EuroWire – March 2012
26 - 30 March
there are any other lubricant companies
in our sector who o er the same calibre
of specialists that Metalube does. We
have big ambitions but our principal
aims remain to provide the best possible
products and services.”
Metalube specialises in wire and tube
drawing lubricants as well as protective
greases for overhead conductors and is
headquartered in Manchester, UK, where
the site incorporates o ces with ware-
housing, laboratories and manufacturing
Metalube Ltd – UK
: +44 161 775 7511
www.metalube.co.ukMGS Group
Stand: 9D14-07
The MGS Group, which consists of
MGS Manufacturing, Hall Industries
and Northampton Machinery Co, is an
international supplier of automation
and technology solutions for product
handling and twisting systems.
These systems are customised to
optimise customer applications, com-
prehensively designed and ruggedly built
for decades of reliable, consistent service.
Products featured on the stand will be: fully
automatic dual take-up with the unique
robot handling system for depalletising
and palletising, the Northampton triple
twist twinner, the latest design in slip ring
brushes and holders, plus the standard
product range which includes: pay o s,
take-ups, rewinders, dancers, accumulators,
capstans, length counters, air wipes,
swage tools, electric brazers, double twist
bunchers, twinners, and single twist cablers.
The MGS Group – USA
: +1 315 337 4502
www.themgsgroup.comMiltec UV
Stand: 09 F05-06
US-based Miltec UV has introduced
a faster curing, more e cient, high
powered UV curing system, the MPI-400.
This 400-watt per inch electrodeless
UV curing system outperforms the
competition where it matters most. Fast
cure speeds are now possible given the
system’s ability to deliver the highest
peak irradiance UV energy at the focal
point. The MPI-400 is an excellent choice
for manufacturing optical bre, colouring
of optical bre, bre reinforcement,
polymer coatings (FRP), ribbon cable
manufacturing and curing inkjet printing
on labelling.
Inherent bene ts include long bulb life,
stable UV output for the life of the bulb,
low heat (IR) emissions, modular design
for ease of installation, fast starting lamps
eliminating the need for shutters, and
much more. This unit uses less electrical
consumption with energy savings of 25
per cent.
The MPI-400 features the patent pending
Automatic dual take-up