EoW May 2009
english technology news
Test system for titanium rod
The UT test uses one normal incidence and two shear wave transducers to inspect for surface and near-surface defects such as spiral seams and light cracks, inclusions and deep voids. The eddy current single channel test complements the UT test by detecting some very small surface seams or pitting that are poor reflectors of sound. The test system also includes air operated dual pinch stands designed to drive and position the test material accurately, a slide and elevate platform to adjust the UT Rotary, a water recirculation system for the couplant, and automatic markers. The system is mounted on a welded test bench and ‘ learn controls ’ are included to automatically adjust the timing based on the initial test piece. Magnetic Analysis Corp – USA Fax : +1 914 699 9837 Email : contactus@mac-ndt.com Website : www.mac-ndt.com
Magnetic Analysis Corporation, a designer and manufacturer of non-destructive test systems for over 80 years, recently supplied a multi-test eddy current/ ultrasonic system to inspect small diameter (2.54mm to 31.75mm) titanium bars and rods. Testing criteria were AMS-2631B, Class AA for the ultrasonic test (aerospace specifications) and typical eddy current inspection standards for the eddy current test. By combining eddy current and ultra- sonic technology in a comprehensive inspection system, superior test results can be obtained as each technique is used to detect the conditions that it is best suited to find. This particular system incorporates Echomac® FD-4 ultrasonic instrumen- tation, an Echomac Rotary which spins the transducers and water couplant around the bar, and a MultiMac eddy current instrument and test coil. Falcon Topscan AWM system is a vision inspection machine that allows fully automatic thickness measurement on insulating covers and non-metallic sheathings of electric cables. Developed by Falcon Instruments, TopScan AWM is the evolution of the profile projector or of the measuring microscope, achieving the following aims: The system measures the thickness of insulating covers and sheathings, giving the single thickness measurement. The system is also capable of working with varying height cable samples and with a single parallel plane. This is made possible by a particular disposition of the camera. It also allows a double interfacing level with the instrument: the first level is for the line operators; the second one is for a supervisor or for those who are in charge of quality laboratories. All the systems of this product line have been developed using the criterion of the Falcon MMI user interface concept – press a button and measure. Falcon TopScan AWM Measurement objectivity Results repeatability Time and manpower saving • • • • • Ease of use Conformity with CEI 20-34/1-1 and with the international normative
Falcon TopScan AWM from Emmerre ▲ ▲
The instrument has the following metrological characteristics: Measurement repeatability: 1/4000 of the field of view. For example the repeatability of the instrument with a 20mm field of view is equivalent to ±0.005mm. Measurement reliability: 1/2000. For example, instrument reliability with 20mm field of view is equivalent to ±0.01mm. • •
Emmerre Srl – Italy Fax : +39 075 953298
Email : info@emmerresrl.com Website : www.emmerresrl.com
EuroWire – May 2009
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