EoW March 2010
wire April 12-16
60kg spools at 2,500m per minute or 100kg spools at 2,000m per minute, and prooftesters running at 2,500m per minute with 60kg spools or 2,000m per minute with 100kg spools.
This may realise signi cant bene ts in cost downs and reduced component piece/part cost with increased overall equipment e ciency. CTR has ISO9001/ASEN9100 accredi- tation. CTR Carbide Dies Ltd – UK
CTR Carbide Dies Ltd Stand: 15D25
CTR will announce its new design of ceramic tooling and dies available to manufacturers of airframe rivets and fasteners. The new ceramic dies are designed to increase overall tool life with added piece/part productivity of around 15-20%, depending upon process conditions.
Fax : +44 121 773 9342 Email : info@ctr-uk.com Website : www.ctr-uk.com
DCM Industries Inc Stand: 9F09-02
Ceramic tooling from CTR
DCM will introduce the new 3S-XLD cable measuring system. With DCM 3S solid state switching technology, the 3S-XLD o ers the highest performance LAN cable testing system on the market. The model 3S-XLD will test category 5, 6 and 7 cables for all of the standard testing parameters, including cross- talk, insertion loss, return loss, SRL, impedance and more. The system is equipped with full 28-pair test xtures for cat 5 and 6 cables and
Ritekom draw tower from Conductix Wamplfer
New for data & LAN telecommunication cables are a rotating capstan running at 600 tpm and a 4-stand longitudinal taping unit. These machines are dedi- cated to tape and strand 4 pairs.
ConductixWamplfer, Delachaux SA – France Fax : +33 479 455005 Website : www.conductix.com
EuroWire – March 2010
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