EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
➣➢➣ The rst results of this research programme will be presented at the wire Düsseldorf Exhibition during a symposium to be held in the afternoon of 15 th April 2010 at the CCD (Congress Center Düsseldorf). Newtech will also show the plans for a new plant, into which the company will move during summer 2010. Newtech is active in the eld of wire enamelling and insulating machines. Its range of enamelling machines covers all sizes of round magnet wires from 0.09mm to 1.2mm for horizontal equipment, and from 0.7mm to 5mm for vertical equipment, as well as square and rectangular from 4mm 2 to 64mm 2 in both aluminium and copper. Newtech Srl – Italy Fax : +39 0536 813 081 Energy e ciency is the current catch phrase in the wire and cable industry. At wire 2010 Maschinenfabrik Nieho GmbH & Co KG will present the results of a thorough development in the energy e ciency of its products. All exhibits will feature Nieho ’s new, state-of-the-art drives with optimised components that ensure considerable energy savings. Moreover, the use of raw materials and working materials is reduced, which in turn reduces operational and material costs. The exhibits correspond to the current safety regulations of the machinery directive RL 2006/42/EG and feature a brand new and functionally optimised design. Some of the machines shown are completely new constructions. The equipment to be displayed includes the new MSM 224 drawing machine with RI 250 induction annealer for the intermediate wire range; an MMH 50 multiwire drawing machine with RM 121 continuous annealer; two double-twist bunchers (D 401 with ARH 630 payo , and a D 1001 model); a DSA rewinding machine; a BMV 16 rotary Email : info@newtechsrl.com Website : www.newtechsrl.com Maschinenfabrik Nieho GmbH & Co KG Stand: 10C18
MSM 224 wire drawing machine for the ▲ intermediate wire range
braiding machine, and a DSI 631 double twist strander with ARD 630 D double twist back twist payo and ALB 600 longitudinal tape payo . Last but not least there will be a newly developed RFID system on display, speci cally designed for the management of braiding spools and NPS spools. Maschinenfabrik Nieho GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 9122 977 155 Email : info@nieho .de Website : www.nieho .de Nieho Endex North America – USA Fax : +1 856 467 0584 The highlight on the stand will be the new design of single twist machine, MTO 1250, able to hold the standard bobbin with 80mm bore by use of 2 pintles. Also on show will be a lm of the rst ever aluminium strand Unilay 61 wire (1,000mcm/500mm 2 ) produced on the DTO 2500. The programme includes other types of rotating machine in common sizes, as well as the related payo s and taping heads. OM Lesmo Group maintains subsidiaries in Germany (Lesmo Machinery Germany GmbH) and distribution in North America (Lesmo Machinery America, Inc). Recently, OM Lesmo has undertaken strategic alliances and acquisitions, opened an o ce in the USA and changed its brand logo. OM Lesmo Group – Italy Fax : +39 039 6981148 Email : info@omlesmo.com Website : www.omlesmo.com Email : sales@nieho endex.com Website : www.nieho -usa.com OM Lesmo Group Stand: 11A28
EuroWire – March 2010
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