EoW March 2012
wire 2012 show
26 - 30 March
The square data matrix code consists of dots. Like the traditional barcode it can be read out with a customary 2D laser scanner. Besides the low costs, the data matrix code requires less space than conventional bar codes and has a high fault tolerance. Compared to the RFID technique (radio- frequency identi cation) that works with the help of magnetic elds, the winding material, normally copper, does not in uence the readability of the data matrix. The shielding e ect of the copper has no in uence on the code.
Häfner & Krullmann Stand: 09A25
Would it help your business to know the following: How many times have you used a spool? How long is the cycle time for spool return? All this information and more can be gained with spools that are equipped with the data matrix chip.
The data matrix chip on a spool
The data matrix chip is applied on the ange facing of returnable spools. A transparent, replaceable protection cover can avoid contamination and scratches of the marking. If it happens that the marking is nevertheless not readable, the protection cover can be easily replaced. Besides the identi cation number that can be linked clearly to a certain spool, the data matrix code can hold further product information. Upon speci cation, the chip can contain a serial shipping container number (SSCC), provided by the customer. The code can be read with a common 2D laser scanner, which is usually available in most logistics supply chains. With the help of the customer's ERP system, the chip can be analysed and useful information recorded, eg the total number of uses and duration of the cycles. Hafner’s strengths are individual projects and product solutions. Besides the data matrix chip, the company will be exhibiting further product developments. These include a new delivery spool with a 610mm diameter and the precision delivery spool 10-S for the photovoltaic industry. Häfner & Krullmann GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 528 700 4119 Email : jan.haefner@hafner-spools.com Website : www.hafner-spools.com
Hefei Smarter Stand: 11D08
Hefei Smarter Technology Group Corp is a liated to CNBM and located at
EuroWire – March 2012
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