EoW March 2010
corporate news
Fort Wayne Wire Die, Inc (FWWD) and its European sales office, Fortek GmbH, have announced the addition of three new independent agents to its global sales force, expanding its reach in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, Australia and New Zealand. Branislav Jerinkic is an independent representative with 13 years’ experience in the wire and cable industry, primarily in the sales of tube and wire drawing lubricants. With a master’s degree in chemical science and an additional 20 years’ experience in the chemical industry, he is said to bring unique wire-drawing technology expertise to Fortek customers throughout Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (email: bfgbjerinkic@sezampro.yu). Fortek customers in Greece can call on George Symeonides of Druna Ltd. During his decade in the wire and cable industry, Symeonides has experience representing suppliers of steel and tungsten carbide rolls and cassettes, extrusion tools, carbide saw blades, graphite products, lubricants, machinery and other products (email: gps@druna.gr). In Australia and New Zealand, Oliver Blaufelder of Machinery Forum Pty Ltd will offer Fort Wayne Wire Die customers 30 years’ experience in the wire and cable industry. With a bachelor of manufacturing engineering degree and a near lifetime of touring cable plants around the world, Blaufelder offers customers highly skilled applications and service support (email: machinery@machineryforum.com.au). For over 70 years Fort Wayne Wire Die Inc has designed and manufactured high-precision wire drawing dies and hard-material components for the wire and cable industry. Fort WayneWire Die Inc – USA Fax : +1 260 747 4269 Three new independent agents
Email : sales@fwwd.com Website : www.fwwd.com
Open house achieves its AIM
Fanuc Robotics show- cased its new, low inertia robots along with vision inspection and in-line tracking where a robot picked parts from a moving conveyor. BFEntrondemonstrated the new mid-frequency DC welding controls, welding parts produced by a 2D AIM wire bender.RMGshowcased a new descaler line,
Visitors getting the lowdown on new AIM technology ▲ ▲
Over 150 visitors from across the world attended the open house staged by AIM, in collaboration with IncRMG, ENTRON, Krueger Steel and Fanuc Robotics. The event was hosted at the AIM factory in Addison, Illinois on 16 th and 17 th November, to coincide with the Fabtech trade show. AIM Inc and the co-sponsors rolled out their new developments with ten machines on display, covering themajority of wire bending and manufacturing requirements. The new “Synchro” bender was especially well received.
feeding a wiredrawing machine that in turn fed a 16mm 3-dimensional AIM CNC bender. Krueger Steel provided all the wire used for the open house. “The turnout was better than that of a trade show. We sold three new machines at the open house,” said Constantine Grapsas, the company’s founder and managing director. AIM Inc – USA Fax : +1 630 458 0730 Email : info@aimmachines.com Website : www.aimmachines.com
EuroWire – March 2010
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