EoW November 2011
corporate news
Keighley Laboratories staff are approved as CAA weld specimen supervisors
▲ ▲ Keighley Labs’ CAA recognised test house
“This important CAA approval came about following a number of enquiries from customers, as to whether we could witness weld testing on behalf of the CAA,” said Matthew Mellor. “We spoke to the authority when they next visited our test house and the region’s assistant surveyor subsequently issued us with a letter of approval. “It’s quite a distinctive accolade, since I don’t know of any other technical laboratory that has the same status.” Keighley Laboratories Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1535 680 604 Email : info@keighleylabs.co.uk Website : www.keighleylabs.co.uk
metallic parts that are essential to the airworthiness of an aircraft, where the achievement of a sound metal-to-metal joint depends largely on the competency of the operator. For welders not employed by a CAA approved organisation, test samples must be prepared under the supervision of a person authorised as a signatory, then submitted to a CAA approved test house for examination. Keighley Labs’ newly-approved signatories can now undertake weld invigilations at the customer’s premises, then the samples can be examined and certificated at its CAA recognised test house, providing a critical one-stop service.
The Metallurgical and Laboratory Services division of West Yorkshire, UK-based Keighley Laboratories has achieved the unusual distinction of having three of its senior employees approved by the Civil Aviation Authority as Weld Specimen Supervisors. Keith Blower, Matthew Mellor and Peter Hanson have all been officially recognised as approved signatories for the purpose of witnessing and certifying aircraft-related welding of test specimens, as defined in the authoritative BCAR (British Civil Airworthiness Requirements) Chapter A8-10 on the approval of welders. The procedures outlined in Chapter A8-10 are applicable to those who weld
EuroWire – November 2011
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