EoW November 2012
I have always had a fond attachment to the IWCS conference and exhibition. It was the rst ever wire and cable event I attended, back in 2006. Two weeks into my role I arrived bright-eyed on my rst visit to the US shoreline to be greeted by some generous and welcoming people from within the industry. Since then, and the unforgettable worldwide recession, IWCS (see our preview on page 50) has gone through a period of rebranding but the message clearly remains the same. Advances in the industry are highlighted to rooms full of attentive listeners, eagerly anticipating changes in a rapidly evolving industry. This has been the underpin of the organisers since its inception some 61 years ago. The fact that the event remains as strong as ever today is testament to the e ort and determination of those people. Staying on the American side of the pond, our Focus on USA feature this issue (page 52) highlights the buoyancy of the market and the e orts US rms are going to to ensure they remain ahead of the competition. The fact that this has been the most popular of our ‘Focus On’ sections since we began in May is hardly surprising given the size of the country. But the determination of those who have submitted editorial has shone through. There is also a strong feature this month on ‘steel wire, rod and rope production, machinery and equipment’ (page 43), which gives an insight into this fascinating part of the industry. I would like to end by saying thank you to everyone for your comments on the new EuroWire Leading from the front – it’s the IWCS
* US$33 purchase only Front cover: AlphaGary See page 100 for further details
E DITOR : ....................................... David Bell F EATURES E DITOR (USA) : .........Dorothy Fabian E DITORIAL ASSISTANT : .................Christian Bradley D ESIGN /P RODUCTION : ................Julie Tomlin P RODUCTION : ..............................Lisa Wright S ALES & M ARKETING : ................Jason Smith ( I NTERNATIONAL ) UK & ROW sales
Giuliana Benedetto Italian speaking sales Hendrike Morriss German speaking sales Linda Li Chinese speaking sales Jeroo Norman Indian sales
A DVERTISEMENT C OORDINATOR : ............................Liz Hughes A CCOUNTS M ANAGER : ................Richard Babbedge S UBSCRIPTIONS : ..........................Liz Hughes P UBLISHER : ..................................Caroline Sullens F OUNDER : ....................................John C Hogg
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Email : eurowire@intras.co.uk Website : www.intras.co.uk Website : www.read-eurowire.com
A DVERTISING /M ARKETING Intras USA – Doug Zirkle Danbury Corporate Center, 107 Mill Plain Road, Danbury, CT 06811, USA Tel : +1 203 794 0444 Email : doug@intras.co.uk
website we launched in September. We hope that this multi-media site, regularly updated with the latest news, adds reading and viewing pleasure.
US copies only : EUROWIRE (ISSN No: 1463-2483, USPS No: 022-738) is published bi-monthly by Intras Ltd and distributed in the USA by by SPP, 17B S Middlesex Ave, Monroe NJ 08831. Periodicals postage paid at New Brunswick, NJ. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Eurowire, 17B S Middlesex Ave, Monroe NJ 08831
www.read-eurowire.com © 2012 Intras Ltd, UK ISSN 1463-2438
David Bell Editor
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