EoW March 2010
wire April 12-16
Even with re ective surfaces the high- resolution image sensors determine their unique structure by means of the di raction analysis (patent is pending for this technology).
Existing non-destructive inspection technology is capable of detecting only surface defects, while the IRIS 5000 detects voids in the centre of the cast bar. This allows the user of IRIS 5000 to grade rod with con dence that the wire drawer will not encounter wire breaks due to poor input metal or inappropriate casting practices. Southwire Company – USA Fax : +1 770 838 6600
Taymer International Inc Stand: 9D06-04 Pinholes, neck-downs, bulges, blemishes can be detected using Taymer International Inc’s newly developed SI4200. Taymer latest inspection system can detect all jacket defects with a single system, saving oor space and cost. The system provides 360 degrees of coverage of the wire at line speeds up to 200m/min.
Email : scrsales@southwire.com Website : www.southwire.com
Draw tower with Sikora‘s bre diameter gauge ▲ heads and a lump detector
Sikora will be introducing the second generation of its successful diameter Laser gauge heads. The new Laser Series 6000 includes a number of technological innovations, one being a measuring rate of 2.5 kHz.
Sikora AG – Germany Fax : +49 421 489009 0 Email : sales@sikora.net Website : www.sikora.net
Southwire Company (SCR Technologies) Stand: 9F13-01
Southwire will introduce the IRIS 5000 infrared inspection system. IRIS 5000 detects porosity during the continuous casting of copper bar. The system uses an infrared camera to measure surface temperature as the copper bar exits the casting wheel and after-cooler. A statistical algorithm using the temperature pro le from the IR camera has been developed. Evaluation of the statistical algorithm leads to the detection of voids of less than 1/8 th of an inch diameter. This patent pending technology allows the user to characterise the size and frequency of the void in real time. SCR Technologies
EuroWire – March 2010
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