EoW November 2013
Technical article
Traditional Tinning
Multi-line tinning process with wet chemical surface preparation
Single line high-speed tinning, Dry surface treatment without fluxing
Process type
Production speed
5-60m/min , subject to ribbon softness
150m/min – super soft ribbon
No of lines/output
4-25 , subject to quality, ribbon softness
1 – super soft high-quality ribbon
Annealing type
furnace/resistive/induction (off-line)
Plasma (inline with tinning)
Surface preparation for tinning
Acid, rinsing, fluxing prior to tinning Expensive and harmful to operator
Dry, chemical-free plasma treatment Low cost and operator friendly
Production cost
High – labour, chemicals, energy
Production continuity
More frequent changeover – 50kg spools
Less changing over – 500kg spools
High – wet processes difficult to control operator experience and skills are key
Low Inline PLC-based quality control
Scrap rate
Solder wastage
High – flux contamination in tin bath
Low – flux-free production
Limited PLC with manual assistance – complex multi-line production/line-to-line reference
Fully PLC controlled production – inline PLC quality control and alarm system
Production control
Capital investment
Production line footprint
▲ ▲ Table 1 : Typical production parameters for traditional PlasmaPREPLATE tinning in PV ribbon production
interconnect ribbon requires tight control of the production conditions to avoid excessive scrap rates. This is often difficult to achieve when wet processes are involved.
The use of wet processes adds to the number of production parameters that must be closely controlled. precision products with tight tolerances such as Production of expensive,
PlasmaPREPLATE process can be tuned to anneal the copper ribbon to any required softness. Complete recrystallisation with yield strengths down to 50MPa and small grain size can be achieved. Performing annealing in-line with tinning reduces the amount of soft material manipulation. Less stress and mechanical deformation reduces the potential for yield strength and camber build up on the rolling line takeup and tinning line payoff. It is important to recognise the need for precision handling and accurate winding in case of super soft ribbon. Precision transport system for handling of super soft ribbon can be an expensive investment, which is required on every tinning line. Faster tinning lines can therefore reduce the capital investment in transport systems per unit of production output. The traditional tinning lines require acid cleaning, rinsing and fluxing prior to tinning. These wet processes are not only environmentally questionable, they are also hazardous and unpleasant for the operator. Flux contamination of tin bath leads to high cost of solder waste.
▼ ▼ Figure 5 : PlasmaPREPLATE tinning line for PV ribbon production
November 2013
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