EoW September 2009
corporate news
Draka Communications has appointed David Groombridge as business develop- ment manager, telecoms solutions, for the UK and Ireland. He will be responsible for all fibre optic, network solutions and project management sales and support. David is already experienced in the international telecommunications industry, having worked with both Global Crossing and AT&T. David Groombridge said, “Draka can claim Europe’s largest fibre optic cable manufacturing facility, an industry-leading research and product development operation, plus DrakaXS Net, a comprehensive FTTH design implementation and maintenance package for next generation access network infrastructure. “I believe we have a strong and highly flexible offer – from concept to delivery.” Draka Communications – The Netherlands Website : www.draka.com Heading broadband sales
CERN recognises supplier excellence
Novacavi has been awarded the “CMS Gold Award 2009” by CERN, the Euro- pean Organization for Nuclear Research, for its involvement and support in the realisation of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) detector. Novacavi designed, prototyped, tested and delivered the radiation resistant, halogen free (no toxic and corrosive gas), flame and fire retardant electrical cables required for the laboratory instrumentation. Roberto Giudici, engineering manager, Gianluca Ramploud, quality manager and Ferruccio Ramploud, president and founder of the company, received the award.“Our relationship with CERN began in the eighties and our involvement in this project at the beginning of 2000. Today we are honoured to represent Italian excellence after having been working closely to the engineering team and with outstanding results in terms of quality and schedule,” said Ferruccio Ramploud. The company has been involved in designing andmanufacturing customised
Novacavi’s award winning team ▲ ▲
electrical cables for advanced technology since 1975. Novacavi can provide cost effective solutions and services for any special cable application, working in accordance with the latest worldwide regulations. The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN (acronym of French Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), is the world’s leading centre for subatomic particle research and is located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Novacavi SpA – Italy Fax : +39 02 5472354 Email : info@novacavi.it Website : www.novacavi.it
EuroWire – September 2009
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