EoW November 2013
Focus on Scandinavia
Low cost copper casting ▲ ▲ Upcast technology is a simple process
Upcast® technology allows for casting of top quality copper and copper alloy rod with low overall costs. It is a simple process with easy operation through an advanced control system. Different rod sizes can be cast, even simultaneously, and output and product mix can be easily adjusted to meet demand. Upcast lines are tailor-made to match the needs of each specific customer, while a wide range in both single double furnace configurations with unique upgradeability is available. The majority of delivered Upcast® lines are for Cu-OF rod. The most common cast rod diameter is 8mm, which is the standard size within the cable and wire industry. Rods with bigger diameters are used for manufacturing a variety of products, eg bus-bars, trolley wires, electroplating anodes, etc. Upcast® Cu-OF rod is well-suited for all electrical applications and has become a preferred feedstock especially for: • fine and multi-wire drawing where ductility requirements are most demanding • enamel wire production where surface finish is of utmost importance • continuous rotary extrusion where tool wear rate is a crucial factor. There is a wide range of alloyed coppers and copper alloys that can be cast with Upcast®. These include, among others, silver bearing and phosphor-deoxidised coppers, brasses and bronzes. As new applications for copper alloys are being developed and new types of copper alloys emerge, the utilisation of Upcast® technology within the copper alloys field is rapidly increasing. Upcast OY – Finland Website : www.upcast.com
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