EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
➣➢➣ In addition to the well-known LUBRIFIL VA 7001, the new LUBRIFIL VA 7090, LUBRIFIL VA 7081 and LUBRIFIL VA 5001 are designed for drawing high carbon steel (steel cord, springs, PC wire and strand), stainless steel (all applications) and for welding wires production. As an alternative to the use of borax in pre-drawing treatments (borax coating), Lubrimetal has also successfully tested two new borax-free salt carriers called STEELFOR ITS/21 (for all carbon steel grades) and STEELFOR 7030 (for stainless steel). These salts are also suitable for both in-line and batch treatments. A new generation of emulsi able lubricant will also be on display: LUBRIOL CU 55 and CU 550. Also on display will be the new LUBRIOL ALM 90, o ering low viscosity and high lubricity for aluminium applications.
M&MMetal Wire Co Ltd Stand: 11G26
M & M is among leading suppliers of both low carbon and high carbon wire and wire products, including wire for armouring cable, ACSR conductor core, fencing wire, stitching wire and other galvanised and annealed wire products. All the traditional wire types will be on show, together with a new product for 2010 – double twisted binding wire in small coils, easier and more e cient for the construction site. M&MMetal Wire Co Ltd – China Fax : +86 10 8492 8449 Email : meshmaster@163.com Website : www.china-ironwire.com
Typical images from Nagform
software (NAGFORM, NAGSIM.2d and NAGSIM.3D) to help users advance quickly from part print to manufacturing process. Through these products, users can design the part progressions (using NAGFORM) and test tooling (using NAGSIM.2D/NAGSIM.3D) before invest- ing in resources. Metal Forming Systems continually upgrades and improves its software and will be introducing new versions of NAGFORM and NAGSIM at wire Düsseldorf.
Metal Forming Systems Inc Stand: 15F21
Lubrimetal SpA – Italy Fax : +39 0341 422386
Email : info@lubrimetal.com Website : www.lubrimetal.com
Metal Forming Systems Inc develops and supplies forming design and simulation
EuroWire – March 2010
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