EuroWire – March 2012
2012 show
26 - 30 March
install and maintain, fully automatic and
extremely reliable with its state-of-the-art
control system, enabling continuous
operation for weeks with little or no
variation in temperatures and wall
thickness/concentricity. The lead wall
thickness can be kept to a minimum
with corresponding savings in lead. A
range of die blocks are available to cover
an extensive diameter range of 6mm
to 225mm (over lead), and a range of
melting pots are available for 10, 18, 35
and 60 tonne capacities.
Additional equipment includes the cable
repair and recovery system (CRRS), which
has the possibility of removing individual
layers, such as the outer jacket, lead
sheath or triple layer XLPE insulation,
without causing any damage to the
subsequent layer below. This enables
the outer jacket, lead sheath or triple
layer XLPE to be re-applied and the cable
repaired. Even if the cable is just going to
be scrapped, the metal price di erences
for insulated or un-insulated cables are
very large and the equipment would
have a very short pay-back period, if the
metals are scrapped in their ‘bright’ form.
H Folke Sandelin AB – Sweden
: +46 141 203 639
www.hfsab.comHighvolt Prüftechnik
Stand: 10H30
Highvolt Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH has
over 100 years’ experience and remains
one of the major players in the industry
of high-voltage and high-current test
systems for on-site and factory testing of
power cables.
The company, located in Dresden, is
known for its innovative spirit, and
German thoroughness. With its strong
market position, Highvolt is active in the
development, design, manufacturing,
supply and erection of test equipment,
components and devices for the cable
industry. One of the key strengths is
the customisation of state-of-the art
Highvolt is a pioneer in the development
of mobile AC test systems with the most
advanced applications for testing and
diagnosis of extruded power cables after
installation or repair on-site.
The special design of resonant test
systems with variable frequency ranging
from 20 to 300Hz, type WRV, creates the
conditions for real AC withstand tests on
long cables after installation.
monitoring and diagnosis complete these
tests. The modular application of these
test systems, especially regarding power
increase, allows real condition tests of
cables with a length up to 100km and
more. Presently, there are more than 100
of Highvolt’s mobile WRV test systems
around the world.
Today, there is a tendency towards
testing of long submarine cables in
one piece. Due to their high capacity,
economical tests of submarine cables
are not possible in the manufacturer’s
Continuous lead extrusion equipment from HFSAB