EoW November 2009
technology news
Extra large planetary stranders
Fluoropolymer compounds
A new concept in wire mesh and screen technology is said to overcome the limitations of traditional mesh products based on a square or rectangle. New 3WF® (waved welded wire fabric) technology, developed from a physics theory by Ghattas Y Koussaifi and based on the research of two scientists, Gaspar Coriolis and Denys Fisher, offers a solution that the developer believes will “move the industry forward. “ The attractive mesh designs produced using 3WF can be used as fences, screens, partitions and decorative items. The production process is based on an arithmetic equation that facilitates the design of an unlimited number of mesh patterns, produced from one continuous wire formed to shape and welded at intersection points, without cutting the wire during the production process. 3WF panels are ornamental but also rigid, providing security at a reasonable price. 3WF patterns or styles range from hand drawn designs to highly complex Early in 2009, SKET supplied another two planetary stranders for armouring cables with steel wire. One of these MKRD type machines with two cages can be operated in both the single (72 bobbins) and tandem (138 bobbins) mode, whereas the other consists of an 88-bobbin cage, each bobbin having a flange diameter of 800mm, for stranding steel wires of up to 10mm diameter. Maximum finished diameter of the cables armoured on this machine exceeds 250mm. SKET Verseilmaschinenbau GmbH offers a broad range of cage-type stranding machines for producing both cable and steel wire ropes with and without back twist. The company specialises in cage stranders for the production of submarine power cables, as well as for long and heavy steel ropes, and has supplied several large-sized stranders of this type. At the end of 2008, the company supplied what is thought to be the world’s largest cage-type stranding machine for the production of power cables. The MKVD machine is suitable for stranding cores with a 1200mm² cross-sectional area into cables with a maximum diameter of 240mm and can be operated either with or without back twist. The full bobbins in the stranding cages weigh 20 or 50 tonnes, some of them having flange diameters of more than 4,000mm.
curves (convex and concave), angles (obtuse, acute, and right) and straight lines (vertical and diagonal). Mesh can be produced to different specifications in terms of wire diameter, height length, mesh size and wire type (galvanized, black or stainless steel). 3WF’s patent covers concept, technology, machine and product, which gives solid protection and indicates the significance of this development. The patterns are registered industrial designs. The 3WF concept, offering ornamental design and security at a relatively afford- able price, can solve the conflict between cost and aesthetics when specifying security fencing. The developer of 3WF is keen to find worldwide licensees for this technology. 3WFWavedWeldedWire Fabric – Lebanon Fax : +961 9 621444 Colorant a full range of colour concentrates, compounds, pigment dispersions and inks for processors of fluoropolymers and high performance plastics. Colorant Chromatics’ extensive melt- processable product line includes colour concentrates and compounds for polymers including FEP, ETFE, PFA, PVdF, ECTFE, MFA, THV, PEEK, and PES. Colour concentrates are offered in various pigment strengths and resin viscosities to assure optimal performance in the end use manufacturing process. In addition to the Colorant Chromatics standard line of colours and compounds, the company offers special services including colour matching, pre-colouring, and custom compounding. The company also supplies a full range of pigment dispersions for PTFE extrusion, as well as printing and striping inks for FEP, ETFE, PFA, PVdF, PTFE, PEEK and polyimide. Colorant Chromatics AG – Switzerland Fax : +41 41 741 0102 Email : international@colorantchromatics.com Website : www.colorantchromatics.com Chromatics produces
The MKVD cage-type stranding machine ▲ ▲ for power cables
The line, including the stranding cage and all associated assemblies delivered by SKET, has an overall length of more than 90m and weighs 250 tonnes. SKET Verseilmaschinenbau GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 391 40558 37
Email : info@ sketvmb.de Website : www.sketvmb.de
Welded wire fabric said to offer almost unlimited design choices
Typical example of the 3WF technique ▲ ▲
computer aided designs. The different patterns are grouped into families to suit any taste, purpose or customer need. Using the 3WF concept each panel design can be made up of several segments, and for each segment there is an almost unlimited number of alternatives available. For example, a pattern divided into five segments, with 20 designs for each segment offers around 3 million mesh design alternatives. Every segment can have designs varying between
Email : info@gkwire.com Website : www.3wf.com
EuroWire – November 2009
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