EoW November 2013
News Technology
Process safety and observation of the die quality is crucial
Because of the needle exchange device, it is possible to perform this with a completely automatic workstation. All three steps such as grinding, polishing of the cone and processing of the cylinder are fully automatic. The demand and the urgent requirement of the wire processing industry to such intelligent solutions for process observation will grow even stronger in the future. and customer-orientated solutions, which carry the increasingly complex requirements, we rely on sustainable successes. • Die working machine • Diamond suspension • Diamond grinding pins • Calibration pins • Tungsten carbide nibs/Tungsten carbide dies • Diamond dies/PCD dies With high-quality products Bremer offers:
The costs for product quality have mainly been spent by the dies and their manufacturing tolerances, which have been determined throughout the drawing hollow. In order to get along with the requirements, it is necessary to use an improved drawing tool. The resulting requirement of the improved die geometry requires a sustainable further development of the currently used die-working machine. The target of the new development was a secure and efficient observation of the die working geometry during the manufacturing process with improved manufacturing tolerances. Beside the quality observation, the safety of the process and observation of the die quality is of crucial importance. The machine is equipped with an automatic needle exchange device and a fully automatic measuring system, which sends the data of the manufacturing process to the controller. This allows the automation of a small series without the intervention of staff members to switch the measuring pins.
Willi Bremer GmbH – Germany Website : www.bremer-willi.de
Nexans turns to Dow Nexans’ newest product, Energex® Extra, uses Dow Endurance™ HFDC-4202 tree-retardant cross-linked polyethylene (TR-XLPE) insulation. The advantages of Energex Extra using Dow Endurance HFDC-4202 are said to include improved resistance to water tree growth, higher retained dielectric strength after ICEA 360-day accelerated water treeing test (AWTT) and reduced cost of ownership through longer cable life. “Our customers demand reliability, consistency and cost optimisation in their medium voltage cables. Nexans’ conversion to Dow Endurance HFDC-4202 will further improve the performance of our medium voltage cables,” said Rick Vascotto, vice-president sales and marketing, North America energy infrastructures. Nexans has received certification to Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard C68.5 (primary shielded and concentric neutral cable for distribution utilities), and is eligible to apply the CSA mark on products manufactured with Dow Endurance HFDC-4202 insulation. “Nexans is the first manufacturer in North America to make a full conversion to Dow Endurance HFDC-4202 insulation for [its] Energex Extra cables, and we are excited about the launch of this new product,” said Kim Ann Mink, business president of Dow Elastomers, electrical and telecommunications. “Our collaboration underscores the commitment each of us has made to continually innovate through our Dow Inside alliance to bring enhanced reliability for power distribution solutions.” Energex Extra with Dow Endurance HFDC-4202 insulation is also said to offer improved extrusion-processing characteristics and enhanced strippability. Nexans – France Website : www.nexans.com
Decalub green cleaning TecHnOlOgieS FOcuS On: Wire Cleaning ( for plating and high glossy finish )
Wire Rod Lubrication ( for frictionless drawing )
Rod Dry Preparation ( with no speed limit )
DECALUB 31, avenue de Condé 77500 CHELLES, FRANCE E-mail: info@decalub.com Website: www.decalub.com
November 2013
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