EoW March 2010
April 12 - 16
➣➢➣ Compacted conductors of copper • and aluminium for LV, MV and HV insulated conductors Sector conductors (Milliken) of • copper and aluminium for high and extra-high voltage insulated conductors Aluminium (AAAC, ACSR) aerial con- • ductors with round or trapezoidal wires Screening with copper wires (single • or multi-wire) for MV and HV conductors Armouring with galvanised steel • wires
With over 60 years of experience in the design and manufacture of rotating machinery for the production of power and telecommunication cables and steel ropes, CM Caballé provides the cable industry with a wide array of stranding, twinning, bunching and cabling machinery. Construcciones Mecánicas Caballé SA – Spain Fax : +34 93 399 0008
They are su ciently friable to allow self-dressing of wheels but also very tough, holding 3M Cubitron grain longer than other bonds. The result is reduced heating and damage to steel during operation and this ensures higher quality springs in terms of geometry and consistency of deformation under load. Camfart tested E5 bond with di erent spring manufacturers on di erent machines, grinding a wide variety of hardened carbon steel springs and inox springs. In downfeed grinding of carbon steel wire of 4mm–6mm diameter, the spark time is said to decrease by 30% and wheel life increase by 50%.
Email : caballe@cmcaballe.es Website : www.cmcaballe.es
Camfart Srl Stand: 16A16
Camfart will present its latest of range of products for coil spring end grinding. The new bonds developed by Camfart are speci cally designed to exploit the cutting action of 3M Cubitron TM sintered abrasives. The latest development is the E-bond family, E3, E4 and E5, which is based on an improved sintering system to optimally bond seeded gel abrasives.
Drum twister for Milliken conductors up to ▲ 3,000mm
Grinding wheels from Camfart
EuroWire – March 2010
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