened each other. Trade has provided access to critical industrial inputs such as raw materials and updated technologies like robotics and
EF 5/39
July 2020
▲ Nord-Lock’s Red Dot Design Award-winning Superbolt Tool
Red Dot design award to Nord-Lock Group
The original Nord-Lock® wedge-locking technology that safely secures bolted joints was developed in 1982. Since then, the company has grown its range of bolting technologies and expertise, incorporating Superbolt™ mechanical tensioners, Boltight™ hydraulic tensioners and Expander® System pivot pins. the company’s team works closely with customers around the world. Nord-Lock Group Red Dot All solutions are developed and manufactured in-house, and
More than 6,500 products were submitted and individually tested by an international jury of experts. “We are of course very proud and honoured that our design has been recognised this way,” said Nord-Lock Group CEO Fredrik Meuller. “It’s yet another proof of our dedication to develop technologies that are designed for the highest performance.” The Superbolt Tool is designed for Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners, a technology that was invented to solve the problem of applying high preload in large diameter bolts by dividing the torque into multiple jackbolts. The tool adds an extra layer of speed to this solution by tightening all the jackbolts simultaneously.
Nord-Lock a prestigious design accolade, the Red Dot Award, for the Superbolt Tool, which won Best Product Design 2020 in the Tools category. “I am extremely proud that the Superbolt Tool was judged not only good enough to be entered into the Red Dot competition, but it actually won,” said co-inventor Andy McPhee, R&D, Nord-Lock Group. The Superbolt Tool is a compact drive mechanism that makes it possible to tighten multiple jackbolts simultaneously to the correct load. It is designed to allow a small torque input to be magni ed into a large and uniformed torque output. Red Dot Award is a design competition that rewards the best products of the year. Group has received
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July 2020 EF 6/40
Single mode and multimode optical pin and socket termini
▲ TE Connectivity’s EB16 optical pin and socket termini
16 cavities and are compliant with MIL-DTL-38999 Series I and Series III connectors, as well as the MIL-STD-1760 connector. The termini include features that compensate for inherent connector mating misalignments. For a D38999 size 25-37 connector fully loaded with termini, the springless termini can reduce the total axial connector mating force by approximately 150 lbf. The return loss (RL) of the multimode products is now comparable to that of the single mode design. In addition, crimp eyelets and the need for a crimp tool have been eliminated, reducing overall termination time and labour. “For customers who need the performance of a non-contacting optical interface, TE now o ers them the new single mode and multimode EB16 options,” said Gregory Ristau, product line manager for TE’s aerospace, defence and marine division. EB16 termini are designed for a variety of military, commercial aerospace, harsh environment industrial and space applications, including radar and sensor systems; rugged communications networks; xed wing and rotary aircraft; unmanned aerial vehicles; commercial avionics and sensing; military avionics, sensing and ordnance; and military ground vehicles. TE Connectivity
TE Connectivity is to release its EB16 expanded beam optical pin and socket termini in new single mode and multimode variations. Both are based on an updated design that includes springless mating and crimpless cable retention. EB16 termini are built on TE’s Pro Beam expanded beam connector technology, which expands and collimates the optical signal into a beam size beyond its original size. This helps to provide easier optical alignment, low sensitivity to contamination and consistent performance over thermal changes. Separating the optical components by an air gap and removing physical contact helps improve performance and reduce damage in rugged conditions such as high vibration and shock. The mated termini engagement length is more than two times deeper than the standard MIL-PRF-29504/4 and /5, which helps improve stability and performance during vibration. As with previous versions, the new EB16 optical single mode and multimode pin and socket termini are drop-in replacements for the MIL-PRF-29504/4 and /5 physical contact termini used in many ruggedised circular connector systems.
Designed for versatility, EB16 termini t standard D38999 size
Copper-bottomed cleat contract Cable cleat manufacturer Ellis has secured a contract to supply products for a major project in South America. The company will supply its Vulcan+ cable cleats for installation in an $800mn desalination plant, under construction as part of the $2.5bn expansion of BHP’s Spence copper mine in Chile’s Atacama Desert. Kelly Brown, export sales manager at Ellis, said, “Latin America is noted for being one of the hardest export markets to break into. …We took the decision early on to appoint a locally-based business development manager, Gabriela Castro-Fontoura, who has built up a strong network of distributors from her base in Uruguay, and is now enjoying a string of signi cant speci cations.” Ellis Patents Ltd Manufactured in 316L stainless steel, the cleats are designed to provide corrosion protection in harsh environments.
