EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
➣➢➣ This line can be equipped with WTM high-speed concentric back-twist payo feeders, coupled with in-line tapers and/ or other control devices. WTM Srl – Italy Fax : +39 049 8705599 Email : info@wtmachinery.com Website : www.wtmachinery.com
Yield Management Corporation Stand: 9F13-04
collecting die. Stopping the machine before the collecting die makes the cable repair more e cient, improving product quality and productivity. Manufacturers of power cables or underground cables who require mini- mum continuous lengths report the greatest cost savings. Other users include those who strand non-conductive materials such as glass bre where conventional wire break detections systems fail. Yield Management Corp – USA Fax : +1 413 283 7778 Email : sales@yieldmanagementcorp.com Website : www.yieldmanagementcorp.com Zumbach Electronic AG Stand: 11D43 Zumbach will present many new developments and products. The following is a summary of the most important: Sensors: New laser based diameter gauges • for small cables and wires. Besides the complete line of ODAC ® laser diameter gauges, new models with special laser beam geometry, fault detection function and high scan rate will be exhibited New measuring gauge for large • dimensions using HLF technology 3-axis laser diameter gauges with • incorporated fault detection New, compact 3-axis fault detectors • The advanced ODEX • ® concentricity and diameter gauge for wire extrusion. Fully non-contact, based on magnetic and laser technology Ultrasonic wall thickness scanners • with quick and easy adaptation to cable diameters and space-saving integration Typical placement of wire break detection monitors ▲
Yield Management Corporation will release a new product for detecting wire breaks in stranding and cabling machines. The system monitors individual spool rotation using optical sensors mounted outside the machine’s rotation, and detects a non-rotating spool in less than 1.5m of product travel, stopping the machine before the broken wire reaches the next section. The broken wire can be repaired, preserving the nished product and reducing costly scrap. This method of detection has been proven to be fail- safe in all applications and signi cantly improves productivity and product quality. The product can be custom con gured for most planetary and rigid frame and planetary cabling machinery and utilises a Siemens hardware platform and HMI. The HMI provides the operator interface for initial set-up and continuous monitoring. The operator selects which spools are expected to run and enters the product lay for each machine section. Once con gured, no other inputs are required. When the machine starts, the system continuously monitors each spool and is una ected by machine speed. The system does not rely on slip rings or expensive radio frequency transducers and is said to be simple to maintain and operate as a result. Most existing wire break detection systems monitor the collecting die. Repairing a wire break after it has passed the forming die takes longer and is more di cult. The YMC system monitors spool rotation and detects wire breaks, often before the wire end reaches the
EuroWire – March 2010
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