EoW March 2010
corporate news
CharityWeek success Allied Wire & Cable’s 2009 Charity Week in December raised $9,223.31, benefitting seven charities. The Make-A-Wish Foundation received $7,727.31 and six other charities, American Farmland Trust, ASPCA, Autism Speaks, Coalition to Support America’s Heroes, Meals on Wheels Association of America and Susan G Komen for the Cure, each received $250. the Make-A-Wish Foundation, was chosen by Allied’s customers in a month-long poll held on its website. Allied greatly appreciates all the support it has received from customers that made this Charity Week a success. Dennis Heron and Karen Traten of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, accepting the $7,727.31 cheque from Allied Wire staff ▲ ▲
AlliedWire & Cable – USA Email : info@awcwire.com Website : www.awcwire.com
Each year, Allied sets aside a portion of sales for a full week in December to donate to a chosen charity. This year’s benefactor,
EuroWire – March 2010
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