EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
of cables and can suit any extrusion line. The enlarged series comprises crossheads for cables up to 110mm in core diameter for di erent application areas. The challenge in distributor design is to nd the optimum dimensions of the distributor to attain a balanced ow at the exit. Rosendahl’s distributor concept is said to guarantee homogeneous material ow, independent of the processed materials or the output. This optimised material ow provides high centricity and allows a reduction in average wall thickness, therefore reducing manufacturing costs. Rosendahl has conducted mechanical calculations and rheological analysis of the crosshead series using the latest nite element simulation programmes. The simulation can also compute pressure, temperature rise, velocity, and stress and strain rate distributions over the entire simulation domain. Especially when designing the distributor, it is
Automatch uncoiler from Rockford
Rockford Manufacturing Group Inc (RMG) – USA Fax : +1 815 624 7254 Email : rmgfelm@rmgfelm.com Website : www.rmgfelm.com
The Rosendahl crosshead series
important to adapt the distributor’s channels to the ow path of the melt. To o er a broad material spectra, Rosendahl researched with university institutes on a wide range of materials for the cable industry and now o ers a material database that includes standard as well as special material (foamed material blends, LSOH, XLPE). Rosendahl Maschinen GmbH – Austria Fax : +43 3113 5100 59 Email : o ce@rosendahlaustria.com Website : www.rosendahlaustria.com
Rosendahl Maschinen GmbH Stand: 9A74
Rosendahl will be exhibiting a new, enlarged crosshead series. The Rosendahl crosshead series applies to the requirements of di erent types
EuroWire – March 2010
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