EF 7/41
July 2020
Nested Series springs: on-demand CAD access
engineers need access to this data and it had to be available on day one as part of the new product launch.” As an “advocate for digital customer experience” in the manufacturing industry, Smalley has provided engineers with access to digital product data and 3D CAD models for more than ten years. Adam Beck, director of marketing at Cadenas Partsolutions, commented, “Smalley is always working to streamline the process and nd faster ways to get data to their engineering customers. This forward-thinking approach is why so many engineers love to work with Smalley and return again and again.” Smalley is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 company, delivering products certi ed to IATF 16949, AS9100 and ISO 13485. Smalley
Smalley has accelerated access to the Nested Series of springs by standardising the product line and providing instant access via the online product con gurator built by Cadenas Partsolutions. Formerly a custom product, engineers can now con gure and download the springs on-demand at the company’s website. While better known for its spiral retaining rings and space-saving wave-springs, Smalley has been producing the nested springs as a custom product for nearly 30 years. “Introducing a standard line of nested springs gives customers the ability to streamline production while meeting their high force requirements,” said R&D engineer Dan Frank. Online access will give engineers the ability to con gure and preview the Smalley part they need. Once the con guration has been determined, it can be downloaded in the engineer’s preferred CAD format to test its t within the design. “CAD is the most popular tool on our website,” said Brendan Briscoe, marketing supervisor at Smalley. “We know that
Cadenas Partsolutions
Small components play large role in medical equipment Several companies within the Lesjöfors Group have many years of experience supplying the medical industry. The medical range of European Springs & Pressings (ESP) in the UK includes springs used in the mouthpieces of ventilators, catheter clips to syringe drivers, patient beds and trolley systems, instrumentation and electrical components for medical technologies including de brillators. ESP manufactures a large range of springs and pressings, using advanced, high-volume machinery. At peak, the machines can manufacture ve million springs per hour, and speci c production lines have been repurposed and upscaled to manage orders. Managing director Stuart McSheehy commented, “We have developed tooling and manufactured medical components for the healthcare sector for decades but today’s climate and subsequent increase in demand has highlighted the market share with which we and our customers operate in. Normally validation as a new supplier takes months of trials before volume production but in this very abnormal period we’ve been fast-tracking processes to suit our customers.”
Other spring solutions for the medical industry from Lesjöfors include medical springs for implants and applications such as pacemakers; improved needle protection for catheters; customised wire forms for garment lifting; and springs in healthcare monitoring equipment that sends data from the patient’s home. The Lesjöfors companies that supply components for the healthcare technology and medicine industries meet the highest demands of cleanliness in products and manufacturing environment, and deliveries are assured by sales and production facilities in many countries worldwide. Lesjöfors Group
▲ Companies in the Lesjöfors Group can supply components to the medical industry
EF 8/42
July 2020
Protection against a wide range of threats
while providing fastening power and metal-to-metal contact. Where vibration is a particular issue, Zago o ers a variety of self-locking strips, pellets and patches that absorb vibration. The fasteners are ready to use with no installation preparation, and are reusable. They are compatible with all surface types and act as a deterrent against external/internal contamination from air, water, gas and other harsh environments when using compatible O-ring materials. To ensure e ective performance, Zago can assist customers in selecting the right security/tamper-proof self-sealing screw. The company’s engineering department can serve as a resource to help resolve any issues encountered or to enhance current systems. Zago Manufacturing
Investing in security/tamper-proof screws can deter attempts to tamper with equipment, but securing against other threats, such as air or uid contaminants or pressure, might be overlooked. Zago o ers a variety of drive styles for security/tamper-proof, self-sealing screws, to provide security against external/internal contamination from air, water, gas and other materials. The screws are available in di erent screw materials as well as O-ring material options, depending on the application. The range of security/tamper-proof, self-sealing screws includes socket tamper-proof; six-lobe tamper-proof; spanner; and one-way slotted. Zago can supply standard threading, or can work with the customer to deter- mine speci c threading needs, includ- ing left-hand threads. Tamper-proof fasteners can be forti ed with Zago’s
▲ Pipe-In-Hex socket screws feature a small metal post that prevents a normal hex driver from engaging O-ring, which is designed to t each type of tamper-proof screw. These specially engineered screws block out uids, air and chemical contaminants,
