EoW September 2012
Feature Springs
Very precise micro springs and coils
Designed for the production of very precise micro springs and coils, Kine-Coil Division/Kinefac® Corporation’s Micro-Coiler and Kine-Coiler coiling machines cover wire ranges of 0.025mm to 0.152mm and 0.127mm to 0.45mm, respectively. To provide for total precision control, both machines are equipped with 4 axis CNC controls. The demonstration coil illustrates the versatility and variety of diameters, pitches and configurations that can be programmed using the Kinefac proprietary developed software. This coil is made complete with no subsequent trimming required. Tool adjustments for making coils with continuously variable pitches and diameters can be programmed easily, and can occur independently or simultaneously. Typically, transitions in the opening and closing of pitches and changing of diameters can be made within one to two coil turns. The cuts on the round wire and flat wire coils are perpendicular to the coil wire axis thereby eliminating sharp slivered ends typical of manually cut coils. The Micro-Coiler is capable of producing coils as small as 0.177mm outside diameters using materials such as 304V stainless steel, platinum alloys or tungsten alloys. These coils are used primarily in medical devices but also have applications in electronic, automotive and aerospace components.
▲ ▲ The Micro-Coiler from Kinefac
Kine-Coil Division/Kinefac Corporation supplies the basic micro-coiling machines as well as on demand and specialised coiling systems. It also offers technical services including coil design, prototyping of coils in its coiling laboratory, micro-coiling tools, and output support systems for various length coils. Kinefac – USA Website : www.microcoiler.com
September 2012
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