wire and, with the latest product, zinc/
aluminium wire with diameters ranging
from 1.8mm to 16mm using the latest
and environmentally friendly clean
With Flashwire, Galva ash, Prezinc 500
and the latest Zinoral process, SNTN
provides in coils, in bars and in welded
mesh panels for customers with high
quality standards.
Flashwire is designed to meet the most
stringent production requirement by
providing optimal wire surface quality
(for chrome nish) and fully adapted for
2D/3D CNC wire bending machines. The
wire is very clean with no helix and o ers
uniform mechanical properties.
Galva ash, a shiny galvanised wire is
manufactured through an innovative
and patented in-line galvanising process,
allowing an homogeneity of the zinc
between spots of solder as well as good
forming and bending properties.
Prezinc 500, a corrugated galvanised steel
wire provides e ective protection against
concrete fatigue and corrosion avoiding
cracking and ruptures into the concrete.
The new product, zinc/aluminium wire
will be on display at the show.
SNTN – France
: +33 232 305 531
www.sntn.comSpring Tooling
Stand: 16D24
Spring Tooling Ltd has been one of the
principal manufacturers of precision tools
for spring and wire forming machinery for
over 35 years.
The company will display a range of tooling
in high-speed steel and tungsten carbide.
The tooling manufactured on show will
consist of wire guides, coiling points, feed
rolls, pitch spacers, cutters, mandrels and
a variety of special purpose tooling for
the bedding and seating industry.
Spring Tooling Ltd – UK
: +44 1527 878 990
Stand: 12A12
German surface treatment specialist
e-systems last year and processes e-clean,
e-phos and e-copp instantly became
more popular worldwide.
The e-clean process not only needs a
fractional amount of the usual treatment
time but also achieves far better cleaning
results. During the electrolytic cleaning,
continuous current ows to any spot
of the metal surface and generates
small hydrogen and dioxygen blisters
according to polarisation. The pollutant
particles are blasted away from the
surface by the emerging gas pressure,
resulting in surface cleaning.
The patented e-phos technology is a
phosphating process used for coating of
cold heading and steel wire material. The
in-line production enables the user to
perform the de-scaling and phosphating
process in one pass. Optimum cold-
forming and drawing results are obtained
by the 100 per cent coverage of wire
surface. The ne crystalline structure of
the electrolytically deposited zinc-cal-
cium-phosphate layer quickly dries and
provides, due to the zinc proportion, very
good corrosion protection.
In the e-copp process, dissolved
copper-ions get deposited on the wire
Some of the wire on display at the SNTN stand
A complete continuous wire treatment line
2012 show
26 - 30 March
EuroWire – March 2012