Hex bolts from China Ningbo Jinding Fastening Piece Co, Ltd is a hex bolt factory located in Ningbo, China, with a sales arm located in the USA dedicated to the Western Hemisphere. It has a 25-year history of manufacturing high-strength hex bolts that are shipped around the world. Quotations processed through the US o ce receive factory direct pricing. Cold forming to 1" and hot forging are carried out in-house. The company’s factory has 18 heat treatment lines and 16 annealing furnaces, with a total production capacity of 10,000 metric tons per month. The hex bolts are made to order or are warehoused in Ningbo in a fully automated warehouse. No products are warehoused in the USA. In-house brass component manufacture Shiv-Om Brass Industries, founded in 1992, manufactures customised brass parts, supplying industries around India and exporting to the USA, the UK, Europe and Australia. The company is ISO 9001:2015 and TS 16949 certi ed, and
has an in-house accredited laboratory. Full lot traceability and material certi cates are available. The range of products includes hex cap screws in carbon steel or alloy steel, as well as hex tap bolts and hex ange bolts, available with trivalent zinc, hexavalent yellow zinc, Xylan or plain nish. Socket hex head cap screws, button hex head sockets and at hex head sockets are also available in carbon steel or alloy steel, with zinc, black or plain nish. Heavy hex bolts and studs to a range of standard speci cations are available with nut and washer assemblies, with HDG, Xylan, zinc nickel, Dacromet, Geomet or plain nish. Ningbo Jinding Fastening Piece USA, Inc
The use of quality-tested brass enhances accuracy to make the industrial fasteners suitable for the metallic and wooden surfaces on which they will be mounted. The fasteners include screws with di erent heads and in diverse sizes, bolts, nuts, hex nuts and washers. The company also makes use of brass rods, hollow pipes and brass metal sheets, depending on the client’s requirements. Features of the brass fasteners include sturdiness, resistance against corrosion, dimensional accuracy, high tensile strength, a awless nish, easy installation and robust construction.
The main plant in Jamnagar, India, has a large manufacturing unit with machinery for in-house production of brass components. The company uses quality assurance to ensure that products are designed and implemented correctly, and to reduce errors in the nal product. The aim of quality control is to check that the products meet the speci cations and requirements of the customer.
Fasteners from Shiv-Om
They are produced to standard such as DIN, EN, JIS, ISO and ASTM, for applications in instrumentation, telecommunications and other plastic case assembly.
Shiv-Om Brass Industries
EF 9/43
July 2020
Manufacturing Technology
Condat Neat Green vegetable-based grinding oil
Lubrication recommendation
We have seen good performance while performing run-o s for several major fastener manufacturers, and we have never experienced a re, even when grinding in severe conditions. We would recommend customers use Condat products in our machines and encourage them to test it out, as we believe it to be a good solution for this challenging industry.” Condat has manufactured performance lubricants for more than 165 years, from metalworking and forging to wire drawing and tunnelling applications. Condat SA Allways Precision Inc
Issues can include smoke, misting and a high risk of pop-up/ ash re due to the elevated temperatures for these applications and the nature of conventional oils. “Conventional and heavily chlorinated oils have several negative drawbacks on the long-term performance of our machine tools,” said Alex Vanderberg, technical programme director at Allways Precision. “Furthermore, the low ash point of those oils is a concern, especially when grinding titanium.” the performance of Condat’s Neat Green vegetable-based oils, Mr Vanderberg was impressed: “We have had good success using these oils to grind all types of aerospace alloys, including titanium. After testing and analysing
Allways in rebuilding and supplying Cincinnati centreless grinders to the aerospace fastener market, has announced its recommendation of Condat products for its customers’ grinding applications. As a solutions provider in this challenging industry, Allways Precision purchases, remanufactures, upgrades and sells centreless grinders for a variety of applications, including the grinding of di cult metals such as Inconel, A286 stainless, titanium and ferrous alloy fasteners. Many of these applications involve high removal rates on tough materials, which has been a problem in the past when using conventional chlorinated grinding oils. Precision, a specialist
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44 EF 10/ 4 44
July 2020
Manufacturing Technology
CNC control app for automated dressing CNC machine tool and process optimisation expert Okuma, working together with Dr Kaiser Diamantwerkzeuge GmbH & Co KG, has developed a new control app for CNC programs.
The e cient and easy-to-use Okuma Dressing App is described as one of the most innovative dressing technologies on the market. The control application calculates all dressing parameters, independently reads the available data and transfers the values directly to the CNC program, removing the need for manual calculations and double entries. Recognising the importance of selecting the right dressing parameters, such as dressing speed ratio or dressing feed rate, Okuma and Dr Kaiser Diamantwerkzeuge analysed the possibilities o ered by existing apps and the parameters needed to further optimise the grinding process. The conclusion was that user-friendliness and e ciency were missing. The Okuma Dressing App can be opened and operated directly from the main screen of the controller. The user only has to enter the geometry of the dresser and the required values for speed ratio, infeed depth and overlaying amount. The app then automatically transfers the necessary values for feed rate, cutting depth, dressing speed and direction of rotation to the CNC program or the Dr Kaiser inverter, as required.
