EuroWire – March 2012
Vitari – known for quality, inno-
vation and excellence – has been
processing machinery worldwide since
Over the last two years it has enriched its
production programme by upgrading a
number of its traditional product lines to
meet ever-growing market demands.
complete and comprehensive line of
chain bending and welding machines to
meet the chain industry’s requirements
of Grade 80-100 chain for lifting, mining
and other heavy duty applications.
At the same time Vitari has successfully
launched a new production of cold
headers for the fastener industry as
a complement to its long-standing
tradition in nail machine manufacturing.
All straightening and cutting machines
for both the industrial and construction
industries have been upgraded elect-
ronically, enabling higher processing
speeds and user-friendly handling
of the equipment. Important on-line
accessories like chamfering machinery
have been integrated to the industrial
straightening machines.
In the fencing market segment, upgrades
have been conducted on the chain-link
fencing machinery and a new innovative
reverse-twist barbed wire machine will
be launched to meet with the growing
worldwide demand for this product line.
Hexagonal netting machines for Gabion
production are currently under review
to implement a degree of electronics to
enhance performance.
Vitari SpA – Italy
: +39 035 528 999
www.vitari.comMeeting ever-growing
Known for quality, innovation and excellence
Spirka Schnellflechter has again established itself as a
complex provider of braiding, coiling and spooling machines
in addition to accessory equipment for braiding and spiralling
at its new site in Berlin-Schöneweide.
The braiding machine catalogue comprises vertical and
horizontal rotation braiding machines with 8 to 36 spools,
which can be used for a maximum product diameter up to
Spiralling machines up to 24 spools in the vertical area and up
to 36 spools in the horizontal area, as well as manual and fully
automatic spooling machines, round off the programme.
An important advantage for all customers is the possibility
of being able to obtain the necessary completion equipment
such as band feeders, central band coilers, winding and
unwinding technology and empty spool detection systems
from one provider regardless of the main equipment.
The development of the multi-wire drawing technique and
the demand of many customers for technological solutions
from one provider were the initial spark for integrating fully
automatic spooling machines with up to four spindles for split
wires, as well as the corresponding multi-wire outlets with
dancer control.
Spirka Schnellflechter GmbH – Germany
: +49 305 499 1845
www.spirka-schnellflechter.comBack on the established track