EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
➣➢➣ every time, minimising downtime and materials wastage. Power consumption is limited to the hydraulic pump motor, making the P1500 very energy e cient and economical to operate. No set up time is involved and the weld cycle takes only minutes with automatic de- ashing on completion. PWM’s EP500 rod welder will also be on show. This electro/pneumatic model has a capacity of 5mm to 12.5mm (0.197" to 0.492") copper and 5mm to 15mm (0.59") aluminium. PWM’s versatile trolley-mounted cold welders can be wheeled quickly to the work area, saving time and e ort. Portable models include the air/ hydraulic HP100 and HP200 machines, capable of welding wire up to 6.5mm (0.256") diameter; and the pneumatic P101 for wire from 1mm to 5mm (0.04" to 0.197"). PWM will also exhibit its manual cold welders with capacities ranging from 0.1mm (0.0039") up to 3.6mm (0.141") copper and 5mm (0.197") aluminium. The range includes lightweight, hand- held machines, ideal for welding ne wire in con ned spaces; durable bench-mounted welders and a bench/ trolley-mounted model, the best-selling M101. PWM manufactures industry standard dies for wire sizes between 0.08mm (0.0039") and 6.35mm (0.257"). All PWM dies are individually hand- made to the tightest possible tolerances by skilled craftsmen in PWM’s own UK workshops. Dies can also be manufactured to suit round or pro le wires and rods according to customers’ speci cations. PWM Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1233 820591
A coiling machine from PS Costruzioni
The following improvements in the PS 470/16 automatic coiling line, working with a cable range of 2x1mm 2 up to a maximum of 4x6mm 2 NYM, have been established and will be illustrated at wire Düsseldorf. 15% increase in linear speed compared to previous PS 470/16. Now 3.35 coils per minute, 100 metres long of 5x2.5 NYM cable (20,000 metres per hour). Less maintenance; a result of removing the mechanical transmission and instal- ling the main motor in axis with the winding plates. The linear speed of the double head automatic spooling line, PS200/6-B, has been increased by 25%. At 36,500m per hour the line will produce four spools, of 152m long, per minute. The machine works with a cable range of 16AWG up to a maximum of 10AWG. PS Costruzioni Meccaniche Srl – Italy Fax : +39 03968 98769 Email : ps@pscostruzioni.com Website : www.pscostruzioni.com
Email : pwm@btinternet.com Website : www.pwmltd.co.uk
PS Costruzioni Stand: 10B21
The philosophy of PS engineering is one of continuous development and a continual search for improvement.
EuroWire – March 2010
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