EoW May 2009
Photo credit – BigStockPhoto.com Photographer – Kashtan ‘Mihailovsky Cathedral’
Wires & Fasteners Ukraine 2009 T he international Wires & Fasteners Ukraine 2009 exhibition, organised by TDS-Expo, will be held at the Exhibition Center, KyivExpoPlaza in Kyiv Ukraine, from 10 th to 12 th June. Running concurrently with Tubes & Fittings Ukraine 2009 the exhibition is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine with the support of Ukrtruboprom Association, Ukrzvetmet Concern, Machine-building Engineers and Technologists Association of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Union of Industrial Companies. Last year’s exhibitions attracted more than 150 exhibiting companies from 20 countries, and over 6,500 visitors from across the Ukraine and beyond. The Ukrainian market is of increasing interest; it is the largest European country and enjoys a well-developed industrial base, especially in the metalworking sectors, with an established education system. In 2008 Ukraine was among the largest steel producers in the world but also has a powerful high-technology industry that includes electronics and manufacturing for the defence and space industries. Foreign trade and investment is encouraged in the Ukraine where, traditionally, Germany, Cyprus, Italy, Russia, Netherlands, Austria and Great Britain have been the largest investors. The country’s energy strategy is tomove away from electrical power production based on gas and oil and towards nuclear production, and much infrastructure investment is currently taking place in advance of the 2012 European football championships, supported by the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. In 2008 Ukraine became the 152 nd member of the World Trade Organisation and offers a potential sales market for many foreign companies. Wires & Fasteners Ukraine 2009, and the concurrent exhibitions, will be officially opened on Wednesday 10 th June at 12 noon and remain open until 5.30pm. Opening hours on Thursday (11 th ) will be 10am until 5.30pm, and 10am to 4pm on the final day (Friday). For the first time an international forum, ‘Anticor Ukraine 2009’ will be held alongside the Kyiv Technical Trade Show. TDS-Expo – Ukraine Fax : +380 44 596 93 74 Email : olga@welding.kiev.ua Website : www.weldexpo.com.ua
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