EoW March 2010
technology news
Cable and fibre marking
Video system for monitoring the • print quality of fast-running cable printing machines, allowing real-time inspection for poor quality or missing prints A laser marking system for cables • The capacity of any system can be significantly increased, quickly and easily, simply by exchanging individual components. New components from Medek & Schörner are always compatible – even if a system has already been in operation for many years. Cable marking machines from Medek & Schörner can be easily maintained by the operating staff. High-speed optical fibre processing systems offer optical fibre
Medek & Schörner covers virtually the entire spectrum of machines for marking cables and coding optical fibres. The cable marking machine range features: High quality gravure printers at • speeds up to 1,200m/min, including an ‘intelligent’ ink pump system Water misting unit for the application • of fine water dust for pre-cooling of the hot wire immediately after the extruder Embossing metre markers or hot foil • sequential metre markers for accuracy of length measurement of cables High performance ring markers for • marking telephone wires, switchboard wires, automotive and LAN cables
Cable marking fromMedek & Schörner ▲ ▲
colour coding up to 3,000m/min and ring marking of optical fibres. Medek & Schörner GmbH – Austria Fax : +43 1982 72 96 Email : m+s@medek.at Website : www.medek.at
Serving the copper bonding wire market
SOMA’s focus on systems for fine wire drawing, annealing, measuring and rewinding is expanding to copper bonding wire. Copper is a viable replacement for gold bonding wire but intense price pressure in consumer electronics has driven solutions for copper bond wire in a growing number of chip applications. Copper bonding wire is forecast at 50% compound growth, replacing up to US$1 billion of gold wire over the next five years in the expanding semiconductor market. Bare copper bonding wire (of around 20mm diameter) requires a fully annealed final condition, and has stringent criteria for surface quality and negligible oxidation. SOMA has standard and customised fine wire solutions for such copper applications. Machine design technology, software and set-up are all critical to the high speed drawing of copper bonding wire, using wet or dry capstan designs depending on the diameter range. Process and production are monitored on-line, and machine software can be serviced remotely.
Copper bonding wire annealing and spooling are particularly challenging for negligible oxidation, maximum softness and surface quality preservation. High run-speed is critical for the best return on floor space and machine investment in any fine wire process step. SOMA’s proven high-speed PC control systems and annealing oven designs are said to provide precise tension control, lowest oxidation and best wind quality. SOMA AG – Switzerland Fax : +41 44 938 9838
Email : info@somafinewire.ch Website : www.somafinewire.ch
Daloo range for 2010
Daloo, launched by the Gauder Group in 2008, is believed to be the first manufacturer in China with the support of European expertise and experience.
Daloo offers standard pay- offs and take-ups, rewinding lines, pulling caterpillars and rigid stranders. The payoff and take-up range will be extended during 2010. Daloo Machines – China Fax : +86 519 8548 3557 Email : sales@daloo-machines.com Website : www.daloo-machines.com
Manufactured in China with ▲ ▲ European expertise
EuroWire – March 2010
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