EoW May 2012
Technical Articles 64 E ect of Boron alloying on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of high carbon wire By Emmanuel De Moor, Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Centre, andWalther Van Raemdonck, NV Bekaert SA
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Features On • Cable sheathing, armouring and taping material & machinery
Wirkung der Bor-Legierung auf die mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung und die mechanischen Eigenschaften des hochgekohlten Drahts Von Emmanuel De Moor, Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Centre, undWalther Van Raemdonck, NV Bekaert SA
• Focus on Turkey/Greece
• 15 th Anniversary Issue
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E ets des alliages au bore sur l’évolution microstructurelle et sur les propriétés mécaniques du fil à haute teneur en carbone Par Emmanuel De Moor, Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Centre, et Walther Van Raemdonck, NV Bekaert SA E etti delle leghe di boro sull’evoluzione microstrutturale e sulle proprietà meccaniche del filo ad alto tenore di carbonio A cura di Emmanuel De Moor, Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Centre, e Walther Van Raemdonck, NV Bekaert SA Efecto de la aleación de boro en la evoluciónmicroestructural y las propiedades mecánicas del alambre de alto contenido de carbono Por Emmanuel De Moor, Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Centre, y Walther Van Raemdonck, NV Bekaert SA
GettingTechnical Cable Print Verication System
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EuroWire – May 2012
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