In a test cut, the control automatically read out the grinding wheel speed and diameter and from these calculated the peripheral speed. The app used this value to determine the speed of the dressing wheel, with reference to the selected speed ratio. The Okuma Dressing App can create constant cutting conditions over the entire grinding wheel and keep the speed ratio constant, even with large steps in the contour. Okuma Europe GmbH ▲ The Okuma Dressing App can be operated from the main screen of the controller
The turning of the screw in metal pre-treatment for cold forming operations Henkel Adhesive Technologies has enhanced the market t of its Bonderite L-FM FL portfolio of polymeric coatings for the surface conversion of metals used in cold forming operations. The optimised Bonderite L-FM FL process reduces the number of treatment steps, from as many as ten, to one or two, and is an alternative in the production of high-performance automotive bolts and screws. Medium carbon or alloy steel grades designed for cold formed threaded fasteners in property classes such as 8.8, 9.8, 10.9 and 12.9 require a prior surface conversion process to create a thin, adherent coating that will facilitate deformation and ensure the quality of the nal product. In the automotive industry, these cold formed screws and bolts are used in a wide range of engine, powertrain, suspension, wells and other demanding applications. Traditional zinc phosphating and reactive soap processes, although well established in metal pre-treatment for cold deformation, are associated with a number of potential drawbacks, including high acidity, high energy consumption and phosphate sludge. They can also involve up to ten individual steps, from initial degreasing and pickling to activation, phosphating and soaping, with frequent intermediate rinsing. With Bonderite L-FM FL, Henkel has developed a solution to these issues that provides a exible one-step process, reduced CO 2 impact and less water usage. Bonderite L-FM FL is a non-reactive, water-based polymeric coating that adheres to the surface physically without any reaction, so the only evaporates produced in the subsequent drying step prior to cold deformation are aqueous. As a one-step process, it eliminates all rinsing steps, which saves water, and also has a reduced energy demand with appropriately lower CO 2 emissions. When the cold formed screws are dephosphatised for nal heat treatment, the polymeric coating is easier to remove, and permits the use of a dephosphating cleaner in lower concentration, which means less consumption. In addition to the environmental bene ts, the Bonderite L-FM FL technology is characterised by its reduced complexity over zinc phosphating. As a single-bath process, it minimises equipment footprint and maintenance. Raw material surface properties require initial sand blasting or pickling and neutralising, but the conversion cycle is simpli ed to a single step and operates at a temperature between 40°C and 50°C, providing time and energy savings. Overall productivity is enhanced by the lubricity and pressure resistance, in comparison with traditional zinc phosphating processes, which results in longer extrusion die life, and has been con rmed in industrial-scale applications. Henkel Italia Srl
EF 11/45
July 2020
Manufacturing Technology
Faster, safer changeover with power clamp for extrusion
▲ Extruder with AutoGrip clamp (the darker-coloured component mounted in the foreground at the end of the extruder)
clamps are di cult to operate and inherently dangerous, this new automatic system from Graham Engineering speeds up changeovers and is easy to maintain.” The AutoGrip power clamp is available for extruder sizes from 90 to 150mm (3.5" to 6"). In addition to applications involving new extruders, it can be retro tted on many existing installations. Graham Engineering is a global supplier of wheel and industrial extrusion blow moulding systems, o ering package design, product development and processing expertise, along with monolayer, multilayer and barrier extrusion blow moulding equipment. As a provider of extrusion technologies for plastics, rubber and silicones, American Kuhne o ers standard and custom single screw extruders, feed screws, extrusion systems and specialised turnkey systems for laboratory, medical tubing, narrow web, wire and cable, pipe, tubing and pro le applications. Graham Engineering Corp American Kuhne
A new extrusion clamp with electro-mechanical actuation is designed to be safer and simpler to operate than manual devices and provides more repeatable clamping forces. The AutoGrip® power clamp from Graham Engineering’s American Kuhne product line reduces downtime in installations with frequent screw, breaker plate or tooling changes. It reduces the risk of injury or burns involved in manually releasing and tightening clamps during changeovers. The torque required in manual systems to su ciently seal the clamp assembly is particularly dangerous with large extruder sizes. In addition, the manual clamps are typically heated to temperatures of greater than 200°C (400°F), increasing the risk of injury with traditional manual systems. The AutoGrip clamp is remotely controlled by a two-hand push-button controller for user safety and convenience. The drive motor and gear box are mounted above the clamp, protecting them from melt residue and making them easy to access for maintenance. “We have engineered the AutoGrip system with simplicity and safety in mind,” said Michael Du , vice president of sales and service for Graham Engineering Corporation. “While manual
EF 12/46
July 2020
Industry & technology news from the world of fasteners
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