EoW September 2013
17 th – 19 th September 10 th International Wire and Cable Trade Fair for Southeast Asia
wire Southeast Asia 2013
As part of broadening the appeal of wire Southeast Asia, a series of technical seminars have been designed to bring the event closer to the wire and cable industry, providing unique insights into the trends shaping this sector. The rst round of technical seminars will be held in Seoul, South Korea, on 22 nd July, followed by Jakarta, Indonesia, on 24 th July and ending in Bangkok, Thailand, on 26 th July. Prominent industry associations, including the International Wire and Machinery Association, the International Wire and Cable Exhibitors’ Association, ACIMAF the Italian Wire Machinery Manufacturers Association, and the Iron and Steel Institute of Thailand again support Thailand’s largest trade fair for the wire and cable industry. Online visitor pre-registration is open until 9 th September 2013. Visitors interested in taking part should pre-register at www.wire-southeastasia.com.
Background imagebigstockphoto.com Photographer ‘rzymu’
September 2013
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