EoW March 2012
News Technology
Regg Inspection introduces the new i-360 Viewer “Cube” for first article inspection. ‘Cube’ gives a 360 degree view The Cube from Regg ▲ ▲ The system is based on a hi-resolution vision system with proprietary software built and outfitted for fastener products and many other manufactured components.
The system features a 2 1 / 3
”x3 1 / 8 ” vision area, while maintaining a considerable accuracy
and repeatability down to +/- 3 microns.
All taken simultaneously in less than a second, and a rotation option allows the system to take full radial measurements. The i-360 Viewer 'Cube' is a reliable and precise measuring instrument and designed to be very easy to use. On-site technical service can assist customers in all major markets. measurements are
Regg Inspection – Italy Fax : +39 029 574 4153
Email : info@regginspection.it Website : www.regginspection.it
OptoTest’s OP930 insertion loss and return loss meter for fibre-optic components now includes -80db RL measurement range. This feature will be standard on all single mode models. “The OptoTest product is one that is functional and methodically designed to meet the needs of our customers and adapt as those needs change,” stated Caroline Connolly, director of sales. The OP930 meter measures insertion loss and return loss on fibre-optic components using the “no mandrel” method to measure return loss, so neither matching gel nor mandrel wraps are required. A precision optical power meter is included for measuring insertion loss. The unit works with a USB interface, and comes with turnkey application software. OptoTest Corporation – USA Fax : +1 805 832 6414 New feature for loss meter
Email : sales@optotest.com Website : www.optotest.com
EuroWire – March 2012
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