EoW March 2012

wire 2012 show

26 - 30 March

surface in an acidic bath by an exterior power supply unit. The crystal pro le of the electro-deposited copper layer is denser, more homogeneous and less porous than the chemically deposited copper layer. The copper layer, free from pores, averts the copper salts or acid radicals. The advantages of cleaning and coating wire surfaces with e-systems in regard to the traditional chemical processes are obvious: very short treatment periods, lower consumption of chemicals, lower bath temperature, avoidance of waste water to neutralise and no creation of bath pollution. All this allows a considerable increase in productivity while reducing production costs and being an environmentally friendly process. Staku-Anlagenbau GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 644 613 71

the wire industry. Svensson produces and designs cable drums made of wood, plywood, plastic and steel and related lifting and handling equipment.

The company’s stand at a previous exhibition

Supplying the cable and wire industry with a wide range of drums and other packaging, lifting and handling equipment, the company can also provide expertise through good product knowledge. The company possesses special quali cations in wood/plywood, plastic and steel drums. It can also produce hybrid solutions such as wood drums with steel core, etc. Svensson Group – Sweden Fax : +46 34 656 909 Email : info@svenssongroup.se Website : www.svenssongroup.se Tecnovo series of wire drawing lubricants which combine demands for high quality and performance with indispensible sustainability criteria: composed of natural raw materials and from renewable sources they have a low environmental impact. These innovative products con rm Tecnovo’s standing as a leading research company and partner for manufacturers in the industry. Tecnoline ST/13 is a new salt for wire drawing preparation and is 100 per cent free from Borax and Boron derivatives. Thanks to an exclusive formulation it interacts with the wire drawing lubricant and gives improved lubrication on the surface of wire and wire rod compared to normal products. Tecnolubre FM913-915 are innovative sodium-based wire drawing lubricants, 100 per cent free from Borax and Boron derivatives and nitrites. They reduce dust in the working environment, cut consumption and eliminate product waste. ➣➢➣ presents a new Tecnovo Srl Stand: 11A62

Email : info@staku-gmbh.de Website : www.staku-gmbh.de

Suzuki Garphyttan Stand: 12D04

No company becomes a market leader in its niche by chance. Neither does Suzuki Garphyttan which has earned the position by hard work, consistently and successfully on all levels.

Consistent hard work by Suzuki Garphyttan

The company’s success is continuously measured against the goals in the Suzuki Garphyttan Lean System and key gures are well known to all employees. Suzuki Garphyttan – Sweden Email : info@suzuki-garphyttan.com Website : www.suzuki-garphyttan.com

Svensson Stand: 11H73

Svensson Group is a corporate group specialising in storage and handling equipment with emphasis in cables and


EuroWire – March 2012

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