EoW May 2012
F c s Italy
Specialising in wire surface treatment
SIRIO Wire Srl specialises in the production of wire surface treatment lines. Its production range includes HCl fumeless pickling, H 2 SO 4 electrolytic pickling, ultrasonic and electrolytic cleaning, electro-plating lines, bronzing lines for beadwire, phosphating, coating and drying. Demand for cleaning processes in the wire industry is continuously increasing, along with increased quality requirements. Ultrasonic cleaning allows the removal of products present on the surface of the wire, such as calcium and sodium stearate lubricant coming from the dry drawing machine, lubricant oil from the wet drawing machine, phosphate coating and others. The main applications can be found in the field of stainless steel wires, oil tempered wires prior to heat treatment, carbon steel wires prior to galvanising, and aluminium alloy wires. Ultrasonic cleaning is the use of high frequency sound waves. In the activity called cavitation, micro-sized bubbles form, grow and implode due to alternating positive and negative pressure waves. Just prior to each bubble’s implosion, there is a tremendous amount of energy stored inside the bubble itself. The implosion event, if it occurs near a hard surface, changes the bubble
Cleaning technology from Sirio
transducers, an electrical generator and a tank containing the cleaning solution. The ultrasonic generator converts a standard electrical frequency of 50 or 60Hz into the high frequencies required. The higher the frequency, the smaller the bubbles created during the cavitation will be. The transducers are constituted of PZT elements (Pb-Zr-Ti) that convert the electrical energy in mechanical vibrations by piezoelectric action. The transducers are installed inside a watertight box made of stainless steel, immersed in the cleaning bath and located some centimetres below the wire field. A watertight cable connects the transducer holding box to the generator. After the cleaning operation, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wire in order to remove the chemical residuals. Sirio Wire has developed a special system working with water under pressure to allow the best rinsing effect. All Sirio Wire equipment is fitted with special mechanical drop traps and effective air wiping devices to minimise the liquid drag out. SirioWire Srl – Italy Website : www.siriowire.com
into a jet, which travels at a speed of approximately 400km/h towards the hard surface. Because of the inherent small size of the jet, ultrasonic cleaning has the ability to reach into small crevices and removed entrapped soils very effectively.
The basic components of an ultrasonic cleaning system include ultrasonic
Cleaning and plating technology Otomec Srl engineers and manufactures customised cleaning and plating plants for the wire, cable and strips industry. The company can provide a wide range of machines, sized to process small volumes of product as well as large outputs, single-multi strand, reel-to-reel, and speeds up to 20m/sec. OTO 5 is a modular, multi-functional plant for in-line preparation of iron wire rod, patented and awarded by the European Community for innovative features, while OTO 4 is a complete plant for the electroplating of steel and non-ferrous wire. The OTO’FF line is a reel-to-reel or basket plant for copper, brass, stainless steel, carbon steel, superconductor, alloys and fine tubes. The model OTO 2 performs in-line coppering of up to 5mm wire, at speeds of up to 20m/sec. The company also produces compact plants for environmental treatment (water, steam) and auxiliary plants. Otomec operates worldwide, providing exclusive technology as a result of almost one hundred years of experience in the field. Otomec Srl – Italy Website : www.otomec.it
EuroWire – May 2012
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