EoW November 2013
News Corporate
Inosym Reels and Qunye Reels have established a joint venture company – IQ Reels. The establishment of IQ Reels is a major milestone for Inosym and Qunye and will ensure existing and new customers continue to receive high quality products and service through a comprehensive worldwide sales network and world-class production facilities of over 40,000m 2 . The quality and service of Inosym combined with the cost base and production facilities of Qunye will allow IQ Reels to offer reels, bobbins and spools to meet all markets, quality and price expectations. IQ Reels welcomes enquires through the local Inosym agent, found through the Inosym website at www.inosym.com or directly through either www. inosym.com or www.qunyeglobe.com Inosym – New Zealand Qunye Reels – China Website : www.inosym.com Website : www.qunyeglobe.com Reel deal for Insoym and Qunye
Duisburg deal is done Tenova has completed the acquisition of Technometal GmbH, a German company based in Duisburg. Technometal is a plantmaker with the ability to cover the full set of plants and services in the secondary metallurgy market: project studies, plant design, engineering, supply, commissioning, training and consulting. Seventy five per cent of the steel produced is refined via secondary metallurgy processes. Technometal supplies equipment, related to the process requirements, with capacities ranging from less than five to more than 300 tons. This know-how allows Tenova to integrate and expand its product portfolio (LF, VD and VOD) by including the refining equipment for BF/BOF route (RH). In this way, Tenova strengthens its position as a recognised player in secondary metallurgy with three centres of activity: Tenova Melt Shops (Italy), Technometal (Germany) and Tenova Core (USA). In the last seven years the following German companies have joined the Tenova Group: LOI Group (Essen), TAKRAF (Lipsia), Metall Technologie Holding (Menden), and Technometal (Duisburg). Tenova – Italy Website : www.tenova.com
▲ ▲ IQ Reels’ directors are, from left, Mr Chen Houqing, Mr Grant Latimer, Mr Bob Zhou, Mr Philip Young and Ms Wang Qiuxiang
November 2013
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