EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
Meet the sta of EuroWire magazine
Sta from EuroWire magazine – the only trade publication published in six languages – will be pleased to meet you during wire 2010. The magazine, circulated to more than 18,000 readers across 89 countries worldwide, allows western companies unpre- cedented access to and exchange with one of the largest and fastest growing markets in our industry. EuroWire provides up-to-date technical and corporate news, bringing the latest business developments to its readers. This is your chance to meet the people behind the magazine, whether you wish to discuss advertising, promotion or editorial for your company.
You can meet the members of the team at Stand 11 D28.
EuroWire – UK
Fax : +44 1926 314755
Email : intras@intras.co.uk
Website : www.read-eurowire.com
Hallen/ Halls 9 – 12, 15 – 17
Draht-, Kabel- und Glasfaser- maschinen, Draht- und Kabelproduktion und -handel Wire, Cable and Fibre Optic Machinery, Wire and Cable Production and Trade
Federfertigungstechnik Spring Making
Umformtechnik Fastener Technology
Hallen/ Halls 1– 7.0
Internationale Rohr-Fachmesse International Tube and Pipe Trade Fair
join the best 12 – 16 April 2010 Düsseldorf, Germany
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