EoW March 2010
corporate news
Increased circulation a boost at wire Düsseldorf 2010
our advertisers better publicity and exposure, while providing readers with a free magazine full of show highlights and the latest industry news at the world’s number one wire and cable trade show.” EuroWire, Intras Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1926 314755
At this year’s wire Düsseldorf 2010 exhibition, leading trade magazines EuroWire and Wire & Cable ASIA will be distributed to incoming visitors from a purpose-built stand in the main North Entrance to the exhibition halls (stand number EN03). Paul Browne, group advertising manager, explains: “We have been able to secure this excellent distribution point in addition to our regular stand in Hall 11 (11D28). The additional location will ensure that all visitors to the exhibition are given an opportunity to pick up a magazine on entry to the show grounds. “Our aim is to provide our clients and advertisers with the maximum possible coverage for their businesses during one of the most important shows in our industry’s calendar. Times have been tough over the last year and we want to make sure our advertisers get maximum benefit from their investment in our magazines.” EuroWire magazine already has a circulation of in excess of 18,000 copies to 89 countries worldwide, whilst Wire & Cable ASIA magazine has a circulation of over 12,000 copies to China and Southeast Asia. The boosted circulation for wire Düsseldorf 2010 exhibition will increase the overall circulation of the magazine by 20% to over 36,000 copies worldwide (joint circulation). Paul Browne added: “Now we are offering a heightened service to our clients at the biggest show in our industry. We’re giving
Email : intras@intras.co.uk Website : www.intras.co.uk
58 th IWCS success!
The 2009 (58 th ) International Wire and Cable and Connectivity Conference took place between 8 th and 11 th November with nearly 1,100 attendees, 124 exhibitors, nine professional development courses and 108 technical papers. Papers presented included new and emerging technologies in materials, cable design, applications, and connectivity. Delegates from 32 countries and nearly half of the States participated, making the 58 th IWCS conference a great success. The 59 th IWCS conference is scheduled for November 7 th to 10 th 2010, to be held in Providence, Rhode Island, and the show will be back in Charlotte in 2011.
International Wire & Cable Symposium – USA Fax : +1 732 389 0991 Website : www.iwcs.org
EuroWire – March 2010
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