EoW November 2007
newmachinery & equipment launched in 2007
Newmachine from Agir Agir Technologies (Mouton) has designed and manufactured the new SH machine. This machine was built to work very small diameters from 0.10-1mm on heights from a few hundreds millimetres to several millimetres, according to the pin rigidity.
Big performance fromMicro Products DesignedandbuiltbytheMicroProducts Company, the new model ADX1 butt welder offers big performance in a small size with reliability and consistency. It is ideal for welding steel wire or rod up to 1" in diameter, in the most cost effective manner, in the toughest work environment. The compact size saves valuable floor space and the new SCR welding and annealing circuits provide unmatched precision and repeatability. The heavy duty ADX1 butt welder offers these new features: • weld and anneal in the same plane • super heavy duty straight slide welding headpiece for superior weld results • compact heavy duty truck design with space saving foot print • separate welding and annealing circuits built in with SCR controlled settings from 0-99 Micro Products Company – USA Fax : +1 630 7879 360 Email : info@microweld.com Website : www.microweld.com
The SH machine can calibrate tungsten carbide drawing dies as well as extrusion dies and any kind of pieces in any hard material like ceramic, silicium carbide that can be worked with diamond. With 50 years’ experience, Agir produce small grinding machines MI 110 to the MI 410, recognised as being one of the sturdiest andmost competitive machines on the market to manufacture drawing or heading dies. The range of Mouton grinding machines expan- ded a year ago with the
launch of the MU 210 (small universal grinding machine) aimed, among others, at the manufacturing of dies for the shaving of metal wires. Agir Technologies – France Fax : +33 3 80518136 Email : ferret@agir-technologies.com Website : www.agir-technologies.com Mouton grinding machines range expanded a year ago ▲
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January 2008 Edition
EuroWire – November 2007
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